Being Mary Jane
Being Mary Jane
TV-14 | 02 July 2013 (USA)

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    TinsHeadline Touches You
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    abanat1 First Season was exciting. Also because Omari Hardwick playing Andre Daniels. I am a man and i like his acting. Mary Jane is becoming a soap and its become too depressing. Fist season brought excitement and spice. But second season is pale and stretchy.. Simply i was a fan of this show but i stopped watching after four episodes of 2nd season. 1 Season was good but now its become so boring... What i would like to suggest is stop moping around. It looks like a rich black women who has emotional issues and she cant deal with it. While rest of world dies from poverty. And Mary has so many problems than she has to cry and mope all the time. Her life is horrible compare to ours.
    MeMeTellem Season one, Mary Jane was likable. Sure, she had an affair with a married man but she didn't know he was married until she stepped on his ring. After the fact, she made some clueless decisions but her character was still likable. Then towards the last two or three episodes, the series got a little ridiculous. Mary Jane's character had gone from this strong, independent, love crazy, indecisive, intelligent woman to a teenager who's boy crazy and who's best friend is egging this on. This show isn't the only show to have a few hiccups so on to season two. Season two doesn't seem to have much of a story line. Mary Jane can't decide whether or not if she wants David and every time she gets him right where she wants him, she decides she can't do this anymore. The "this" she caused. The whole season was this long drawn out drama of Mary Jane taking shots for a news report, doing her job as a host and as a family member, wanting not wanting David, telling people off, and nagging. Her character came very close to being unlikable. Mary Jane expected her friend to put her job on the line to save her...the same friend that chose her career over her marriage. It was proved in season one that her friend loved her career the most. So what makes Mary Jane actually think she was going to do that? Mary Jane also hangs the phone up in peoples faces when they don't give her the answer she was looking for. She also told a lot of her family members what they should be doing with their lives. There was no update of the married man and his wife. So, i'm guessing they just moved on with their lives. Gabrielle Union is a good actress and for her sake I hope this show improves. However, at this rate it would be lucky to see a season 4.
    mariabjazzin-519-383278 I was delighted to see original programming from BET. Though I've only viewed the first two episodes, Gabrielle is a talented actress and we'll see much more from her. I have a couple of concerns regarding the production and character portrayal. 1) I'm not sure whose job it is to get rid of the "echos" and "hollow" sounds, but the sound does need attention. If this is BET production staff, please upgrade the equipment or get better consultants on how to achieve a smoother and more consistent sound. 2) Knowing that it takes time to set up "big" camera shots (and time costs money), every series should still have a few. It just felt like a "point and shoot" production. More expertise in this area would increase the visual aesthetics.3) The audio/visual transitions between scenes, i.e., background music and location changes, are amateurish. Again BET must seek out people with higher skill levels.Regarding the portrayal of a woman being in love, I found it totally "artificial" to see her begging for the married man's attention the following morning, as if her whole life depended on his seeing her attentiveness, this educated and high profile woman. The portrayal reminded me more of a dog trying to please its' master.Hopefully, some of these concerns will be addressed in future episodes/seasons. Let's see.
    mytory123 I am a young black woman. 24 years old with one child and I am pregnant with my second boy. I am married and I am thankful for my family and my awesome husband whom I love and fight for everyday. I work very hard for my family and for my children and I fight with God behind me. I am a mother, a wife, I work full time and I am trying to open my first business (a group home supporting other young women). I respect the idea of Mary Jane being a business focused women. But I do not respect the fact that BET makes it look okay for one black women to take what another black woman worked for. I work hard for my family everyday and I adore and love my family. Sometimes there are good days and sometimes there are bad days. But it is not okay for a woman to come in and take another woman's hard work because the truth is, she is lonely. As black women there needs to be an image of supporting one another and strength. Not tearing one another down for our own selfish desires. I have always enjoyed Gabrielle Unions strength in her movies but in this show she sold out. She sold out her strong image and her morals and she sold out the women who do not take but work really hard for what they really want in life. I tell you what, those girls who think it's okay to sleep with a married man is going to run into the wrong wife one day... then it won't be as entertaining. I just want our black women to honor one another because it seems like now on every program and TV show black women are either fighting or sleeping around or calling one another names... And I am 24 years old, this is my generation and it hurts to see them failing. Gabrielle Union chose to give the same image as most of the reality shows for a quick dollar. So, for those who are against this, don't become angry but continue to fight for the health of our women because young women (my generation) needs it more than ever right now. I remember when there was the Cosby's and Fresh Prince of Bel Air.... good shows.