Grosse Pointe
Grosse Pointe
| 22 September 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    mbhunteranasty37 I wasn't to sure about the show at first kinda cheesy in a way made me think of Popular and then once I started watching episode after episode you get so hooked on everyone and I absolutely loved the show so much...It was kinda funny because mentioning that it sorta reminded me of Popular that the end of the 2nd season the final season ended so retarded not knowing what happened where...and that is exactly what I thought of Grosse Pointe I mean come on Dave and Marcy NEEDed to end up together and they left it as such a ? It just should have had it least one more episode to tie up loose ends...I would have LOVED to see another season of this show...If you get the full series on DVD so you can watch it all at once then you get so hooked I just started watching it today and Im already done lol I couldn't stop watching once you start...Well good job to all but really wish there would have been more :) :) :)
    Maze This is a brilliant send-up of Beverly Hills 90210 and clearly a case of Darren Star getting the nauseating 90210 out of his system. Each episode is perfection and stands up to repeat viewing. If you like clever cutting satire like the Simpsons you'll like this.
    peter-moore Grosse Pointe screened in Australia on the 10 Network on a Sunday evening. The show is now screening on the Fox8 channel on Foxtel(cable television). I am really enjoying watching the show again. I was so annoyed that the WB cancelled Grosse Pointe as I thought it was one of the best sitcoms around. It was funny, well written and convincingly acted.I also really enjoyed trying to work out which Grosse Point cast member(as in Hunter etc..)was based on which Hollywood actor or actress. I am sure that I have a few correct.I had Hunter Fallow as Shannon Doherty. With Marcy Sternfield I thought she might be based on Tori Spelling. Quentin King has to be Luke Perry but I am not really sure about the rest.Anyway, I know its too late for the show to saved but I am hoping that Warner Bros will release a DVD of Grosse Pointe, maybe with heaps of extras.Living in hope...
    frenzy-10 This tv show is gold. It is the best (and I mean the best) t.v. show on right now. Since I mm from latin america the season finale was on just days ago, and I am not sure if it is going to be on next season. I just ant to say: How many good revews and how many bad have you read? there is only one that says it's not good, everyone else think that this tv show is the best. It became my favorite since the pilot episode. The show has low ratings because its on sunday night. Who watches tv on sunday anyway? Put it on another day, and there is no doubt it will become the highest ratde show ever. I like it because it's fun and it makes me laugh, and I was just hooked after the pilot. I only tune in once a week to watch two shows, FRIENDS, and GROSSE POINTE, and I like grosse pointe better. I'm keeping my fingers crossed to see this show next season. Congratulations!!!! Darren Star, Irene Molly, Al Santos, Lindsay Sloane, Bonnie Somerville, Kohl Sudduth, Kyle Howard, Nat Faxon and William Ragsdale!!! This show rocks, and even if I don't see you next season, I will always remember my favorite show, But I sure hope you're on next season, and next 10 seasons if it's possible!
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