Breaking News
Breaking News
| 17 July 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
    Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Maidendlm I really love this show, Breaking News.Unfortunately.It features terrific writing, a strong talented cast--I especially love the witty chemistry between Clancy Brown's decent and ambitious I-24 broadcast president/news director Peter Kozyck and Lisa Ann Walter's driven, wryly ascerbic producer, Rachel Glass--striking production values, and a crisp, brisk "pay attention or you'll miss something significant" pace. It's a truly well made television show.So of course it follows that the network that poured a reported $20 million into its creation-- that's Turner Network Television for those of you out there who still don't know-- would ultimately trash it and sell it for scrap.Welcome one and all to the brave new world of Corporate American television! (Abandon hope all ye who enter...)TNT's unforgivably cynical and shabby mishandling of "Breaking News" and its talented cast and crew was bad enough.But what are we to make of the Powers That Be at the Bravo channel, who rescued "Breaking News," from near oblivion, vaguely assuring its devoted viewers that the show would be continued "if it was a hit" only to decide to dump it almost as unceremoniously as TNT had earlier done?"Breaking News" would be continued "if it was a hit"? Well, what does that mean, Bravo? What in your estimation comprises "a hit"? "The Sopranos"? "Friends"? "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation"? Were you just blowing smoke about re-newing BN or were you serious?Then why debut "Breaking News" smack in the middle of SUMMER, a time of the year when many if not most of us are out and about doing any and everything BUT tv-watching?And what precisely was the thinking behind pairing BN with, Oh Yeah, That Other TV Show About News, "Deadline"? What genius considered that kind of scheduling an effective strategy for audience-building for "Breaking News"? Were we viewers supposed to like these two shows interchangeably or something?Hey guys, excuse my naivete, but whatever happened to giving what you know is a good new show time to find an audience and vice-versa? ("The Dick Van Dyke Show," "Hill Street Blues," "Cheers," or "Seinfeld," anyone?)Just curious TNT, Bravo, et al: Is a high school diploma still a requirement for a career in broadcast programming, or was that waived at the start of the Go-Go Nineties?
    mpgmpg123 This is a well done, intelligent show. No wonder they did not air it, in these days of reality garbage. It is about a CNN type, 24 hour news network. It has good writing, is fast paced, and has good performances. Good work from Tim Matheson as the Tom Brokaw type anchor, being able to show more in a role than he usually gets (except on West Wing), Lisa Ann Walters is touching and funny, but best of all is the wonderful, much under utilized in recent years, Patricia Wettig. She is the wife of Matheson in this and a former reporter who has taken time off to deal with her bipolar disorder. In the last few shows, she is starting to rapidly lose control, stopping her medications and all hell appears to be about to break lose. Of course, the show only has 13 episodes and will end soon, so we will probably not get to see what finally happens. She should get another Emmy for her work on this, but most likely won't as quality is hardly recognized anymore. (proof positive is the fact that this show was only aired TWO years after it was made!!)
    clyde9315 A well done program. Where has this program been? Some miss-casting really works. I think this program really captures what goes on behind a big video news room. I know this program will not last. Nothing I like ever does. So maybe I should say I don't like it, then it will be around for a long time. Well, I do hope it's around for a while.
    kdm042 I just saw the two hour premier of "Breaking News," and I must I'm impressed. The series essentially covers the life and times of a struggling news network and its attempts to get the journalistic "scoop" on fast-breaking news stories.So far, the series shows a good balance between portraying the working lives of the journalists and the personal lives of the human beings behind the scenes. If they keep up the pace, the series will be among the brightest summer shows of the 2002 season.Be forewarned: If you're looking for mindless entertainment, go someplace else. This show treats its audience with intelligence. Very well done.*** 1/2 out of *****