Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
TV-MA | 16 October 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Steineded How sad is this?
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    TheEtherWalk Killface is an albino supervillain with plans to blast the earth into the sun with a weapon called "The Annhilatrix". Xander Crews is a chauvinistic, idiotic playboy leading a double life as a billionaire tycoon and a superhero "Awesome-X" with an army of armoured soldiers called "The Xtacles". Killface was once referred to as his "arch nemesis and secret buddy." Crews must stop his plans as they both deal with their personal issues and side characters in and around 'The Town', and struggle to become better businessmen.That's as close as I can get to describing the plot, since the way the show is presented needs to be seen to be believed. The humour is extremely random and demented, often gleefully obscene and outrageously violent. Characters are often killed without any warning, and the plot lines and dialogue are all very stream-of-consciousness. The show is so knee-slappingly funny and endlessly quotable that it will imprint itself on your mind. Soon "Kakow", "Boosh" and "We can never go back to Arizona!" will become part of your regular vocabulary.Almost every side character is awesomely hilarious. There's Mr. Ford, the double-entendre spewing judge, Ronnie the perverted Xtacle, Killface's gay (?) son Simon, Crew's girlfriend Grace Ryan who he treats like dirt and is also arch-villainess 'Ant-agony', some meth-addicted hooker, a lesbian wannabe assassin, a half-man/half-crab hybrid, a giant ant baby, and a giant ant baby machete squad. Come to think of it, Frisky Dingo is probably not for the easily offended or the pretentious...This show also features what is probably that greatest character in Adult Swim history: Wendell. A former agent of the department of labour, turned psychopathic killing machine, this guy is disgusting, weird and a total ass to everyone he meets, including his best friend who he framed for murder and then tried to have sex with his wife. This guy needs his own show big time.Unfortunately only two seasons of this series were made, and it ends with a big cliffhanger. The studio had financial issues as I understand. These two seasons though are an unparallelled work of comedy genius. That is, if you don't mind it being completely absurd and filled to the brim with epic, epic penis jokes. Mastah cylindahhhh!! Don't look over here at what I'm doing! You point at it! You celebrate yourself!!
    avador Frisky Dingo (along with Metalocalypse) is easily the best show that Adult Swim has put out since Aqua Teen! The show is about the rivalries between a supervillain and superhero, who are probably the most incompetent pair of idiots in the history of television. The 'villain' is Killface; an anthrogendered guy that never wears clothes, has a rather passive friendly attitude and is really a nice loving father, despite his occasional tendency to kill people in front of their friends and make puppets out of their corpses. The 'hero' is Xander Cruz; a self centered billionaire playboy that is a tad bit promiscuous, and pretty much gets his way with everything, especially when it comes to his girlfriend.The two are constantly trying to outwit the other's ambitions for raising enough money to run a promotion for destroying the world, market a successful toy line, defeat the other in the Presidential Elections, or pay off hookers not to revel one's identity, to name a few.Whether it's the brilliant one-liners, the constant awkward silences, the humorous social commentary on American lifestyles, or the hilarious cultural references; Frisky Dingo is just an amazingly funny show that is a non-stop laugh fest from start to finish. Also, unlike most adult swim programs, the show actually does have a organized plot to it, although it's not necessary to follow, it does add a great deal to the show's enjoyment.10/10
    ashburn2477 at first i didn't like this show because it didn't make sense and killface was like the weirdest thing i have ever seen so i never watched it. then the other night and they played the first episode and everything just clicked for me and it was the funniest thing ever. the basic premise is great: superheros and villains trying to operate in the "real" world while being held up by corporations, lawyers, hookers, etc. i could see how this show would do very poorly since it rewards the repeat viewer, kinda like arrested development. i hope this show does very well and i cant friggin wait for next season.Boosh! p.s. killing Xander's evil twin, Merill (sp?), in order to make things less complicated was one of the funniest jokes i have ever seen.
    jwj098 Agree with above. It is now our favorite show on cartoon network. We try not to watch too much TV, but it is now as highly anticipated as The Daily Show or The Colbert Report. Only problem is it's 15 minutes a week. And the YouTube raters are idiots (2.5 stars while amateur hacked up Sonic video games to butt rock get 5 stars? Do those ratings mean anything?). The Atlanta folks have created so many wild characters -- Killface, Cruise, the Xticles, Antagone, on and on and on -- to last many seasons already, each taking a huge critical bite out of pop culture's ass. CN better keep this series going, there's so many loose ends already -- where is the Killbill revenge of Killface slave girl? When will Cruise have the showdown with "Alfred the corporate butler"? Etc. etc. How about move the damn show to an earlier or weekend time slot where it belongs?