Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars
Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars
TV-PG | 17 October 2004 (USA)

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    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    SnoopyStyle It's 60 solar days after the end of the TV series. The gang recovers the pieces of John Crichton (Ben Browder) and Aeryn Sun (Claudia Black). They get reconstituted but the baby is missing which has taken hold in Rygel. The water world is the home of the last of the Eidelon, a species with special abilities. The Peacekeepers and Scarrans are engaged in an all-out war. Scorpius senses the return of Crichton and withdraws from the battle in hopes of gaining the secret to a wormhole weapon.This is a continuation of the TV series. This is strictly fan service. It doesn't make sense unless one has seen the whole TV show all the way to the finale. The effects are slightly better than the show which is both good and bad. There is a charm to the low budget production and the movie isn't bad enough to wow. The story is disjointed. It feels like somebody is throwing everything and every character into the pot. It's to be expected as the movie is trying to do everything for the fans.
    Lyceus I love Farscape and I'm happy they made Peacekeeper Wars so the show wouldn't end in Season 4's cliffhanger. However, I don't think the miniseries was as good as the wonderful Season 4. I guess it's just hard to tell in 3 hours what would have filled a whole new season... That's true, but there are things that still annoy me. The actors are great as usual, but a lot of good and bad things come from the writer's work.Since I've checked the spoilers option, please make sure you don't read this unless you've already seen the miniseries or you don't care about it. This comment is full of spoilers.First, let's start with what I liked: 1) It's a nice conclusion to John and Aeryn's storyline, which I wasn't sure we'd ever get. The fact that his son is named D'Argo is predictable but a nice detail in my opinion. The Peacekepper-Scarran conflict which was growing up since Season 2 was featured too.2) Great script. As usual, the writers made a good job with dialogs (Aeryn telling Rygel they'll name the baby after him if they're a girl, or the fun in Noranti's carrying a weapon).3) Jothee is back. This was a major unsolved plot and I'm glad he met D'Argo again so they stopped being enemies.4) Jool dies. I know many people won't agree but I never really liked Jool and she's the only character besides Pilot I would haven't been bothered about their death. It was nice to have her back to get killed so quickly.Now, what I didn't like: 1) Why did D'Argo have to die? He wasn't one of my favourite characters but he was important in the show and I liked him. And now Chiana is alone in this world! Why didn't they kill Pilot instead? This isn't a major flaw though, since it was obvious more people had to die and at least John and Aeryn survives.2) I don't like the fact Noranti is underused. I've just found out Melissa Jaffer had a problem with makeup and she couldn't have a larger part, so I can't blame anyone on this.3) The main flaw is how they writers wrote Sikozu's part. She was absolutely out of character! His hair was terrible but it was obviously a Scorpius influence so I'll ignore it even if I didn't recognize her at first. I can't understand why a Kalish resistance member like Sikozu would become a Scarran spy. She was so smart and loyal to the resistance! In "We're So Screwed: Part 3 (La Bomba)" she's afraid anyone would reveal anything about the resistance to the Scarran, and just two months later, she's working for the enemy. And how did the Scarrans contact her? She was in a Peacekeeper ship with Scorpius, and I'm sure he'd have noticed if she had contacted the Scarrans. She couldn't be a traitor since the beginning since she was a resistance fighter who used her powers to kill Scarrans... Still, she helped her friends to get out of the Scarran ship, so I don't know what to think about Sikozu in the miniseries. She was one of my favourite characters and they absolutely ruined her in the miniseries. I guess it's implied she dies at the end, too. Since we didn't have an actual death scene (we didn't have it for D'Argo either, but I guess he may have been too wounded), I think we can still imagine she got out of the planet. I like the Sikozu/Scorpius relationship and I don't like it ended like that. At least Braca would be happy.In conclusion, it was good but I can't forgive the writers for what they did to Sikozu... I have never seen something like that.
    jsh03 The television show "Farscape" is perhaps one of the best I have ever watched. I sat fascinated through the 88 episodes, whether I was laughing, crying, or cheering on the crew of Moya. But this mini-series lacks the feel of the television series (which it began to lose in its fourth season). It feels like any old sci-fi movie - not like Farscape. The cameos of old characters seem a bit forced, the plot is cliché, the battles are uninteresting (and much to long and unrealistic). JC and the crew of Moya are *not* heroes - thats what makes them so fun to watch, they are just looking out for themselves, trying to survive in a dangerous universe - so why force them into that role in this movie? Its unfortunate that such a fantastic show has to go out by such a terrible movie. It could have - should have been - much better. Its not terrible, but I rate it a 1 in hopes of dropping its too generous score as is. I rate the show 10. Check that out, then watch this if you love the show, but don't keep your hopes too high.
    GregDexter Well, this is a first for me at IMDb; I've actually lowered my original rating of a movie because of its existing high rating! As I write this, I am in the middle of watching IMDb's highest-rated movies of 2004. This movie sticks out like a sore thumb in that list -- proof that a couple of thousand overzealous fans can indeed foul the IMDb ratings for everyone."Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars" is a decent mindless-escape movie, with plenty of good ideas, a reasonable plot, and a mostly interesting cast of characters. However, the problems begin with the actors who try to play those characters; most of them are awful! Ben Browder, in particular, spends this movie appearing to try to ad lib lines in a Bruce Campbell/older Eddie Murphy sort of way; he's terrible at it and produces far more groans than chuckles. And if the lines aren't ad libbed, then this has to be some of the most poorly written dialogue in history. If this is good acting or good material, then the original "Star Wars" movie should have had an Oscar-nominated Best Screenplay and all of its stars should have gotten acting nods as well. And "The X-Files" should have swept the Emmys every year it was on -- including the last two.Even when I haven't agreed with the existing rating on movies I've rated at IMDb in the past, I can usually see what it was that people loved about a given highly-regarded film. But at three hours long, a movie simply has to have better acting and dialogue than this to be truly be enjoyable -- no matter what its genre. If you're not already a fan of Farscape and you aren't of the mindset that *any* sci-fi movie is a good sci-fi movie, don't touch this one with a ten-foot pole. There is plenty of better fare available in the genre.