TV-G | 22 January 1972 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
    Mike HedzRed I love this show now as much as I did as a kid. I remember the excitement of watching this as a kid with my family each week. A couple of things that I find "funny": Each time the bell goes off in the firehouse, DeSoto always looks up at it. When the Paramedics are on the "mobile phone" with Rampart, even though they are holding the handset to their ear, the bystanders always seem to hear what Rampart is saying. Sr. Bracket loves to say, "Start an IV" The ambulance drivers dressed in white suits are kind of silly though; they never say a word, move in quickly and disappear as quickly as they show up, kind of like dummies who work in an insane asylum. It would have been nice to have gotten to know them a little better. GREAT show even with all of this "funny" stuff! They don't make shows like this anymore.
    agbtg For those who have Netflix, let them be aware that they can download instant watching of all seven years of Emergency! Not all episodes can be watched instantly, some have to come in the form of a DVD, but most of the episodes can be watched instantly at least as many times as their particular plan allows.I am a big fan of Emergency! It is nice to watch a show where I agree with almost everything that they are doing and saying. I guess that probably dates me, but I don't really care. What I do care about is the fact that this was, and is in my opinion still a great show that anyone can watch or purchase online as well.Hopefully there will be others out there along with me who would like to see an updated form of Emergency! on television right now without all of the violence, swearing, sexual content and car scenes that were not needed to make Emergency! a great show! They did have their fair share of explosions and fire which was okay. Firefighters have to deal with fire and explosion and a series dealing with firefighters that didn't encounter those two elements would be suspect.And since Emergency! can be found Online for both watching and purchasing, and can be found on NBC as stated as well as Netflix, I would think it could be found other places as well.If you like Emergency! as well as I than perhaps we will have a bit of the 70s back into our lives on a regular basis or a new version of the same show updated.
    onamission One of my best-remembered shows as a kid. What set this show apart from its predecessors was in drawing respect from the audience for the firefighters it portrays; for the first time the paramedics, doctors and firefighters didn't arrive to wave a magic wand putting the fire out and saving the patient. The range of (at the time) operating medical and CB radio procedures and terminology, the open identification with real-time Los Angeles and the range of rescue situations faced by Station 51 and their paramedics showed how thorough Jack Webb's research and commitment to authenticity was, pushing the benefits of the paramedic program in the face of a skeptical California state government; as a concerned West Coast citizen with an eye on the Big One he probably knew this was an important step forward in public health that would save many, many lives when that day inevitably arrived. Rescue 911, ER, Law & Order, Third Watch, Cops; the entire medical and police reality television genre can trace their origins to Emergency! and once a compatible DVD box set for Australian players arrives I'll have it to reminisce with too.
    Brenden The beginning of the show, in the Wedsworth-Townsend Act, everything is quiet, your seeing the fire trucks, then you go up the pole, see all of the fireman and then, breaking the silence, the big loud fire alarm blasts waking not only you but also the fireman up. The fire trucks race to the scene and you can sense what the show is like from there. Johnny and Roy are one of the most memorable characters from the jokes to the rescues and then to serious matters, you can always know that they are ready for anything. The hospital always packs all kinds of scenarios from a lady getting stuck to a toilet seat to a doctor in Rampart Emergency dieing of a heart attack, the hospital always has something either unusual or something serious to show you. When squad 51 goes out on a rescue Johnny and Roy immediately start to provide the best medical care, they flip open the biophone, they get the information and they administer the drugs. After watching a couple of episodes of Emergency, you will never want to stop watching it. Buying Emergency! on DVD would be one of the greatest investments you ever made.