| 18 June 2015 (USA)

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    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    Brainwave68 I tuned into this show because of Beth Riesgraf whom I used to love watching in Leverage and Jason O'Mara who I used to watch in Vegas and Terra Nova before those three shows wrongly got canceled. However, in this show, I kept thinking to myself --- for some supposedly educated people they sure are stupid. For example, in episode 7 instead of agreeing to steal the drugs to get the guy off the phone why not agree until he left THEN call the gang and let them take care of it. In episode 8 instead of John going down there after having killed some one of their gang members why not just have Gretchen go instead. She already has been there successfully and they have good feelings towards her. She ended up having to go there any way to rescue him. Better yet, why not just call the cops? And what did he think was going to happen when he told the first gang that they were going to be attacked??? LOL... Beth Riesgraf is pretty much the only reason I keep watching.
    RoryAred I had no intention of watching this show. I knew that it was created by Matt Nix, the genius behind Burn Notice, and was interested. To be honest, I was quite annoyed at the USA network for cancelling so many of their shows such as Burn Notice, Psych, and Covert Affairs and in turn putting on useless shows such as moronic chrisley and playing house. I thought USA was a sunken ship until I found Complications. The show is unique and not a cookie cutter type procedural. The actors have been phenomenal thus far and the writers do a wonderful job of creating conflicts and back stories for them all. It is very much a show that stems from a single action and though the series is very emotional and drama filled, the problems are reasonably connected and the episodes flow very well. The characters are driven by their moral and compassion for others and often resort to drastic measures which push them to their extremes. As an Atlantan I find the show does a wonderful job of portraying the area realistically. I noticed a negative review criticized the lack of a southern accent, which anyone who lives in Atlanta would find downright hysterical. No one in Atlanta processes one and hasn't for quite some time:) Overall I am pleased with the show and truly believe this is the last saving grace for USA as their old shows are leaving vast voids. I can't wait to see the show's progress and hope that it becomes successful.
    amariwilliams-57542 I LOVED Burn Notice. That's really the only reason I decided to check out Matt Nix's new show. It's utter ridiculousness. I could stomach the first episode, aside from the stilted acting and uninteresting supporting characters. After episode 2, however, things just become outrageous. The problem is trying to plant way too many seeds like the drug dealing nurse, wife who may or may not have had an affair, estranged grandfather, main character's mysterious ability to shoot like a trained marksman, etc. I stopped watching when the drug dealing nurse decides to make a housecall to retrieve a patient's belongings (??) from her boyfriend that was beating her up and ends up hurling the patient's boyfriend into a glass coffee table (?????) then calls the doctor to help her and he decides to let the patient potentially bleed to death while he takes a meeting with a streetgang that passively threatened him to take care of the gang leader's son who is recovering from the shooting the initially saved him from (?????????). My brain hurts trying to understand who decided it was a good idea to make a show essentially titled 'Medical People Who Keep Making Implausible Decisions in Atlanta Yet No One Has a Southern Accent'
    Dr_Sagan I'm an MD so I'm always skeptical about medical dramas. Although some medical adviser is always present nowadays, it's difficult not to notice that these people aren't actual doctors and nurses. It's the deliverance, the "aura"...Anyway this isn't a medical drama per se. It reminds me of another series (now canceled, yet with a satisfactory series finale) The Mob Doctor.This is about a semi-delusional ER doctor who, after a gang-related incident, find himself (and his family) trapped in war that he didn't asked for. Yet this "adrenaline-rush" seems to be doing him some good. Feeling more alive maybe, especially after a loss that he suffered (his daughter died recently from cancer).I don't really find anything bad with Complications. Maybe it feels a little short, but it has time to evolve into something better.Jason O'Mara tries to fit the role but he lacks a broad range of facial expressions, so his acting is a little bit stale.Overall: Will see. I'm giving to it a chance, for now.P.S. +1 for using "medical" terms as titles for each episode.
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