TV-14 | 08 July 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
    SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    sweetlildreamer06 I have noticed a lot of harsh reviews for this show, and I think most of them are unfair. I have seen A LOT of movies and T.V shows, some good, some bad, and some so bad they were good. I would put Bonekickers in the good category. I think that maybe he Brits have taken to criticizing this show a lot harshly because it is their country being represented, but sometimes to truly enjoy the concept of a show you have to open your mind and not judge based on your knowledge. I have seen plenty of good T.V shows end after one season because a few people had nothing but nasty things to say about it, and frankly it is not fair to those people who enjoyed it. That being said, every one has the right to their own opinion, but sometimes a bad opinion spoken loudly enough will prevent someone from trying something they otherwise would have enjoyed. Please keep that in mind when writing your reviews.
    Alex Cutler (acutler) (1) I live in Bath and was thrilled to see a prime BBC drama set in my home city (2) Adrian Lester usually picks excellent parts, anything with him in is usually top-notch (3) This is created by the team that borough us Hustle & Life on Mars - truly superb drama (4) And despite many comments to the contrary, the premise for the season should have legs and could dramatically workBut this show is a complete and utter failure on so many levels we must wonder what everyone involved was thinking! I guess we all have "off" days.In a sense, it is a series so bad, that it is almost fun to watch how awful it is. As they casually dig up priceless mythical artifacts all within a few miles of the city, usually within a couple minutes of saying "Let's Dig" at the first place they try.Julie Graham and Hugh Bonneville are horribly miscast into badly conceived characters which will instantly convince you they have no acting talent at all - which isn't quite true - although it is undeniably the effect!Watch only if you want to enjoy how poor writing and poor acting can actually be quite funny. Probably not best approached sober.
    Jarel Ken I keep reading bad comments about Bonekickers and I really feel I must write a positive one. To start with, i think it is important to say that I'm a professional archaeologist, with well over fifteen years experience. I have been lucky enough to work in several countries and on a variety of different periods sites. First at all , YES! Bonekickers may have gathered some inspiration from Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code, maybe something (not a lot though) from the Indiana Jones series, and most likely a bit from Time Team. But in addition to this,BoneKickers is a mystery series. It just happens that the main characters are not police, journalists or detectives (or a retired lady that write about murderers), BUT a team of archaeologists that get themselves involved in a series of historical (fiction) mysteries… And when you accept the reality, that is PURE entertainment, then you can enjoy it. At the end of the day, the series is not trying to be Indiana Jones, or Dan Brown's code, but just something different, that plays with uncommon mysteries. So what if it is not unique, fresh, new, etc etc etc? It's really funny and when they actually show some archaeology, it is actually really well done. In its own way, it is quite fresh (does anyone remember the last time that we saw a team of archaeologists on TV other than TimeTeam?). I really hope BBC decides to push for a second series, I know a lot of us will be really happy with it! Well done this time BBC!!!
    Nephilims_child It had it's moments and I think they were all in the trailer. Hubby fell asleep through it and normally I would save it on Sky+ for him. I didn't.The cgi was dire, the acting was dire (even the rather yummy Adrian Lester couldn't save it) - oh and what was with the re-dubbing of Paul Nicholls??? I will give it a second chance next week but I am not holding my breath!!!A lot of things I love are a little far fetched but usually have at least one toe in the waters of believability. This fell flat, the characters were all over the top, the lines in places were cringe worthy to say the least, and the storyline, possibly not the best choice for the first episode.