Love Soup
Love Soup
NR | 27 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    CJMaxwell Love soup is screening for the first time in New Zealand (Feb 2007). In a country where television is increasingly dominated by (mainly) brain dead American trash, I am heartened that some enlightened buyer has purchased a program that appeals to people with a brain. I would not describe it as a comedy perse. The humour is subtle and not obvious to anyone who has not been "through the traps". My fascination is due to usually being totally wrong when trying to predict what happens next. I mean how many girls do you come across with a full body tattoo? Like many well written works, the series touches on many of the taboos that we all eventually experience to some degree or other.
    siobhan-rouse ... why watch a TV drama (billed as a comedy) in which none of the characters are likable or even interesting people ? I can sort of see what the writer David Renwick was trying to achieve: the misdirections and bad-taste surprises that he put into "One foot in the grave", etc. I admit that the script made a bit more of an effort than most on British TV at the moment. But really ... who cares about these people ? They are cold bores.Another poster mentioned the scene in which the woman sits down to watch a video of herself and her deceased ex-boyfriend shagging. That was the moment when I switched OFF this programme, never to return.P.S. It's interesting to note that the posters who didn't like this series are all British, whereas those who praise it are mostly in other countries. This reflects the fact that when the BBC broadcast this series it was ignored by viewers and sank like a stone.P.P.S. Good news for those who liked it ! There will be a second series in Autumn 2007 - though without the male lead. It sounds like the BBC have decided to turn it into a more conventional 30 minute sitcom.
    Bob It wasn't until the second program that the oddball charm of this series finally kicked in. But once I was into it, I found myself laughing outloud throughout each episode.The acting is tops. The stories and commentaries within the stories are priceless. And I can't wait to see what happens next to Gil and Alice. The only two not laughing at the play, I wonder will they meet at the intermission/interval? If so, will they see instantly that they were born for each other? My only small quibble is with the some of the expressions Gil uses. Gil is an American writer working in England. Rather than using the expressions and verb tenses he has used since childhood, he uses those from England, probably because the writers are English and not aware of the vernacular differences. With respect to verb tenses, a corporation is considered a singular expression in Aerican and a plural in Britain. For example, in America the BBC "is" singular, and the verb tense would be "The BBC is a corporation"; in England the BBC "are" a plural an the verb tense is "The BBC are a corporation". As I said, it's a small quibble. I have no problem with the native characters speaking that way. But to hear an American do it is like nails on a chalkboard to American ears.I ask the producers and BBC America to continue on with this really funny, observant, existential comedy series. It is a kind of comedy sorely absent from American TV.
    ikanboy If you like droll and witty, you'll love this. If low brow, slutty, British sit com fare is your style, this is definitely not for you. First of all it's very smart stuff. Secondly the script is handled very deftly by almost everyone connected with it. Kudos to the director! Tamsin Grieg has a face built for comedy, a sort of sexier Lily Tomlin, and her timing is exquisite! The American (a real one, for a change) is excellent as well, if a tad too good looking for a lonely single.The two play a couple, possibly (hopefully) destined to meet, but in the mean time they passively, reluctantly, pursue the dating game. Each episode is another disaster waiting to happen. Sometimes you can see it coming other times you can't, but you know it's coming. Just what will make this one a disaster?My favorite scene, so far, is when the parents of Tamsin's ex boyfriend of some 10 years, show up to tell her he's passed away and to hand over tapes he made of him and Tamsin having sex. The old couple play it absolutely straight and innocently, and Tamsin's facial expressions show her skills as a comedian, who knows how to be subtle, instead of obvious.My wife is impatient to have the two meet, but I want to wait and savor the moment, when (if) it comes.