Blind Date
Blind Date
| 20 September 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
    SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    dgordon-1 "Blind Date" is one of the better dating shows to come on the scene in a long time. To date, my favorite dating show was "Love Connection", but "Blind Date" comes in at a close 2nd. It's a lot better than shows like "Studs", "The Fifth Wheel', "Elimidate" and the worst one of all "Shipmates". One thing that I've noticed on this show is the candidates that they choose for dates. I don't know where they get these people from! A lot of them just seem to be looking to get some booty. You would think that this would be happening with the young daters, but it seems to be right across the board, even with the older people. I know that most of the Producers of these shows love it when couples don't get along. This makes for better ratings and is more entertaining to the viewer...or so they think. It would be nice if some of the couples really connected, and not just for one night. In past episodes, when they do a follow-up on previous daters, none of them have lead to marriage, or even a long term relationship. Most of the follow-ups have been the same scenario. The couple will maybe go on a few dates after wards, then something comes up and the dating stops. The other point I've noticed, a few times, are the people that go on the show and they are already in a relationship! I assume they are thinking that some talent scout will spot them on the show, and make them a movie or TV offer. Guess what? That is not going to happen. To me, they end up making fools out of themselves when they do this. The other point it could be is that they are looking for the elusive BBD (Bigger & Better Deal). This is fine, but do they have to go on national TV and make a fool out of themselves? The host of "Blind Date", Roger Lodge, is funny. His sarcastic comments and facial expressions are priceless. He is no Chuck Woolery, but he does make the show fun. What really makes this show entertaining are the thought bubbles, and the animated characters that come on screen to show what the daters are really thinking. The "Fifth Wheel" tried doing this too, but "Blind Date" does a better job with it. Even though most of these dating shows seem to follow the same formula, "Blind Date" is entertaining and a lot of fun to watch.
    vindicator19 **SPOILERS CONTAINED IN THREAD**its a show which features men and women doing what they do best, wooing each other and trying to get eah others attention. Between the thought bubbles which appear over the men and women and the craziness the men and woman put themselves through, you are left witha big bundle of mess. the best thing you can do is try not to look at this show as a dating tool and look at it for the car wrecks of blinde dates. Do not try to learn anything from this show about how to treat people or conduct yourself on a date. This show is entertainment and shold be thought of as such. Definetly watch this show, but do not try to think of this show as a blue print as to how to meet people. Also, check out rodger lodge in the movie, "not of this earth". He's great in that movie. This show gets a 10 out of 10 for showing the rock and roll california lifestyle.
    hillari The best thing about this show are the "thought bubbles" and cartoon drawings that supposedly tell what the couples are really thinking. Those are very funny. I have to wonder though--where do they find some of those people? From what they say in the little intro before the cameras start following them on their dates, I get the impression that most of the participants are 1) sex obsessed, 2) have huge egos, 3) very immature, 4) lacking social skills, 5) crazy. Do they even want lasting relationships?
    Harrison-15 Blind Date is an hilarious show. The producers got wise pretty quick and figured out the dates would be more interesting if they paired opposites instead of people who might actually get along. Just watch, the results are among the funniest things you will see, and the writers do a surprisingly good job with their comments during the dates. Consult your local listings.