Friday Night Lights
Friday Night Lights
TV-14 | 03 October 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
    Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    nascarjimmy Coach Eric and Tami Taylor gave the most truthful display of marriage that I have ever seen on TV. The day to day struggles of each other, raising kids, holding down jobs, and navigating the politics of every day life was spot on. You fall in love with the characters, even the ones you don't necessary like in the beginning. The portrayal of rural, small-town America could not be more accurate. Everyone knows a Tim Riggins. The local screw up with a heart of gold. You will really begin to like Riggins after the first few episodes. Matt Saracen is probably the most relatable character. The unlikely hero that doesn't really stand out from anyone else. Julie Taylor is the typical teenager that goes through her share of growing pains. I'm sure being the daughter of the school counselor and football coach cannot be easy. No spoiler here but a certain couple will drive you crazy. Well actually, several of the couples will drive you crazy. Thank you Netflix for keeping it on so I could catch the series 5 years after it went off air. Great, great show.
    stephenmcknight i was a fan off the movie this series was based on and the TV series did justice to the movie and Texas love of also deal with issue around everyday life, that affected the team very well and in Kyle Chandler they had an excellent lead for this series.the young crew around him did there job well, and the football scenes were well put together and were good backdrop to the story off the team.the women in Friday night lights had good roles as well, Connie britton did a good job as the coach wife working around her husband job and bringing up the kids.overall an excellent sports drama series based on one of the better sport movies i seen.
    Queen of Hearts I'm a bit late to the party, having just discovered this show, which I devoured in about 2 months. I'm rewatching this show and it has not lost any of its magic. This show is what all teenage/high-school shows need to aspire to, watch and learn. The personalities, the acting, the intertwining events, the music. I cannot believe that this show exists and people watch terrible shows and films like Twilight and Hunger Games. I know that they're highly profitable, but there are many that aren't.This is the show we should've had in the 90s instead of Party of Five or crappy Melissa Joan Hart shows where she looks and talks to the camera, or those poor movies like Can't Hardly Wait, She's All That, etc.There's nothing here but professionalism. Top notch writing, editing, directing, acting and production.The reason why this show got a bit on the expensive side is the scale - so many actors and story lines, and well, actors need to be paid.It has been over a decade since this show debuted but there is still not one show that comes close to it in quality, neither in the teen/high-school genres or in sports.Even the film doesn't get close to the quality here and although this show made the careers of many actors, propelling them to bigger budget shows, with the exception of Jesse Plemons, this was the pinnacle of their careers. Yes, this is better than Bloodline, True Detective, etc.It really is that good.
    Daniel Harriman (d-harriman) It's hard to imagine a world without sport, being based in the UK American football is not my preferred sport however this show made me want it to be. Friday Night lights is more than just a show about football, first and foremost it is about the trials and tribulations of the town of Dillon who just to happens to be crazy about football. Throughout the shows run we followed is wide variety of characters through all sorts of highs and low, whether it be Tim Riggins' spell in prison, Brian "Smash" William's steroid abuse or Landry Clark's possible murder charge. Despite all this going on in the town, the people of Dillon would turn up week in week out to watch the Panthers, later the Lions play. Whilst the viewer would always have it in the back of their mind that there was a big game coming up. The ability to blend these two key aspects of the show are what make it a success. The last two seasons of this show in my opinion are the strongest as they dissected the very real cultural and social divide that plagues America to this day, and it is the shows handling or real contemporary issues that made it all worth while. You're not watching a show based on make believe circumstances, the topics that the show delved into are things people go through to this day. I entered the last episode with trepidation but the ending was in some ways perfect, and whilst some of the characters left you frustrated at their lack of belief in themselves or the stupidity of their choices (i see you Tim Riggins) at the end of the day you still ended up rooting for them. Finally i would like to talk about coach Eric Taylor, possibly the best character in all of television. An almost infallible human who i think we should all aspire to be like. I highly recommend this show for anyone who loves sport and all that comes with it and for those who value a sense of community spirit. Clear Eyes Full Hearts, Cant lose!
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