Bag of Bones
Bag of Bones
| 11 December 2011 (USA)

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    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Michael Ledo Pierce Bronson plays Michael Noonan, a New England author, in a continuing of Stephen King's write about things you are series. When is wife, who he truly loved, dies, he is drawn to their lake home. Noonan has nightmares about his wife in the final scene of "Quarantine". At the lake home he inadvertently gets involved in a local drama and discovers some small town secrets that frankly would make a good novel, which BTW he has to write.I enjoyed the simple ghostly images and hauntings. Noonan takes the paranormal in stride as he tries to uncover more about the illness known as Dark Score Crazy which causes people to drown their daughters. What is unfortunate is any Stephen King fan can watch the film and see where the master has done this before. For instance when we see the computer screen with the same line written over and over, one can not help think about "The Shining." The question begs: Does King want us to think about "The Shining" and give us a clue that Noonan is crazy or is it a deliberate misdirection? Or maybe King is starting to recycle old trunk novels as does the writer in the story. Outside of Noonan, the characters were poorly developed, especially considering the length of the film.While I enjoyed the film, I have come to expect more from Stephen King.Made for TV. Includes a rape scene.
    david-497-331474 I started watching this as one of the few King adaptations I'd never seen and found it surprisingly good, especially Brosnan in a role I could not really imagine him taking on.Most of the Stephen King films I have seen have been pretty good; The Stand, Salem's Lot, It and my favourite, The Langoliers. I have never read the book Bag of Bones so cannot comment on its faithfulness. But it was intriguing and quite clever how the story unfolded and kept me watching to the end.As I said, there was some rather unnecessary gore involved and some really harrowing scenes which I thought were well executed. I found the relationship between Brosnan and the little girl touching and poignant.All in all, I would watch this again. Not THAT many contemporary films I can say that about!
    Tommy Nicholls I dislike Pierce Brosnan as an actor, for me he just always seems so wooden, and this miniseries is the perfect example of just how wooden he can get. This isn't helped by the damn awful script/directing/whatever that made this so boring. The plot scrambles around like a someone trying to find a needle in a haystack, haphazardly going in whichever direction it chooses and not really explaining anything to the author. After the story finally decided what direction it wanted to take, the ending seemed rushed and forced. I must say though, Anika Noni Rose was actually really great in this and maybe if they got to her part of the story an hour earlier and had more of her in this then it would have been a half decent mini-series. To be honest, Stephen King fan or not, this is most certainly not worth your time.
    theresataylor-404-574175 I haven't read the book, but i know Stephen King is a brilliant writer so I watched the film. I wasn't disappointed. I have to say, Melissa Georges character was extremely annoying! She was all over Pierce like a bad rash, that was the worse bit of the film. The plot, well, its a movie not real life! There were some jumpy bits, but overall not too scary. Its hard to believe that Pierces character would get away with certain deeds in the film, but obviously its not real life, so he does. I thought the little girl was a great actress. A very good performance by her. Pierce was very good too. I did find the rape scene very uncomfortable, but then i always find those sort of scenes terrible.
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