Blue Murder
Blue Murder
| 14 September 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    PodBill Just what I expected
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    dro59850 i don't generally comment here. but, i'll make this an exception. this tele-mini-series, in my humble opinion is better than 90% of what the rest of the world produces. other poster have covered the plot, etc, so i won't repeat that stuff. truth is, i was connected unwittingly to some of this in real life. my second wife Robyn Walkinshaw had an affair with Kenneth Carter Langstom, bodyguard of Tony Ustis, just before he was killed by Flannery. you'll say - so what, i suppose. this movie goes further than you think, into this underworld. pity that we, now in the country cannot maintain this very high standard of movie making. you know why? because we've been sold to interests overseas, and those same entities do not want Australia to have it's own personality anymore. Blue Murder? what is happening here now in 2009, make this most excellent mini-series seem like nostalgia for a "better" time. Australia - what happened to you?
    Ashley Wincer Well I had to order it especially from Melbourne to find a copy of it on DVD, but I finally recieved it. I heard about it playing on TV in Victoria but not in NSW for a a long time after it was made. But apparently it finally aired in NSW.Anyway I am from Melbourne and from what I understand about what police have been doing in the past, it is very realistic. It is a good insight to what Australian law enforcement is like and has been like throughout its history.Some people may find the mini series a little on the violent side, I liked it for the realism of it and the bluntnes of it. I hope to see more television or feature films like it again in the future. I believe Australia has a bright future in tv and film making. I just hope they keep on pushing more projects overseas, as I'm getting sick of the Hollywood movies with little plot.
    Philby-3 Members of the New South Wales Police Force, now called the Police Service, are the spiritual descendants of that raffish group of officers and men called 'The Rum Corps' who once took over the fledgling colony of New South Wales and expelled the Governor, the unhappy William Bligh. They were not called to account for that action and have been getting away with it ever since, even on occasion with murder. This 3 hour film traces the rise and decline of two policeman, one honest and the other a fine inheritor of the old traditions, and the careers of some of the criminals they were supposed to be catching. Made 5 years ago, its showing in NSW was held up until July 2001 because of outstanding charges against some of the principals, even though all the events depicted took place at least 10 years before the film was made.It is an exciting story and I found it enthralling, despite knowing its broad outline. The core of it is the evolving relationship between gung-ho armed hold-up squad detective, Roger Rogerson, and the criminal he 'manages,' Arthur 'Neddy' Smith. Early on, Rogerson makes it clear that he is in charge and Neddy will do what he is told. As the story progresses, and Rogerson sinks deeper into the mire, Neddy becomes a partner, until the end they are co-conspirators in a number of evil deeds. Inevitably the 'management' of crime becomes criminal activity itself, and the bent copper turns out to be just as bad as the criminals he exploits.Rogerson and the rest of the 'barbecue set' (his police cronies) were a bit unlucky that in the early 80s the NSW government by some oversight managed to appoint an honest police commissioner, John Avery, who, despite being a bit of a boy scout, made some inroads into entrenched corruption in the Force. Rogerson was also unlucky that the federal crime authorities, eager to prove their worth, spotted him as a target. Yet, despite being shown in the film as responsible for several killings, Rogerson's only convictions are for operating a bank account under a false name (which contained the proceeds of a Bentley he had sold) and then lying about it on oath.This is a particularly well-made film, with a grainy realism appropriate to the subject matter, good locations (the real places, mostly) and good lighting, cinematography and editing. Some of the acting is also first-rate. Richard Roxburgh is quite uncanny - he IS Roger Rogerson, and Tony Martin gives us an interesting well-rounded Neddy, a character it would be easy to portray as a monster. Bill Hunter as always steals his few scenes as Black Angus McDonald, the (now dead) corrupt senior policeman who protects Rogerson, and Steve Bastoni is quietly effective as the hesitant but honest and rather brave policeman Michael Drury.I also enjoyed John Hargreaves, all good-humoured guile, as barrister Chester 'Funnel-Web' Porter. Chester, a legend of the Sydney Bar, represented Rogerson on a criminal charge – trying to bribe Drury into giving false evidence. After getting a celebrity acquitted in difficult circumstances previously, Chester had been presented by some of his fellow barristers with a T-shirt bearing the legend 'Chester Porter walks on water'. In the end, however, even Chester cannot save Rogerson, the most highly decorated policeman in the state, from public disgrace.Roger the Dodger is still around, in fact he was reported recently as admiring Richard Roxburgh's performance (as well he might). As for the rest though, 'it's all bullshit mate.'Postscript 2006: "The Dodger" by former policeman Duncan Macnab chronicles Roger's rise and fall.
    Baxter de Wahl What a pity that we in NSW and the ACT couldn't see this for five years. But then you can see just why. How good is Tony Martin as Neddy Smith? How graphic was the scene when Lanfranchi got blown away? How come Rogerson isn't in jail right now?