NR | 04 June 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    JMichael22 The best episodes of TNA iMPACT! Were between 2004 and 2008 the show went down hill from 2009 to present day.
    Just-Being-Me This Review is my opinion and is not meant to offend anyone in or out of the show, it is just how i feel.I am not sure about this show anymore. A few years back i only started watching it because my partner was into it and he told me "The icon Sting" was in it and i have always been a fan of his since i had the wrestling game with him on it when i was younger. So i started watching it and for a few year i have watched it with my partner weekly, we have missed one every now and then.It has always seemed better than WWE to me, just because of the people in it... like Sting, Jeff hardy etc. I have got to know everyone in TNA now and i started to enjoy it more but lately i have to say it has gone very downhill. I can't remember seeing a match where it was legit... OK i guess you need a little cheating or it would get very boring, everyone playing by the rules etc but cheating in every single match just gets lame, boring and to be honest very annoying.I am very disappointed and have started missing more shows lately as it has just got boring and all the good talent seem to be leaving... i know some people will be saying "yeah it is a story line" but no some isn't... Sting has left... will he be back? who knows but i know he has left for now (he is weighing up his options i have read). Jeff hardy has left (yes OK he is coming back as "Willow" but still).I didn't like how TNA made Sting look like he had "lost it", making him lose every single match was stupid, making him look like a bad wrestler when his fans know he is better than TNA made out. An Icon like him shouldn't have been showed up to be a crap wrestler.I mean people go on about "wrestling is real blah blah blah"... some of wrestling is, not all... the matches with Kurt Angle in seem legit and with Abyss seem legit but over the years i have seen some matches that make me laugh out loud, with wrestlers throwing themselves into stuff etc. Also i think TNA needs more/better female wrestlers, it would be good to see more women with muscles, women that look like wrestlers, i think the women wrestlers are just there to look good, but wrestling fans want to see women that can actually wrestle for once... like China was (was in WWE i think). I must add though lately the women wrestlers have got better... by bringing in L'aide Tapa (i don't know if i spelt the name right) and that other one who is slightly bigger than ODB.Also the story lines lately are so boring and "same old", it seems like they have no imagination, the story lines are too easy to guess (like we know what is going to happen before it does). We need the legends back, the wannabees out and better story lines that don't last forever... they get old and boring as i am sure many will agree. I think Dixie should take a backseat and let others do the work for her as she can't really act.I would normally rate TNA a 7 or 8 out of 10 but seen as though it has got rid of MOST of the good talent and the story lines are boring (have been for a while now)... i think it deserves a 4 - 5 out of 10.
    mb_1020 TNA is freaking awesome! AJ Styles, Chris Sabin, Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, and many more. And now Kurt Angle. WWE is not nearly as cool as it used to be. Except for Raw, it's still OK but Smackdown and ECW are kinda lame. ECW is not extreme at all anymore and the ECW originals are just the whipping boys for the new comers. There might be 10 to 15 wrestlers tops in WWE that are cool but the whole TNA roster is cool. Except for Shark Boy. I hate that guy. And WWE has a horrible tag team division and TNA has the best tag team division in the world. TNA does a lot cooler moves that WWE won't do. If AJ went to WWE he couldn't do any of his moves. TNA is just all around better and Bound for Glory was better than all of the WWE PPVs I've seen all year. TNA! TNA! TNA!
    CrassActionHero TNA Impact! Review: TNA arrived on the scene in 2002 as the new wrestling alternative. At first it was horrid. 50$ a month for Russo-era WCW booking and writing, TNA stunk. After showing idiot Russo the door, They got Dusty Rhodes. Dusty was not better and TNA still stunk. TNA fired Dusty and finally TNA got their asses in gear in the spring of 2005. TNA stripped TNA tyrant Jeff Jarrett of the title and actually gave others the run with the title and booking was effective. Better yet, the company was intent on pushing the youngsters and TNA was becoming a force. With Samoa Joe, The Fallen Angel, Abyss, Alex Shelly, Chris Sabin, Petey Williams, and many other wrestlers, TNA delivered some incredible PPVs in the summer and fall of 2005. That finally got TNA a TV deal. Then they gave the title back to Jarrett. TNA suddenly started to lag a little. Then they signed Christian, as a face. Not good. Christian sucks as a face. Then TNA did the worst and signed Sting. Sting has not done anything for TNA other than to put himself over. Selfish. TNA is now losing direction. With enormous talent on the roster, TNA has a lot to push. Alas, TNA a-hole Jarrett has reclaimed the title and sting is #2 around here. TNA can be a great division but, when double J has top billing, TNA is doomed. Sting isn't helping either. TNA needs to dump the dinosaurs and stick to pushing the talent. They can do it. Double J needs to get his head out of his ass first. Also the booker needs to push the future of TNA and not just his pals. Especially the ones who can't wrestle.The Last Word: TNA was awesome in the summer and fall of 2005. TNA is now falling apart. Some matches are still good though. TNA also needs to branch out to other venues other than Orlando. Also, The TNA PPVs have no design. Looks just like another Impact taping than a PPV. TNA isn't bad, just has bad booking and ego maniacal old-timers. Hope 2007 is better than now.Talent Roster, My take: Tag teams***America's Most Wanted: Excellent tag team. From the look to the name, and are very talented workers. Should be booked as faces more often. Still, a great tag team.The Naturals: Easily one of the best. Young and very experienced. The Naturals have a good look and give the tag team division something to enjoy. My pick for best of 2005.Team 3D: Washed up. Brother Ray and Devon are living in the past. Still trying to cash in at the gimmick that Paul E. and Vinne Mac. made famous. Also 3D, even at their best, matches are mediocre. 3D also gets stale fast.The James Ga..I mean the Voodoo Kin Mafia: First off, that name sucks. Second, we got two dinosaurs living in the past as well. They are not cool or fresh. The New Age Outlaws was their day. Now, It's a little sad. Also, what's with Kip's red hair??? Ick.LAX: Great heel team. Lead by Konnan, LAX are a nasty group of people. Konnan has natural heel charisma. Like Jerry Lawler to Randy Orton, he comes of really unlikeable. That's good. Homicide and Hernandez are a good team. Konnan must be really banged up. He makes a good mouthpieceSingle wrestlers***Sting: A known "icon". Sting as a stand alone wrestler was great. Everyone knows Sting. As of now, Sting should stay quiet. Having Sting say "It's Showtime!" is lame. Having Sting let his actions speak louder than his words, Cool. And let us forget about the Steve Borden crap.Rhino: Still got it. Now the war machine, Rhino has led a path of destruction. He still got the attitude and intensity, more than ever. The booking of Rhino is great. Only flaw is that Rhino held the NWA title for TWO DAYS! The ultimate transitional champ. Next reign had better be much longer.Christian: Although not as good as his previous days, Cage is still good at being a heel. He clearly is not as athletic as he used to be. He has a lame look, and has about 50% less charisma that he used to have in the WWE. The booking of Cage is much better here though. At least he isn't a joke.Abyss: One of the best in TNA. Abyss is tough. Abyss would have been an excellent fit to the original ECW. He's got a cool look and has the same gimmick as WWE wrestler Kane(back when Kane was cool looking). TNA is booking Abyss correctly and all they really should NOT do is take his mask off. Abyss will be ruined if that happens.Samoa Joe: Easily TNA's biggest success. Samoa Joe is despite his flabby appearance is TOUGH. Never has a guy this big been this MENACING. Unlike Goldberg, Samoa Joe WRESTLES his opponent to remain undefeated. From the Muscle Buster, to the rear naked choke, Joe is a wrestling machine in brutality and submission. Joe should remain undefeated for a long time. (Joe's streak is over to Kurt Angle at Genesis. So much for that.)Petey Williams: All hail the Canadian Destroyer! Petey is awesome. With a cool look and lots of experience, Petey is a perfect fit in TNA. Did I mention The Canadian DESTROYER?! Possibly the best finisher of all time. I can watch that all day.The Fallen Angel: Daniels is awesome. One of the most hardest workers in wrestling finally gets his credit where credit is due. Daniels also never gets stale and is hard to hate, even though he is an awesome heel. Daniels should get a title shot in the future.Chris Sabin: Very Talented. Lousy haircut. His finisher is okay but nothing special. Sabin is however good for the business.