Hotel Hell
Hotel Hell
TV-14 | 13 August 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
    Hotwok2013 As if chef Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Hell wasn't a contrived lot of twaddle, now he has turned his attention to criticising hotels. Kitchen Hell was bad enough but Hotel Hell is a whole lot worse. You can only assume that hotels prepared to come under the gaze of his critical eye are so desperate for business they think that having a celebrity stop at their establishment is worth it for the television advertisement even if what he has to say is less than complimentary. Gordon Ramsey is one of those TV chefs that seems to think he's a genius even though any idiot can cook. When you can paint like Rembrandt or compose a symphony like Mozart or Beethoven, then your a real genius!. Quite why he thinks his culinary knowledge qualifies him to be believe he is an expert in hotel management is beyond me. This, for me, is total television crap!.
    Znakemaster I really love Kitchen Nightmares and i've watched through that show wanting more. I only recently learned about this show, but i fell in love with it from the very first episode i watched.Gordon Ramsey is back and he's better than ever. Previously he's tackled improving poor and mediocre restaurants. This time however Gordon is tackling an abundance of poorly run and very mediocre hotels.Something we quickly learn is that a poorly run hotel is apparently very common, be it from being run by a stubborn owner or a dysfunctional family.No matter whats the case, Gordon doesn't hold back, when he finds something which is unacceptable, he lets the owner/s know and he rips them a new one or two if he has to.Hope Hotel Hell will be back for more seasons, Great Show
    Fritz King Kati Qota All he does is show up and critic, nothing gets fixed and no improvements are made... as a viewer , i wouldn't want to visit any of these places, i feel he has this demeanor on to sell to the public... if things are really shitty then fix them...! he literally shows up and starts complaining, gets people fired, shows attitude and that's that... i don't feel as if the show really helps anything, it's strictly a rude person, who is entertaining to watch but doesn't help at all... he point's out mistakes, which they are but doesn't really do much to fix anything. overall it is entertaining to watch people get discredited and builled.
    LeDentalPlaque I'm not sure where to start with Gordon Ramsay's Hotel Hell, but as a core belief, I say that someone should not act as an expert in something they don't specialize in. It's kind of like a biologist acting like they know everything about physics, provided that they've only had biology-related education. This is the case with Hotel Hell.Gordon Ramsay made his fame through the restaurant and dining experience. He's known for his outbursts and rude awakenings, but it's always been related to food - his specialty. Last year, I saw some episodes of Hotel Hell and the first thing that came through my mind is a simple question of "what kind of experience does he have with hotels"? To me, it's not good to have a show whose main host has no deep roots in that business. Of course, it's highly interesting to see the different hotels and to see Gordon Ramsay's softer side in trying to help out these struggling owners, but the show doesn't get as much credit because the host and producer are not professionals in this field - so there's only so much you can believe. Most of the show is also focused on Gordon himself, like him swimming in the pool almost every episode...Apart from helping to renovate one or two rooms in the hotel, the only good take-away is the restaurant aspect of each hotel, since he does specialize in that area.Overall, I rate it a 6/10 because of a lack of professional input from the hotel industry, but it is still good entertainment because it's frightening to see how terrible some hotels are.