North Shore
North Shore
| 14 June 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    mealga i LOVED IT and was SO shattered that there not making another season!!! i wish they would! it was the best show ever!!!!!! there's probably not any chance of them deciding to not cancel the show is there! ha ha i wish there was though! i would be so so excited!! i really would! I miss it! and was especially shattered not to know what happens to Jason!! i think they should make another one.... it i also think its silly that u have to writr ten lines to post a comment.. it makes your comment drag on..and no one will read it!! i really want to know what would have happened between jason and nicole... maybe they could make a spin off!!
    koolgirlie 9-7-04 Finally a series I can really like & relate to & look fwd to seeing ea week.Matter of fact, I actually tape it and watch over again in case I missed anything. The whole cast is fantastic, exactly as they have been chosen for their respective roles. First, I LOVE Kristoffer Polaha as Jason. The role he portrays is that of an honest, kind, respectful, ambitious, helpful integrity-keeping guy who is his own person and can't be dissuaded or bought off. How refreshing to see such qualities portrayed and these qualities actually seem to reflect Kris's personal life as well, as I look over his biography. Brook Burns is PERFECT as Nicole although she sure took her time going back to Jason. How could she hold out sooo long (groan moan). Really challenged him, no wonder he keeps pursuing her. James Remar as Vincent too is perfect. He is such a great character actor and great in this spot. I look for good things from him. Jason (another Jason, ha) is so cute, don't pay any attention to mom, I KNOW you have ambition. My mom always pressed my buttons too, but now I am self-employed and now I too am my own person like Jason Mathews. I loved the way Jason stood up to Nicole's father, although THAT seems to have cost him dearly. Walter Booth is such a control freak. And Tessa I already hate (which really proves what a great actress she is to invoke such feelings in us). The little waitress is as cute as a bug and very lovable. I really do look forward to seeing North Shore ea Monday here in Milwaukee and I do hope they keep it around for awhile. I'm so sick of cop shows, law & order; am now into the lighter side of entertainment. Real life is tense enough for me. I tune in on Mondays to get the feel of sand, surf and romance. Northshore delivers all these and Jason Mathews is MY idea of a refreshing, gorgeous, hunky and and I wish he wasn't married kinda guy who I love to fantasize about. I loved when Jason said to Vincent "I'm not a kid, and you'd better watch YOUR back or Walter Booth will take away everything you love". Couldn't a said it better myself. He kisses like a dream, lucky Tessa and Sept. 6 Nicole herself. Can't wait to see more of the romantic adventures as they progress. And by the way, Walter Booth isn't the ONLY guy out there who won't let go and that kinda thing can get pretty scary when it happens to you personally. I sure hope the ratings go thru the roof. I also intend to send a letter to Fox 6 Theatricals thru the mail, having cared enough to get their mailing address.Best wishes North Shore.
    tilathesingingjedi007 I don't see how this show is like the OC at all. First of all, the OC centers around teenagers and their parents trying to get through life. North Shore is about a hotel staff who is trying to run the hotel and have a social life at the same time. Second, The OC takes place in California. North Shore takes place in Hawaii.And why would Fox make a show just like one of its other shows on the same network? I think this is a great show with good actors for the most part. It has a good storyline and plot. I like the events that happen and how the people take care of them and work them out. The most recent episode was surprising how the story worked out. It wasn't predictable like most stories on most shows. I hope Fox keeps it on the air.
    Christopher Smith Although only two episodes of "North Shore" has aired so far, I think it is fair to say that they have been the best two episodes of any show that has aired so far this summer. The pilot episode has certainly been the better of the two episodes that have aired. Pilot episodes for television series are usually kind of lame since the writers have to spend the whole episode establishing the characters and the story of the show, but with "North Shore", the writers couldn't care less about story and character, leaving plenty of room for chicks in bikinis and campy dialogue. I can't wait until next week's episode. Let's hope that Fox doesn't cancel the show before the end of the summer.