Back in the Game
Back in the Game
TV-PG | 25 September 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
    Davor Lalic I don't have children so I love it....It's borderline offensive but the thing is this...its not a kids show or is it :-) I am laughing so loud that my girlfriend things I am having a psychotic break...characters are very funny, acting is OK, story line is improving every week and The Cannon is just hilarious and makes Peter from Family guy look like a choir boy!Its not the greatest show ever but I don't think it wants to be. Its 20 minutes long and I laugh 10 times on average....what more can you want, therefore I am giving the show an 8 out of 10 and this has nothing to do with the looks of the lead female character.....:-)!
    SnoopyStyle Terry Gannon (Maggie Lawson) is a divorced mother who has to move back in with her grumpy former baseball player father Terry 'The Cannon' Gannon, Sr. (James Caan). She has no money and no job. When her boy is stuck on the worst baseball team, she becomes their coach.It started slowly, but it got better as it went along. They finally got a girl on the team like the Bad News Bears. But it's a little too late being canceled after the 6th episode. The kids took a long while before they got the Bad News Bears feel. They're still missing the criminal bad boy. Maggie Lawson is passable, but she was never a wacky comedian. She was basically the straight man in Psych. James Caan needed some time to find the heart of the character. The first few episodes, he was simply a cranky old man. This show was slowly righting itself but the TV climate today can't allow a show to wallow for a season.
    kriti bhargava Not exactly a very engrossing story that sucks you in, but its gradual and normal. I'm a fan of Maggie Lawson from psych, so its good to see her. the cast does justice to the characters and i like seeing characters that aren't stereotypical. It'll be good to see where the story goes and if more characters show up. the humor is dry and sarcastic, a little mature but refreshing none the same. Most other shows i follow fall under a very common background. The sports angle is nice. From what i have seen so far, i can see a nice plot developing. This show is not about the suspense and i like that compared to other new shows that have just started. I will watch this entire season before judging if i'll stick to it, but i expect it to keep me interested.
    pugmac I am really surprised the overall ratings for this is so low so far. I think this is the best new show out so far. I'd call it a modern day Bad News Bears. The writing is really good. Many good laughs each episode and it also has a deep story line that will need to come together by the end of the season. Maggie Lawson is plays the perfect down on her luck, tom-boy mom who really takes loves her son and wants what's best for him. James Cane is the perfect fit for the grumpy Granddad/Dad/ex Baseball player who teaches the kids how to become better player/kids in unorthodox ways. He also is really good at showing a caring side, without showing it.If your tired of the same old sitcom with little depth, then this is the show for you. Give it a shot and I think you will find you like it.I hope it sticks around. It's a really good show.