Any Human Heart
Any Human Heart
| 21 November 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Jacomedi A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
    Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
    Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Fara Gold What a delicate human story of a real man and his very real and messy life, filled with all of the missteps into discovering the world and himself. While it is at once sentimental, it isn't overly romanticized or filled with self-pity.A curious and fascinating sub-plot around the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, took me into an internet search to learn more around a historical incident involving all the characters.Filled with flashbacks of Oxford friends, wives, lovers and children are the cast of characters illuminating our main character, Logan's, mind. Every flashback moves us through Logan's life, as he seems to outlive all of the unfortunate illnesses and accidents of his friends and family. The extensive ensemble of actors play their characters, with the grace and elegance you expect from such highly acclaimed actors as James Broadbent.The real thread of sweetness, in this series, is seeing how we assign value to our relationships and perception of the world. This is a story for every person, to feel connected to their own humanness and find purpose and human connection at every stage of their lives.
    Leofwine_draca An outstanding TV drama, superbly made and never less than engaging. The three-part ANY HUMAN HEART is in some ways a portrait of the 20th century, taking us through wars, political tribulations and the loneliness of modern times. Poignancy, romance, sex, death and drama, everything you could wish for in a show is present here.The actors are excellent. Jim Broadbent embodies weariness and Matthew Macfadyen gives a career-best turn. Hayley Atwell is simply glorious, while Gillian Anderson deservedly won a BAFTA for her turn as the terrifying Wallis Simpson. The production values for this are top-notch and the story draws the viewer in from the very beginning. I repeat, outstanding.
    TheLittleSongbird I read somewhere that Any Human Heart had poor viewing figures. If so, that's quite sad, because this series was excellent. Ridiculous sometimes yes, but it was also a classy and entertaining series and I actually think it did have heart.The book is a beautifully written and compelling one. And I think this series does a respectable job adapting it. Is it as good? Probably not, but the characters are faithful and great to watch and the story is told in an adept way. The script is often funny, touching, edgy, heart-warming and especially in the final episode reflective.That's not all. The production values are exquisite. The scenery is beautiful, the photography stunning and the costumes ravishing. The music fits the mood of each scene perfectly, while the direction is fully competent and the pace right on the money.The acting is excellent across the board. Julien Ovendon is good as Ernest Hemingway, while Kim Catrall's Gloria is the epitome of class and Gillian Anderson's Duchess of Windsor pinched and terrifying. Though it is the character of Logan who drives the drama, a very interesting if flawed character Logan is played by a different actor through different stages of his life. Logan as a child is played appealingly by Connor Nealon, while Logan as a young man is nicely portrayed by Sam Claflin. Matthew McFadyen is dashing, sympathetic and very convincing as a more middle-aged Logan, while Jim Broadbent comes off best in a brilliant, heartfelt and very reflective performance as Logan in his older age.In conclusion, I thought it was wonderful especially for the production values and the acting. 10/10 Bethany Cox
    info-au-gay William Boyd has shown himself to be one of the finest readers & chroniclers of the Human Condition writing today. It is almost a badge of honour that he has not won an award from one of the product placement companies. My first exposure to his work was a short-story called "The Persistence of Vision" - a perfect gem. Whenever I get depressed with the current offerings in the shops, I revert and, within seconds, I am transported. If I were to say that the life of Logan Mountstuart parallels my own to an almost spooky degree, it is not to say that I have played golf with some HRH & had my matches nicked. I have never jumped from an airplane or worked as a spy. One thing is certain: William Boyd is a far better writer than Ernest Hemingway ever was.Today, like Logan Mountstuart, as I sort out photographs and ancient family papers, I find - often depressing - aspects of that earlier life, the appalling personal loss of a loved one, letters of despair. Here and there a picture drawn by a loved child.As I said, Mountstuart is Everyman. He was not a bold boy; nor a bad man. He was easily led, but he is a good man; honourable, in a way that Peter Scabius was false. And so, Boyd leads us alongside this fallible man; while we, on occasion, find ourselves aching to say to him "Don't!" It would be better to read the book in the first instance; the screenplay follows the same sequence and one is more prepared for the jump-shifts in time. It is what I call a satisfying read; what I would like to write if I had the talent. The acting is universally faithful to the characters, especially Matthew Mac Fadyean, who is utterly convincing & sympathetic. If the producers are going to transfer this to DVD, please keep it intact, as they did in the excellent VHS version of "Armadillo" - which suffered badly in the compressed version, on DVD.It is supremely gratifying to find that there is an audience who can relate to great drama; who have the patience to follow a complex storyline and debate its merits or otherwise. Sunday is going to seem empty when it ends.