Monarch of the Glen
Monarch of the Glen
TV-PG | 27 February 2000 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    wilde_jaz I recently found Monarch of the Glen on Netflix and I am in love with it. Or perhaps more accurately I am in love with the whole package, cast and castle and the Scottish highlands. To me, it is more about a group of extremely likable people living their lives in a unique situation. And I want to join them! There is a feeling of "home" here that I find quite comforting. I agree with the reviewer who classed it as a "Scottish 'Northern Exposure.'" The settings are different but the heart of the show is very similar. Anyhow, I have greatly enjoyed Monarch and am sad that it has ended. I did not always agree with how the stories and characters played out, but was nonetheless charmed.
    bacchae2 Yes, it may be a bit of fey highland fluff, but it has a quirky charm (a bit reminiscent of a Scottish "Northern Exposure") and would be worth watching for the lush green scenery and glittering loch alone if nothing else. But, for connoisseurs of British TV, actors, and cult TV in general, the 6th series, just made available in the U.S. on DVD, is especially interesting because of the presence of at least 4 major cult figures of British television. Beginning with the continuing, charming presence of regular "Molly" played by the great Susan Hampshire whose resume reads like a history of the best of British TV. From her appearances in things like "Danger Man" (aka "Secret Agent") to classics such as the original black and white "Forsyte Saga," "The First Churchills," "The Pallisers," etc. etc. We also are entertained with the newly recurring character of Hector's wastrel brother Donald McDonald played by the highly amusing Tom Baker (still my favorite Dr. Who) and the delicious Anthony Head (Giles from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and more recently the Prime Minister in those hilarious "Little Britain" sketches.) And, best of all, for "Bad Girls" fans (at least those brilliant first 3 seasons which made British TV history thanks, largely, to this actress' landmark performance) we are further graced with the authentically Scottish, luscious Simone Lahbib (who, sadly/happily, was forced to leave the show when she found she was pregnant in real life.) She is a delight in her outdoorsy togs and her scenes with the farm animals. I'd love to see her do more comedy, though she excels as a dramatic actress. She and Tony Head, especially, have a very interesting working relationship/chemistry as well-matched actors here in their unfortunately too few scenes together. Very subtexty, less-is-more, breezy, low-key, naturalistic with a wry little twist and spin on the delivery. Too bad she couldn't have stayed longer, as they were just beginning to develop her character and the rivalry between Paul and Chester for Isobel's affections. I want to live on Isobel's farm, anyone know just where it's located? Also...another Monarch Trivia Alert: in an earlier season there was a major degrees-of-separation Indy Jones thing happening with the presence in the same series of Paul Freeman from "Raiders of the Lost Ark," plus that other "Raiders" villain Ronald Lacey's daughter, and the new laird, Lloyd Owen is Indy's dad from TV's "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles."
    smck_82uk I was a die-hard Monarch of the Glen fan during the shows initial run from 2000 - 05 and I followed it religiously through story lines such as the Lexie/Archie/Katrina love triangle, Stella Moon taking over at Glenbogle, the wolves storyline, Hectors death, Lexie & Archies eventual union & of course secret brother Pauls introduction. I would say the best of the show is the first 4 series, from series 5 onwards the show takes a new direction with old characters departing and new ones arriving and whilst it still stays perfectly watchable up until the end the quality of earlier series isn't really there.Overall I'd give it 10/10 though for the drama/acting & of course Scottish scenery.
    Lori I am now home all day with my toddler and I told myself I would never descend to watching soap operas. However, I became totally hooked on this show when BBC America began running it at 5:00 pm. It has romance, hunks to look at (as well as gorgeous natural scenery) and also melodrama...but it is certainly many cuts above a "soap". The quirky characters are so much fun to watch. This show has some of the feel of Northern Exposure...but, as an Anglophile, I feel it is even more appealing.I really came to look forward to unwinding with this show near the end of each busy afternoon. More please!