Zu Warriors
Zu Warriors
| 09 August 2001 (USA)
Zu Warriors Trailers

King Sky, the sole disciple of the Kun Lun Sect, falls in love with his master Dawn. Dawn is killed when Insomnia destroys the Kin Lun Mountain. King Sky waits for two hundred years and meets Enigma, who is the reincarnation of Dawn, and in love with her again. However, Insomnia's Blood Clouds is ready to destroy Zu...

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
akon1999 Watched this on DVD in original language with English subs. Either the subtitling was very poor or the actual dialog doesn't make much of story and give any character development. There are quite a few HK stars in this but the movie doesn't need their presence to make it better or worse. It's just bad. The bright and colorful scenes done in CG are attractive for the sheer colors and brilliance but it can get overwhelming before long. If anything this makes me think of a child's movie with its nonstop barrage of cg, fight scenes, and crap plot. I'm certain I grasped what took place in the film but the whole delivery of the story was rather lousy.
yuval bursztien This movie is really bad, trust me and don't waste your time or money on this, it not good even to just pass time because it takes a large amount of brain cells to remember all the ridicules plot.I very like the far-east cinema, i like Ang Lee, Takashi Miike, Takashi Kitano, Wong Kar-Wai, Kim Ki-Duk, etc., but this movie was just plain bad.Bad acting, ridicules plot, and a substantial amount of cheap effects. The plot of the movie is taking place in a fiction place called Zu mountain, which is like the Olympus but its for Japanese gods, one of the gods live on this mountain wants to kill all the others and take control over the world (aint it sound like power rangers or something like that), few of the gods resist and fighting him, and that is about what you can say about the plot all the rest is just cheap philosophy which doesn't make sense.
chinesefan This movie was rated among the worse movie of Tsui Hark's and a box office failure in Asia but I don't understand why so many voters' comments here gave it a full 10 votes here. This is simply the worst movie of such genre and I don't understand why the director could do a remake of his own without being sure of improvement. Obviously this film was made for commercial reasons. During the 2 years before this film was made, everyone Chinese movie fan is talking about the epic and commercial success of Feng yun xiong ba tian xia(Storm Riders(1998/98) and Tsui Hark changed his personal style and copied that movie's style, effects and ideas. Another victim among those who copied other's success. Stick to his 80's version acted by Brigitte Lin which is so much better and the effects are much more realistic. There is no sense of direction and the story was simply boring you will feel like walking off after 15 minutes. The action scenes and plots are mindless. If anyone can enjoy such movie, I recommend Storm Riders, a very similar style movie but the story and action is more interesting and logical. The only thing a bit watchable is some of the characters and weapons creation but we are not watching a picture book. This is a movie. Don't be fooled by the name "Ziyi Zhang"(Memoirs of a Geisha) as she appeared only for a very short scene and can hardly be recognized.
redrum_driew Well, what can I say... This movie is awful.As people have commented the special effects are not the best, but still pretty good. I can agree with them here. Although they still bothered me.The plot of the movie/character development was absolutely horrible. At the end of the movie, you realize there was no plot at all, and the only reason anyone who was sane would watch the movie is for the mediocre special effects.I was also expecting something with a bit of humor mixed in such as in Hark's Chinese Ghost Story, but again, there was no time after you put in all of the garbage this movie was collected from.To sum up, it wasn't a complete waste of time if you have nothing other to do than sit around anyway, but in my opinion stay away...