Zombie Night
Zombie Night
| 08 November 2005 (USA)
Zombie Night Trailers

Pakistan and India exchange nukes. Other countries join the fray, and the nuclear fallout causes a plague of the living dead. David attempts to lead a band of survivors from safe house to safe house, hoping to outlast the zombies, while also trying to protect the group from the machinations of a survivor and former member of his party bent on revenge.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
vichyssoise80 I'll be completely honest. I don't think this movie gets a lot of credit. It wasn't a horrible movie, but it wasn't also the best.Acting was pretty atrocious though. Some of the worst acting ever. Even some of the lines were extremely bad.Some of the characters I actually liked though. Though many were disposable.There are movies that have low quality cameras that really add to the grittiness and the mood the movie. It's not for every movie, but I think it worked for this one. It's more believable in my opinion. I saw that "comedy" was added to the description of this movie. Really? It wasn't intentional. Overall, I really liked this movie and didn't think it was that bad. There are MUCH MUCH worse movies out there. Take the good with the bad.
calgord This movie is so bad its almost funny. I don't regret watching this movie, in fact, where it not for the nudity and language, it would be worthy of MST3K. There are a couple paradoxes that make it slightly amusing. Although, the majority is total trash, sometimes so bad you can shove a pencil into you're ear canal just to stop the pain. It bordered on annoying as there where recurrent stupid things like the whole susceptibility to being, "ensnared within the agile grasp" of the zombies after being tapped. And script writing is seemingly nonexistent, did the director just give up half way through the movie? And the Derick character is the most annoying thing since "The Jersey Shore" STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE!!!
altjingoh I cannot justify even giving this movie a single star.It is bad.No, even worse than bad. There is no adjective in the English language that appropriately describes how awful this movie is.I will admit that there are a couple of good zombie kills, but the acting, sound quality, video quality, plot, continuity, believibility, and setting are all really bad.Somehow, they even managed to do a bad job with the nudity scenes.If you want to get drunk and make fun of this movie with your buddies, then this movie will serve you a purpose, but if you want to enjoy watching a scary movie, look elsewhere.
em89072002 The story is not original, not coherent and not enjoyable to watch. It's nothing more than lame idiots (how many no one really knows as the numbers inexplicably keep changing) running around trying to survive zombie attacks.The characters aren't very interesting in the first place --- just a bunch of dumb clichés. Even so, the acting is pathetic and these people should be embarrassed. It's more than just what they say, their actions and movements are all off and out of sync with nearly every scene.The DIALOGUE is deplorable. The last time I heard characters repeatedly speak in such a stilted manner was in those old Saturday morning cartoons from the 1970s.The writers really ruined this movie; if you don't start with a well written story there's no sense in even making a movie.