Zombie Flesh Eaters 2
Zombie Flesh Eaters 2
R | 01 June 1988 (USA)
Zombie Flesh Eaters 2 Trailers

When a terrorist's body, infected with a stolen chemical, is recovered by the US military, the corpse is cremated, unintentionally releasing a virus and bacteria into the atmosphere over a small island.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Michael Ledo An experimental drug/virus gets loose in the Philippines (?) as people and birds become infecting flesh eaters. There are various subplots involving tourists and the military. The feature has some camp value to it. The initial gun fight sequence was poorly done and comical as people fire at each other at close range and some people with guns seem to be standing around. The bird attack was funny. The zombie makeup only covered the head and hands. The feet and legs were unaffected. The zombies are sometimes foot draggers, other times they can box and fight. Head shots are not required to kill them. And oh yes some talk and think. Just a bad script.Not worth viewing, even for zombie fans...unless you can't get enough of an 80's action sound track.Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
By-TorX-1 Zombie Flesh Eaters 2 (or Zombi 3) is a bizarre affair from beginning 'til end. The plot has absolutely no logic at all, and when the zombie action kicks in it is indeed like watching a video game narrative unfold. Thus, as characters move through differing levels, the zombies do not simply shuffle towards them, or even run; instead, they inexplicably lurk in and leap out from increasingly illogical places, and these include: ponds, cupboards, kitchens, rafters, the sky, and even haystacks (the latter of which provides a truly surreal sight). Furthermore, the zombie skill level gets progressively more sophisticated: from the traditional shamblers, to kung-fu action, ultra-fast machete assault, and, best of all, a flying zombie head attack. In addition, weapons to fight the undead are simply found in order to fight the undead, just like in a game. Indeed, how many hotels just happen to have a box of M.16s and shotguns handy? How many have flamethrowers just propped up against a wall? Well, the hotel in this movie does, and I am certainly going to ask about such provision the next time I check in to my next hostelry. In terms of director, the film is credited to the gore-loving Italian Zombie King, Lucio Fulci, but there are no visual or thematic traces of his unique approach on offer. However, the final level of kudos has to be zombie cinema's first undead DJ, who still chats away amiably over the airwaves and continues to play tunes (I would have thought he'd play Death Metal, but sadly, he doesn't). So, the film is truly terrible, but it is also marvellous and totally re-watchable, just don't expect any Fulci touches.
Uriah43 A scientific research lab has just produced a deadly formula which is stolen by a terrorist group. But before the terrorists can get too far they are all killed except one. He is wounded in the attempt and is accidentally infected. Although he manages to escape to a nearby hotel, he is eventually caught by the army and his body is burned in the mistaken belief that this will kill the virus within him. Unfortunately, the ashes infect a flock of birds who then attack a tour bus carrying seven or eight passengers. Meanwhile three soldiers in a jeep who were following the tour bus manage to evacuate the passengers, but one woman in particular has been bitten and needs medical help. So the soldiers take the passengers to an abandoned hotel and in the meantime an epidemic has begun which causes chaos and destruction all around. Now, although the title of the movie is "Zombie 3" there really isn't a "Zombie 1". Unless of course you consider the first film, "Zombie 2" as "Zombie 1" that is. If that makes sense. But in any case "Zombie 3" isn't really a sequel anyway. Anyway, having clarified that let me add that this is a zombie film that relies heavily on smoke, action, gore and pyrotechnics first and foremost. Likewise, the music complements the action quite well too. However, the acting, character development and script are all secondary and as a result this movie suffers accordingly. So, if you're looking for a good action-packed zombie film then this one might be what you're looking for. Otherwise you'll just have to make allowances.
Bezenby A day without Massimo Vanni is like a day without sunshine! Here, my manny Vanni is trudging around an especially brain-damaged landscape full of zombies caused by some terrorist moron dropping some sort of germ warfare type thing, causing him to turn anthropophagus on the populace, who in turn yadda yadda you know the drill. What you might not know (but probably do or else you wouldn't be looking up this film) is that two titans of Italian gore were involved in this – Bruno Mattei and Lucio Fulci. Depending on what's true and that, as it's Italian films we're talking about, either Fulci directed most of it or Mattei did, and it's hard to tell, because the film is as stupid as a Mattei film and a daft as his Zombie Creeping Flesh, but visually it very much looks like a Fulci film and makes about as much sense as anything he made in the late eighties, so who knows? When the director of Strike Commando and Shocking Dark tries to tidy up the mess left by the director of Sweet House of Horrors and Cat in the Brain, how good could the results be?Well, it was written by Claudio Fragasso, so it'll would have probably have ended up the way it was even if Spielberg had directed. That's to say: Zombie Flesh Eaters 2 is awful. Also: It's gusset rippingly great!The guy who played stinky pinky with some germs causes a whole hotel to be raided by hazmat suit wearing, gun toting army dudes. Massimo Vanni and his mates, out to get some hot chick action, end up helping out a bus full of girls and a couple of guys who were attacked by zombie birds (yes indeed), and they all end up at a hotel which may or may not be the same hotel from earlier in the movie, plus they also find a stash of machine guns for no reason. Beatrice Ring is also on her way there with her brother who got chomped on the neck, and Mike Monty and one of the worst actors in history (and that's no hyperbole) try to figure out how to get an antidote to the germ. It time for everyone to get it on! Which is Italian movie speak for "Get graphically eaten by zombies".Be warned: If you happen to stumble upon this film with a set of 'zombie film rules' in your head then you're going be picking your brains from the floor. These are non-conformist zombies who do what they want, when they please! Talking? Well, some do. Running? Kung fu? Hiding in cupboards? Hiding underneath pregnant women so they can burst through them? How about a zombie head in a fridge? How about a zombie head in a fridge that can fly? Man, I'm getting dizzy just thinking about this film. Zombie DJ? Stop film, it's too much!By the way, Massimo Vanni dies about twenty minutes into the film. He dies in every single film I've seen him in, barring Inglorious Bastards (1977), so that ain't a spoiler there. Zombie Flesh Eaters Two isn't quite as insane as Zombie Creeping Flesh, but it sure is unrelentingly stupid and entertaining! They really don't make films like this anymore!