Red Surf
Red Surf
| 01 December 1989 (USA)
Red Surf Trailers

Remar and Attila are a couple of surfers who also deal drugs to make a living. They are trying to set up a final deal with local drug lord, Calavera, when their friend True Blue is busted by the cops. Blue talks too much in the police station and Calavera is out for revenge because of the betrayal.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
DigitalRevenantX7 James Remar is a former professional surfer who now parties hard by day & by night works with his crew as a drug runner, smuggling cocaine for a dangerous drug lord named Calavera. Remar's burning-the-candle-at-both-ends lifestyle is putting a wedge between him & his pregnant girlfriend Rebecca, but this pales in comparison to the large drug deal that Remar is working on. When one of his friends is arrested & becomes an informant for the police, Calavera decides to terminate the gang with extreme prejudice.Before he became a superstar in the 1990s, George Clooney was working in cheap thrillers like Red Surf. This film also had onboard Gene Simmons as the crew's resident security 'consultant' & small-time actor & future Albert Pyun associate Vincent Klyn as a heavy.Red Surf is an unexceptional film to put it bluntly. It has a concept that is decidedly average & has become a sort of plot cliché for the majority of the 1990s & beyond. The action scenes are the film's highlight but lack a certain excitement element that makes such scenes pale in comparison to the stuff other action cheapies managed to make out of. The two action scenes that do appear in the film – a chase on the water between Clooney's crew's jet skis & a thug on a speedboat & the climactic shootout that has some glaring goofs on display (one character's weapon changes twice within seconds & another's weapon appears without a magazine yet still fires) – are lacking in entertainment value.Having said that, George Clooney rules the show with his trademark intensity & unpredictable manner that he would perfect by the time of FROM DUSK TILL DAWN. It's a shame that he is killed off before the end of the film. Gene Simmons kicks butt with style & Rick Najera makes a decidedly dangerous drug lord.
beisserchen If you're out for criminals and surfer with great surfing scenes, then this is the wrong movie for you. Then better watch Point Break, which was actually made a year later and had a much more modern and tougher look. With "Red Surf", I thought, oh well, give it a try: George Clooney in one of his very early roles, but some of his mannerisms can already be seen, (and the DVD cover is deceiving by picturing today's George) plus his acting abilities especially in carrying a film, too. He even looks gorgeous in shabby jeans and a leather jacket. I liked some of the photography, the music score was quite good as well. The story hang a bit in the air, a bit lose, so to speak. Some unnecessary violence. The whole film seemed a bit undecided, too many bits of different genres: a typical 80s movie with party, drugs and rock'n roll, but not tough enough, and a bit of "adulthood" thrown in. Also worth mentioning is Desperate Housewives' Doug Savant, who brings to his role some depth. And, quite cool, Gene Simmons who adds a little class to this movie.
the amorphousmachine SPOILERA long time ago: when I was really into independent low-budget films and had no idea who George Clooney was, I watched 'Red Surf' and remember liking it A LOT! I bought it two years ago really cheaply on DVD, and was surprised that George Clooney was the actual star of this film I remembered seeing as a teen. When I originally saw it on video, George Clooney wasn't famous, so I paid no attention to the actors in the film, but I remember distinctly liking this low-budget film with jet-skis and drug deals gone wrong. That's why I bought it!Now, I have no idea why I bought it! Maybe when I originally watched it, I thought the low-budget story of friendship spliced with action somehow resonated well with me. The second time round, it wasn't as great as I remembered it, but I'm finding that in many circumstances these days. I do think that certain films work at certain ages, and for some reason, I fondly remembered this in my youth.Not that it is completely terrible or anything. It's just not worth owning. It's a decent low-budget action film, with an urban late 80s/early 90s feel to it. However, the film lacks focus and a good script, and some parts are really quite corny. The main duo (George Clooney and Doug Savant) decide to save a friend who sold them out, and only one of them seems to have common sense. Some of the acting is a bit ordinary too, even from Mr Clooney, but he still manages to transcend that leadership quality that he has with most of his characters in this movie as the alcohol-fuelled would-be parent and failed surfer in Mark Remar. Regardless of the overall plot, this is still pretty entertaining, particularly with the final shoot-out scene. Worth checking out for old-school George Clooney, and for Gene Simmons as Doc (which I didn't realise both times round), but don't expect to be anything other than a low-budget B-grade action film with slightly embarrassing early 90s hairstyles and a bad guy with a mullet. So my memory of this film was a lot better than the reality!*** out of *****!
stevenironside This picture was released straight to video/cable...I can not, for the life of me figure out why! Many may describe this as a guilty pleasure, but I would not. Boos' direction flows in this tale of suspense and intrigue. Shot purposely on what seems to be video, the film can be described as a surfers dream gone pipeline wipe-out nightmare. Is it a heist gone to blunder? I think not! Its a soul searching revenge piece with a twist of Hitchcockian suspense!Clooney gives one of his most memorable performances...Doug Savant proves he is better than his Melrose Place performances would show...DeeDee Pfeifer is wonderful as usual...Phillip McKeon shows he will be something special.Look for Gene Simmons in a key role.*** out of ****