WWE Rebellion 2000
WWE Rebellion 2000
| 02 December 2000 (USA)
WWE Rebellion 2000 Trailers

Rebellion (2000) took place on December 2, 2000 at the Sheffield Arena in Sheffield, England. The main event was a Fatal Four-Way match for the WWF Championship between Kurt Angle, Rikishi, Steve Austin and The Rock. Undertaker competed against Chris Benoit, Right to Censor defended the Tag Team Championship against the Hardy Boyz, Kane fought Chris Jericho, William Regal defended the European Championship against Crash Holly, Steve Blackman defended the Hardcore Championship against Perry Saturn, and Ivory defended the Women's Championship against Lita.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
amanwhorocks 1. Elimination 6-man table match: Dudley Boyz Vs. Edge/Christian Vs. T&A - Decent opener in which Dudleyz eliminated both teams. 6.5/10 2. WWF Women Title Match: Ivory Vs. Lita - Lita retained the title by cheap way. Match was surprisingly good. 7/10 3.Hardcore Title Match: Perryy Saturn Vs. Champ-Steve Blackman - On hardcore standard that is really good one. 7.5/10 4. European Title Match: Crash Holly Vs. Champ- William Regal - Regal lost after Molly Holly dropkicked him? Well, that sucked. 6/10 5. Eddie Guerrero/Dean Malenko Vs. Chyna/Billy Gunn - Every of them made themselves look good. Gunn won over Malenko. 8/10 6. Chris Jericho Vs. Kane - Y2J cleanly lost, OK, that sucked even more with that robotic Kane. 5.5/10 7. WWF World Tg Team Title Match: Hardy Boyz Vs. Champs-Bull Buchanan/Godfather - Hm, they can do it better. Champs retained. 7/10 8. The Undertaker Vs. Chris Benoit - Taker of course didn't do a job 7/10 9. WWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Champ-Kurt Angle Vs. The Rock Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Rikishi - Overbooked as hell.Angle retained over Rikishi. 7/10 And totally pathetic ending with YRock and Stone cold drinking beer together. *Sigh*
gridoon 1) T & A vs. Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz. Three-team elimination tables match. Nothing special, just chaotic. **2) Ivory vs. Lita (women's title). Very short and rather poor match, but I can't rate any Lita match lower than ** (even though she only gets to do about 3 moves here).3) Perry Saturn vs. Steve Blackman (hardcore title). Both men seem capable of wrestling, too bad it's a hardcore match and they don't get to do too much of that. And even if you like this type of match, this one has no blood. **1/24) Crash Holly vs. William Regal (European title). A decent amount of technique on display here, plus a nice missile dropkick by Molly Holly at the end. **1/2 5) Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko vs. Chyna and Billy Gunn. A formulaic tag-team match, with one exception: the awesome Chyna, giving and taking a beating like no other woman could. **1/26) Kane vs Chris Jericho. A pretty good big vs. small, power vs. speed match. **1/27) The Hardy Boyz vs. Right To Censor (tag team titles). Wait, aren't there a few too many tag team matches in this PPV? But this one at least has some exciting, fast-paced offense by the Hardyz. **1/2 8) Chris Benoit vs. The Undertaker. The best match of the night. Before it starts, the Radicalz attack the Undertaker and hurt his left leg, and Benoit spends most of the match focusing on that leg, while Taker focuses on Benoit's lower back. The ending is sudden and surprising. ***9) Fatal 4-way for the WWE title. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rikishi. Not much wrestling here, mostly just brawling, but fairly entertaining. It would have been better without so many outside interferences, and without that fat slob Rikishi. **1/2 As you can see, this PPV has 9 matches and none of them are bad, but there are no must-see classics either.
Spawn Devil Match 1: 3 Team Elimination table Match Dudleyz vs. Edge and Christian vs. T and A w/Trish Good pop for Dudleyz and Edge and Christian more than can be said for T and A. Albert and D-Von start the match out, albert early advantage, D-Von with clotheslines, in comes Bu Buh double suplex. Buh now tagged in, in the corner, slaps to the face of Albert, Albert reverses, tag into Test, double elbow to Buh Buh. To the outside go T and A and throw in a table. Albert now in ring Dudleyz with table in hand, Albert kicks table into them. Test now in with Buh Buh, in the corner choking him out, Albert back in again. Buh Buh nearly through table, D-Von moves it. test with a big boot to Buh Buh, blind tag by Test to Edge, Edge now working on Buh Buh ray,tags in Test does Edge powerslam from Test, Buh Buh tags in D-Von, D-Von with a huge clothesline, Albert in, Dudleyz double team Albert and Test, Buh Buh on the top rope with Albert, table setup, Edge and Christian eliminates Albert by pushing him away from Buh Buh and through the table. Edge and D-Von now legal in ring, to the outside D-Von works on Christian, Edge from behind double team by Edge and Christian, back in Edge tags Christian, D-Von caught with a russian leg sweep from Christian. Christian tags in Edge, edge now with punches to D-Von, D-Von comes back with right hands, to the outside goes Edge, brings out a table with Chrisitan, baseball slide by D-Von to E and C. Back in ref misses a tag between Dudleyz, Christian whips D-von in, elbow by Christian, back out, front face slam to Christian by D-Von, tag either side. Buh Buh works on Edge, Edge comes back with a spear. Edge goes up top for the WASSSSSSSSUUUUUPPPPPP, Buh Buh reveres Christian and Edge nails Christian, D-Von goes up top for the WASSSSSSUUUUUUP and nails it on Edge. D-VON GET THE TABLEEEESSSS!!! E and C are down in the ring, Dudleyz setting up a table, call for the 3D, Christian blocks Edge getting hit, but the Dudleyz capatalize and nail it on Christian through the table. Winners : Dudley BoyzMatch 2: WWF Womens Title Ivory vs. Lita Before the match Micheal Cole interviewed Lita, she said she hopes to take away what hers from Ivory, the WWF's Women's Title. Out come Steven and Ivory, Steven gets the mic and goes on about how England is a bad place, we shouldn't have pubs on every street corner and sheffield is the very place where they filmed the horrible film the Full Monty. Ivory then askes Ivory to see the light, out comes Lita, huge pop, nails the spear on Ivory straight away, arm drag take down followed by a dropkick, snapmare followed by dropkick, two count for Lita, in the corner, out comes Ivory, side suplex by Lita, gets another two count, Lita knocks Steven off the apron. From behind Ivory nailing Lita with knife edge chops and right hands, Ivory choking Lita over the bottom rope. Steven preaches to Lita on the outside, legdrop from Ivory gets a two count. Northern Lights suplex from Ivory gets a two count. Back up, irish whip, head scissors from Lita, followed by the Twist of fade, Steven distracts Lita, Lita flys through the middle rope and nails Steven, sunset flip attempt from Lita, Steven back up and grabs Ivory by the arm giving her leverage for the pin. Winner : IvoryMatch 3: WWF Hardcore Title Steve Blackman vs. Perry Saturn No Terri with saturn, shes back home in the States. Saturn on top in the early going here, to the outside goes Blackman, top rope plancha from Saturn to Blackman, Blackman nails saturn into the ringpost, back inside the ring goes Saturn, Blackman throws in a garbage can, back in goes Black man, shelving to the back of Saturn by Blackman gets a two count for Blackman. Back up irish whip reversed by Saturn, Blackman into the trash can in te corner to count for Saturn, Blackman back up, Saturn nails him with the shelving, gets a two count. in the corner, shoulders to the mid section by Saturn to Blackman, mid ring, crucifx by Saturn, two count. Blackman thrown to the outside and nailed with metal shevling to the outside. Saturn show boats in the ring, Blackman recovering on the outside. Saturn jumps from the top and meets the shelcing, both men go at it, NBlackman swung into the ring steps. Fire Extinguiser by Saturn to Blackman, steel chair in the ring, chair to the ribs of Blackman, drop toe hold by Blackman to Saturn on the chair, Blackman gets the Kendo Sticks, "Its Party Time", usual Kendo Stick moves, suplex from Blackman two and a half count, inside cradle by Satrun another 2 and a half conut, Saturn with steel chair, run across by both men, Blackman kicks the chair into the face of Saturn and gets the pin Winner : Steve BlackmanMatch 4: WWF European Title William Regal vs. Crash Holly with Molly Regal interviewed before the match, went on about how great England then how bad it was also, also dissed America. The Undertaker then shown arriving via Harley Davidson to the arena. Crash makes his way down to the ring, music stops half way thorugh for some bizarre reason. Good pop for Regal on arrival, William gets the microphone, he says its good to be back, but his a little disappointed with the ones who boo. He says he knew he'd get a better pop than both The Rock and Steve Austin the fans boo, Regal says that he is there hero, he represents each and every one of them, "Regal Sucks" chants. you don't mean that says Regal, the hero of the United kingdom. he knows he is giving them joy being the WWF European champion, the people are a bunch of under achieves and that he is the one standing.....Crash interrupts, bell rings, Crash will dropkicks, irsh whip to Regal, Regal back out, pump hande slam gets a two count for Regal, irish whip, elbow by regal to Crash, Regal working on Crash, suplex, float over two count, series of pin attempts, chinlock by Regal. back up, Crash with the advatage, two count for Crash. Regal back on top, punches to Crash, Regal gloats in the ring. More forearm shots to Crash, side suplex by regal gets another two count. Another chinlock applied by Regal, crowd going for Crash, Regal uses the rope for leverage with his leg, back up backslide by Crash gets a two count, followed by a cradle, two count. Crash with a hurricanrana, two count. face first to the mat goes Crash, Regal for the pin, two count foot on rope by Regal gets a three count, referee doesn't see. Referee then told, match continues and Molly nails Regal with a missle dropkick, Crash nails Regal with the beltgoes for the pin and gets it! Regal beat on Crash after the match and walked off with the belt Winner : Crash NEW European ChampionMatch 5: Eddie Guerrero & Dean Malenko vs. "The One" Billy Gunn Good pop for Gunn and Chyna, radicalz booed out of Sheffield. Guerrero and Gunn start off, irish whip, dropkick to the knee by Guerrero to Gunn, Guerrero working on Gunn's leg. Irish whip reversed, tilt wirl slam by gunn, in the corner, Guerrero being beaten in the corner. Guerrero begs for mercy. Guerrero goes to shake hands, clothesline by Gunn, two count in come malenko to break it. Chyna press slam to Guerrero, Malenko to the outside with Gunn, back in goes Malenko with Chyna in ring, Gunn on the outside to Guerrero. Hip lock take over by Chyna, clothesline, two count on Malenko. in the corner, Chyna with kicks to the mid section "Chyna has a fine set of Biscuits" says Tazzz LOL. Guerrero trips Chyna from the outside sending her to the mat, Guerrero tagged in, in the corner, Guerrero working with punches, choking her over the middle rope now, Gunn comes in, referee stops him, double team by Radicalz, tag by Guerrero double elbow, Malenko floats over for the two count. Front fac lock by Malenko, in comes Gunn and breaks it, referee has to restrain Guun, Guerrero tagged in, applies more moves, tags back in Mlaenko, irish whip ducked by Malenko, Chyna catches Malenko coming back, nails a DDT. Chyna and Malenko reaching for the tags. Both tag, Gunn working on Malenko and guerrero big back drop. Double team now by Radicalz back fires, doubl clothesline by Billy Gunn. Irsih whip in comes Gunn, gets nailed with Malenkos boot, Gunn back out. powerslam to Malenko, two count broken by Guerrero. Guerrero and Chyna on the outside. Jackhammer by gunn followed by fame Asser to Malenko, two conut broken by Guerrero, back outside Guerrero goes with Chyna. Gunn catches Malenko with a big cross body for the pinfall. Winners : Chyna and Billy GunnMatch 6: Kane vs. Chris Jericho Kane comes out to usual fire pyros. Y2J comes out to a thunderous ovation, with microphone in hand "Welcome to England is Jericho, it looks to me the Sheffield Arnea is jam packed full of Jerichoholics. If u have been waiting to see Y2j in the UK you will never ever be the same again. Standing in the ring, a bonafide red and black union jackass" Jericho ight hands to Kane, Kane reeling, irish whip boot to the face of Jericho by Kane, back up, drop kick then a clothesline to the outside by Jericho to Kane. Kane nails Jericho's head to the mat and tosses him back in. Springboard dropkick by Jericho to kane sending him back to the outside, head first into the steal steps by Jericho to Kane, back in the ring, Jericho lanches himself at Kane and gets caught mid air and slaamed to the mat via a powerslam by Kane, gets a two count. Irish whip, Big front face slam by Kane, hangman choke by Kane, Jericho holding on in there. Jericho use his momentum to get to the rope, hold breaks, inside cradle by Jericho, two count. Back up, Jericho sent to the mat via a thunderous chokeslam. in the corner, Kane with right hands, slowing the pace down, choking him out in the corner, 5 count by the referee, Kane breaks the hold. Irsih whip to the other side, Kane continues to work on Jericho in the corner, back out Jericho gains small momentum but is then ailed with a huge sidewalk slam. Up top goes Kane, Jericho up and nails Kane on top tunbuckle, Jericho tries a move and gets pushed off, Kane goes for a double axe handle but gets nailed with a Jericho dropkick, both men down and up on 8. Inzugri by Jericho to Kane, Jericho nails the missle dropkick, two count. Irish whip, Kane in the corner, pushed sternum first into the turnbuckle, Jericho trying to apply the walls of Jericho, Kane choking out Jericho, bulldog by Jericho, goes for the lionsault and lands on Kane's knees, Kane back up and nails the Choke Slam Winner : KaneMatch 7: WWF Tag Titles : RTC w/Val vs. Hardy Boyz RTC booed out of the building, Hardy get a good pop, both teams start out in the ring, to the outside the Hardyz sent RTC, back in ring the Hardyz show boat. RTC on the outside, back in Bull and Jeff hook it up, Bull with knees to the mid section, in the corner, irish whip, Jeef ducks up top, misses the move, lands feet first, hurricanrana to Bull, back up in the RTC corner, Bull and Goodfather nail Jeff with a huge shoulder block. Goodfather now the legal man, kicks to the mid section of Jeff in the corner, tag in by Goodfather to Bull, Jeff in pain holding side, whip across by Bull, duck by Jeff, pushes Bull into the ropes, blind tag by Jeff in comes Matt, near fall gets a two for Matt, Twist of Fate attempt by Matt to Bull, in comes Goodfather and nails his own partner with the tag belt. Matt up top now nails the legdrop, two count broke by Goodfather. Goodfahter and Bull back up, Goodfather tags in Bull, armbar, yes and armbar applied by he Goodfather, Matt being nailed with right hands to the canvas, works on the shoulder over the top rope, both RTC back in, big double team move head first to the Matt for Matt. Bull tagged in, big right hands, another tag by RTc in comes Goodfather, irish whip, Matt with punches to Goodfather, both men down and reaching for the tags, both men back up, tag blocked by Goodfather, big bearhug into a slam, Goodfather with the mistake missing Matt coming in, Matt stumbles over for the tag, Jeff in, both RTC in ring, corkscrew moonsault by Jeff to RTC, poetry in motion, Bull tossed to the outside. Twist of Fate by Matt to Goodfather, Swanton Bomb nailed, referee distracted by Bull, Money Shot from Val. Puts Goodfather on top for the pin. Winners : Right To CensorMatch 8: Undertaker vs. Chris Benoit Benoit comes out, Takers music hits and he doesn't show out for the match due to the beating by the Radicalz. Benoit gets the mic and says he wins via forefit, the music hits again, still no Undertaker, Benoit trying to get the referee to raise his hand, the announcer begins to announce Benoit the winner, music hits again and out come the Dead Man. Benoit attacks the knee of the undertaker straight away, in the corner, wraps it around the rops and works on it, punches back by the Undertaker. Benoit down, back up with Taker, in the corner, head first to the turnbuckle, Benoit up in a press slam, down to the mat. In the corner, Taker working on the mid section of Benoit, Taker with the vintage walk of the top rope and nailing Benoit across the back, two count for the Undertaker. Irish whip in by Benoit, big boot to the face of Benoit coming in. To the outside goes Benoit, Undertaker follows. Head first to the steps goes Benoit, both men back in the ring, Benoit send the Undertaker back outside, high cross body by Benoit, caught mid air and sent spine first to the ringpost by The Undertaker. Benoit now being beaten on the outside, again spine first into the ring post. Back inside, two count for Undertaker, Undertaker now focusing on the back of Chris Benoit. In the corner, back out, irish whip off the ropes, Undertaker catches Benoit in a big bear hug. Back down, two count for Undertaker again, Taker up slowly favouring his knee. Irish whip across, powerslam attempt by Undertaker, blocked by Benoit, Benoit nails Taker with a dropkick to his damaged knee. Benoit now working on the left knee, leglock applied applying servre pressure, both back up, Benoit again nails Undertaker in the left knee. Taker crawling around the ring, Benoit stomping on the knee, step over toe hold applied, both shoulders down two count for Benoit, Taker gaining momentum from the Sheffield crowd. hold broken, Benoit again back to the left knee, figure four leg lock applied, hold slapped on for between 2 to 5 minutes, hold reversed by Undertaker, Benoit now screaming in pain, reaches the ropes and breaks the hold. They exchange punches centre ring, duck underneath by Benoit, back suplex by Benoit, Benoit drives Taker's left knee into the canvas. Benoit up top, flying head butt to the knee of the Undertaker, Benoit goes to apply yet another leg lock, Undertaker counters with a inside cradle for the pinfall. Winner : UndertakerMatch 9: WWF Title : Rikishi vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs. Steve Austin Thunderous ovation for both The Rock and Austin, just more for Austin who came to the ring last, surprise, surprise. All four men go at it centre ring, Austin on Angle, Rikishi on The Rock. Inside Austin hits a spinebuster, gets a two count, suplex, gets a two count for Austin. Riksihi pulls Austin to the outside, Austin brawling outside with Rikishi, back in the ring The Rcok hits big Samoan Drop, gets a two count, exchanges by Rock and Angle, Angle send to the outside, back in the ring The Rock and Steve Austin double team Austin, Angle grabs the title and goes to leave, Rock chases after Angle and brings him back to the ring, Lou Thez Press from Austin, two count for Austin. Same to Kurt Angle, Angle tossed to outside. The Rock flying clothesline to Rikishi, Austin choking Angle withthe television cable on the outside. Rikishi nails Rock in the corner and then Rikishi hits the Stinky Face on The Rock to a pop from the UK fans, spinebuster to Rikishi, followed by Peoples Elbow, two count broken by Angle diving into the ring, Angle with the cover, Austin breaks it, Austin covers, Rikishi kicks out. Rikishi working on Austin in the corner, Angle and Rikishi take both there respective men down, Austin and The rock back up, the toss Rikishi and Angle to the outside. Rock and Austin centre ring, stare down from both men, Austin with right hans, back comes The Rock, duck underneath STUNNER from Austin, two count broken by Angle, Angle covers Rock broken by Rikishi, big legdrop by Rikishi. All men back up, Austin whoopin' ass on Angle, Austin turns round and walks straight into a ROCK BOTTOM two and a half count referee pulled out by Rikishi, Olympic Slam to The Rock by Angle, Referee still out, in he comes two and three quarters, Angle rolled up by Austin, another near fall. Riksihi and The Rock in the ring, another ROCK BOTTOM, Edge and Chrisitan now on the outsdie, in comes Edge nails The Rock to break the count, down come the Radicalz, STUNNER by Austin to Rikishi, its chaos, Austin and The Rock brawling on the outside with the Radicalz, meanwhile in ring Angle hits an Olympic Slam on Rikishi and gets the pinfall. After the bell Austin and The Rock take out the Radicalz with a STUNNER here and a ROCK BOTTOM there. The Radicalz scramble to the outside, If Ya Smell hits and The Rock and Steve Austin stare down the Radicalz from the ring to the ramp. Austin calls for some beers , Benoit back in, The Rock tossers Benoit to Austin...STUNNER, in comes Guerrero....ROCK BOTTOM! Out spins Guerrero, Austin and The Rock exchange words. the crowd are going crazy. Steve Austin calls for the beers once more as Disturbed hits the PA. "If you wanna see Stonecold drink some beers with The Great One gimme a Hell YEAH!!" Crowd "HEEEEEELLLLLLLLL YEAAAAAAHHHH!". The show ends with the two sharing a beverage in the Sheffield Arena. Winner : Kurt AngleI give this PPV a B-