WCW SuperBrawl V
WCW SuperBrawl V
| 19 February 1995 (USA)
WCW SuperBrawl V Trailers

Hulk Hogan squares off against Vader for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Sting & "The Macho Man" Randy Savage battle Avalanche & Big Bubba Rogers. Harlem Heat faces The Nasty Boys for the WCW World Tag Team Championship on the line and much more!

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: Paul Roma vs Alex Wright. So for some reason, on the WWE Network, the PPV just starts mid-match. Apparently there were technical difficulties with the show, but whatever. The match is good for the most part, but beings I can't see it from the beginning, it's hard to rate. I will say the ending is sloppy though, with quite a few botches towards the end. Rating: 3/5 2nd Match: Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs Bunkhouse Buck. This match goes way too long. There's no real wrestling, with just a lot of punches, but instead of looking like a slugfest, it looks like two guys who can't fight, attempting to fight. In layman's terms: it looks fake. Rating: 1.5/5 3rd Match: Kevin Sullivan vs Dave Sullivan. Dear God, please tell me Dave Sullivan disappears from wrestling soon. The guy can't wrestle, and neither can his brother. At least Kevin can have an entertaining match with no rules, but Dave on the other hand can't wrestle his way out of a wet paper bag. So beings this a match between 2 guys who can't wrestle, you can imagine how good it is. Rating: 1/5 4th Match: Harlem Heat vs The Nasty Boys, WCW World Tag Team Championships. The match goes well, until the DQ ending happens. In case you haven't noticed, I detest the over-the-top-rope DQ rule. Thank Christ they eventually got rid of that. The sad thing is, this is the best match of the night so far. Rating: 3.5/5 5th Match: Dustin Rhodes vs The Blacktop Bully. You know that point when you're watching a bad PPV and you realize that no matter what the show does, it can't recover, that's that's this part. Another match that didn't need to go past 10 minutes. You'd think that a match that goes 16 minutes would at least be memorable, but I seriously can't remember anything about it. That's the sign of a good match for ya. Rating: 2/56th Match: Sting and Randy Savage vs Avalanche and "Big Bossman's 69th Gimmick". There's not a lot to this mach, it's pretty much a squash, but the crowd's into it. I'll give the match points for at least being entertaining. Rating: 3.5/5 7th Match: Hulk Hogan vs Vader, WCW Heavyweight Championship. Typical Hogan match, but I don't mind. At least Hogan's matches, as copy/paste as they are, are at least entertaining. The match ending in a DQ is lame though, and I'm sure it mostly served to not bury Vader. Rating: 3.5/5 Final Rating: 5 out of 10. Some matches were entertaining, but other than that, there's nothing to write home about this show. The bad matches are bad, and the matches that aren't bad are just above average.
amanwhorocks 1. Paul Roma Vs. Alex Wright - Normal match with some boring chants, another push for "The Wunderkind" Predictable ending. Legendary firing Roma after that match for not following to put Wright over. 6/10 2. Bunkhouse Buck Vs. Insulting Hacksaw Jim Duggan - That was boring as hell. Classic "punch" match. Duggan did 3 maybe 4 same slams. And he won with one really bad-looking clothesline 4/10 3. Kevin Sullivan Vs. Dave Sullivan - No! Who booked these two stiffs on PPV card? That was so terrible, my English don't suffice. Beefcake aka Butcher very poorly played his injury (how else). 2/10 In backstage there is dementic Bossman with his another gimmick Big Bubba. You could know him yet as Guardian Angel/Boss...4. WCW Tag Team Title match: Nasty Boys Vs. Champs-Harlem Heat - Average match with bad DQ ending for throwing over top rope. 6/10 5. Black Top Bully Vs. Dustin Rhodes - Standard match, nothing to interested in. 5.5/10 6. Avalanche/Big Bubba Vs. Sting/Macho Man - I Hate Bossman in every of his 10 gimmicks, terrible wrestler-ugly guy. He mar the match, but without him it was decent. 6/10 7. WCW Heavyweight Title Match: Vader Vs. Champ-Hogan - Poor Vader for participating in this bout. Invincible Hulk, couldn't lose with anybody!!! Hogan destroy Vader's position in WCW and that's thing that I can't forget him. This match could be worse. Hey Hogan, try moonsault like Vader if you're better than he's, Ha! 5/10