WWE One Night Stand 2007
WWE One Night Stand 2007
| 03 June 2007 (USA)
WWE One Night Stand 2007 Trailers

One Night Stand (2007) was the third annual One Night Stand PPV and was presented by Gilette. It took place on June 3, 2007 at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida and featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW brands. The main match on the Raw brand was John Cena versus The Great Khali in a Pinfalls Count Anywhere match for the WWE Championship. The featured match on the SmackDown! brand was Edge versus Batista in a Steel Cage match for the World Heavyweight Championship. The primary match on the ECW brand was Vince McMahon versus Bobby Lashley in a Street Fight for the ECW Championship. The featured matches on the undercard included Rob Van Dam versus Randy Orton in a Stretcher match and a Ladder match for the World Tag Team Championship between The Hardys (Matt and Jeff) and The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas).

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
jts0405 Match 1: Rob Van Dam vs Randy Orton in a Stretcher match - Good opener for the extreme pay per view. Orton starts this whole Raw vs ECW rivalry, in which he goes around attacking legends and ends up beating on ECW Originals Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam. Van Dam is signed for a Stretcher match to end his feud with Orton at this event. Van Dam wins the match, but Orton DDTs him from the ringside barrier to the mat for the win. They play it off that Van Dam has a concussion.Match 2: CM Punk, Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman vs Elijah Burke, Matt Striker & Marcus Cor Von in a Tables match - The ECW brand needed to throw in it's share for the extreme event. This is what transpires for them in the end of it all. A very good tables match. The New Breed would have probably won if CM Punk had not teamed with Dreamer and Sandman. In the end Punk suplexes Striker onto Burke through the table for the win. Great match.Match 3: The Hardys (c) vs The World's Greatest Tag Team in a Ladder match for the World Tag Team Championship - The Hardys have really recaptured the eye of the tag team division since reuniting and snagging the tag belts from John Cena and Shawn Michaels. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin give a great performance in a title match they really didn't earn. In the end The Hardys end up retaining against The World's Greatest Tag Team in a fantastic ladder match.Match 4: Kane vs Mark Henry in a Lumberjack match - There really is nothing extreme about a Lumberjack match. You don't use weapons or anything, people just throw you back into the ring. Wow really extreme stuff. This was a poor match. Mark Henry is a poor wrestler, entertainer, performer. Basically everything there is to say he is bad at. In the end he makes Kane submit to a bearhug. Weak match.Match 5: Vince McMahon (c) vs Bobby Lashley for the ECW Championship in a Street Fight - This turned out to be more of a handicap match as usual with McMahon. Lashley ends up fighting Shane McMahon and Umaga along with Vince. Although we see great efforts to preventing Lashley from regaining the title, he in the end slams Vince to recapture the ECW title.Match 6: Candice Michelle vs Melina in a Pudding match - The hottest match of the night. Not worth it for the wrestling, but worth it for other reasons. Candice Michelle beats Melina once again.Match 7: Edge (c) vs Batista in a Steel Cage match for the World Heavyweight Championship - This turned out as a mediocre Cage match for the biggest prize on SmackDown. It seems that Batista is the only person allowed to challenge for the World Championship, which is getting ridiculous already. Edge sneaks out of the Cage in the end to retain, Batista gets all unhappy and throws some stuff.Match 8: John Cena (c) vs The Great Khali in a Falls Count Anywhere match for the WWE Championship - Another main event in which Cena overcomes the odds. Khali throws Cena around the arena for a good amount of the match. Cena then in the end overcomes it all and FU's The Great Khali off of a truck onto the floor to retain the WWE Championship. Weak main event, good ending.
kliko400 Normally I really don't care about ECW, as I just watch it sometimes for fun, but this PPV definitely downed the work 'Extreme'FIRST MATCH- RANDY ORTON VS. ROB VAN DAM IN A STRETCHER MATCH It started off slow but picked up later on, this was also RVD's final match before leaving WWE. RVD nails a huge kick on Orton, puts him on a stretcher and pushes him past the line. After the match, Orton destroys RVD with numerous kicks and shots on the head, and a DDT from the barricade. May I just say that it is good RVD is leaving, as he is the worst wrestler ever and is a drug user, I hate RVD. 5/10SECOND MATCH- CM PUNK, TOMMY DREAMER AND SANDMAN VS. THE NEW BREED {ELIJAH BURKE, MATT STRIKER AND MARCUS CAR VON} IN A 6 MAN TAG TEAM TABLES MATCH This was a damn good exciting match, I really enjoyed this contest as it had the fair bit of time it deserved, and all six men did their best to entertain the fans, and they definitely did. CM Punk superplexes Striker on Elijah Burke through a table for his team to win the match. 6/10THIRD MATCH- HARDY BOYS {CHAMPIONS} VS. THE WORLD'S GREATEST TAG TEAM IN A TAG TEAM LADDER MATCH FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP At first, I said that the match between Undertaker and Batista in a last man standing match at Backlash was a match of the year candidate, I may have to change that as this match was definitely match of the year. So many high spots, risky and bumpy moves, all thanks to Hardy Boys and Shelton Benjamin. Charlie Haas didn't really do anything, and should be released from the WWE, he is a bad wrestler. Shelton Benjamin is really championship material, and should be a champion again one day. Hardy Boys climb up and grab the titles together to retain. 9/10FOURTH MATCH- KANE VS. MARK HENRY IN A LUMBERJACK MATCH It is sad to see the way Kane is being pushed, against a man who can hardly wrestle, which is Mark Henry. This match was pretty bad, that I was paying attention to the reaction off the lumberjacks, then Mark Henry wrestling. Kane is a great wrestler, but couldn't keep up with Mark Henry, since he just cannot wrestle. Mark Henry beats Kane by making Kane pass out to a bear hug. 4/10FIFTH MATCH- VINCE MCMAHON {CHAMPION} VS. BOBBY LASHLEY IN A STREET FIGHT This was the second best match of the night, that's right Vince McMahon was finally in a good match against the man Bobby Lashley. This was a really enjoyable street fight, which saw Lashley having to fight against Shane, Umaga and Vince as well. Lashley overcomes the odds, and spears Vince for the win, and to win back his ECW Championship. I guess the feud between these two men is finished, but it was a great feud. 7/10SIXTH MATCH- CANDICE MICHELLE VS. MELINA IN A PUDDING MATCH This match was just bad, plain bad. Words cannot describe it, as it is a waste of PPV time, and has no sense at all. Thankfully it finished pretty quick. Candice Michelle wins but no one, as well as me cared. 1/10SEVENTH MATCH- EDGE {CHAMPION} VS. BATISTA IN A STEEL CAGE MATCH FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Out of all the steel cage matches I witnessed as being a 3 year wrestling fan, this has got to be the weakest cage match ever. Why, because we have Edge who is an alright champion but is a bad wrestler fighting against the worst wrestler ever in WWE Batista. But it finished at the right time, as Edge climbed over and out of the cage for the win to retain his World title. 5/10EIGHT MATCH- JOHN CENA {CHAMPION} VS. GREAT KHALI IN A FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP It was an so and so match, but their encounter at Judgment Day was a bit better. John Cena who is the best wrestler alive today, is facing against Khali who is not so far behind Batista as the worst wrestler ever. Cena carried this match to a good level, but I'm serious, Great Khali should never main event a PPV again. Cena wins after nailing an FU on Great Khali from the top of a tractor to retain his WWE title. 4/10ECW has definitely made it's mark, as this was one of the better PPV's off the year after No Way Out and Backlash. Some matches were disappointing {especially the pudding match, my god that was awful}, but the Street Fight, Tables and Ladder match made this PPV a must see. Once again, good job WWE as their PPV's are improving every month.Overall I'll give it 8/10 and a B+
sashank_kini-1 From the time ECW started, I wasn't quite keen to watch it. The first time I had seen, I had felt really weird. Wrestlers from RAW and Smackdown were transferred to fight here. That meant the same thing as watching RAW and Smackdown. Though it is supposed to be hardcore, I didn't find it that ' hardcore' at all. Beating with steel chairs etc. is so common even in RAW and Smackdown. The later episodes too weren't that good at all. Wrestlers like CM Punk and John Morrison, who were only shown capturing Intercontinental or sometimes US championship are shown here as the main attractions, winning the world heavy weight titles. I ain't so gullible to believe that Johnny Nitro, who was even defeated by Brian Kendrik and Paul London is capable of becoming the world heavy weight champion in ECW. There is no good or interesting story line, but is dumbed down by showing so called ' vampires' and what not. And the worst thing is that ECW thinks that the viewers are blind or are forgetful. It is so easy to tell who ' Big Daddy V' is. Then too, many of the viewers are shocked to see the large man, as though they have never seen him before. LAdies in ECW are useless. There are no titles for them. THeir job is to just expose, expose and expose. And a last thing, I did not understand why the ECW organizers don't keep more than one title to fight for. 4 out of ten, four because it is still a part of WWE.
wrestlingsitewebmaster Held 2 weeks before the disappointing PPV Judgment Day, One Night Stand consisted of some of the same matches that were on Judgment Day. WWE tried to hide this by booking all of the matches under extreme rules.Overall a good show, but note that I have put WWE One Night Stand as opposed to ECW One Night Stand.Rob Van Dam defeated Randy Orton in a very good stretcher match, after which 'The Legend Killer' destroyed Van Dam. CM Punk, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman defeated Marcus Cor Von, Matt Striker and Elijah Burke in a fair tables match. The Hardy Boyz downed Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas in a risky and exciting ladder match. Mark Henry downed Kane in a mediocre lumberjack match. Edge defeated Batista in a very good steel cage match. Bobby Lashley defeated Vince McMahon to regain the ECW title in a good street fight. Candice defeated Melina in a pudding match (no one cared). John Cena defeated The Great Khali in an exciting falls count anywhere match.Overall Grade - B-