ECW December to Dismember
ECW December to Dismember
| 03 December 2006 (USA)
ECW December to Dismember Trailers

December to Dismember (2006) was a PPV event produced by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), which took place on December 3, 2006 at the James Brown Arena in Augusta, Georgia. The event starred wrestlers from the ECW brand . The main attraction on the event card was an Extreme Elimination Chamber match for the ECW World Championship. The six participants were defending champion Big Show, Bobby Lashley, Rob Van Dam, Hardcore Holly, CM Punk and Test. The featured bout on the undercard was a tag team bout between The Hardys and MNM (Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro). The event had an attendance of 4,800 and received about 90,000 pay-per-view buys, the lowest buyrate in WWE history.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
ironhorse_iv When WWE, then WWF (World Wrestling Federation) bought, the bankrupt wrestling promotion, ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling) in 2001, after ECW was unable to secure a new national television contract. Many of its hardcore fans hope that new-owner, Vince McMahon would be able to sell the idea of another promotion to the network heads to the best of his abilities. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case, as McMahon couldn't get anywhere to aired the promotion, as a whole, due to ECW's somewhat ultraviolent & offensive content & their past rocky relationship with Spike TV, then TNN, which at the time, was WWE's parent network, despite, the promotion sharing many similarities that made WWE, into a money-making machine. Instead, McMahon went with another plan to get ECW, some airtime, by having a lucrative head to head cross-promotion storyline, call 'the Invasion', which sadly, didn't get over, as it should had. By the end of that year, the idea of ECW as its own brand, was canned. It wasn't until 2005, ECW was once again, revived by the WWE with the success of its one-off reunion pay-per-view, 'One Night Stand'. With that success, McMahon was able to get a national television contract with Sci Fi (now known as Syfy) in 2006, and the rebirth of ECW was in full swing with their first PPV back, call "December to Dismember', whom name was taken from an event held by the original ECW in 1995. Unfortunately, ECW's relaunch had problems. In order to reach the largest amount of audiences to make the show, a success. WWE had to do some drastic changes. First off, they had to town down, the violence & the raunchy nature of ECW, by making it more family-friendly. Second off, they had to fit in, certain elements to get Sci-Fi channel, key audiences to tune in, such as having more supernatural characters. Because of the negative reactions from old school fans to these changes & WWE's marketing team, being too busy, with promoting one of its biggest PPV, 2006's 'Survivor Series', one week prior to this PPV. It was looking like, ECW's first relaunch PPV, following their first couple of weeks of show on Sci-Fi, might end up, turning into a disaster; which it did. Not only was the PPV panned by critics, but it was the lowest buy rate in WWE history. Let's see, why. First off, the dark match before the show, between Stevie Richards and René Duprée, didn't generate any excitement in the crowd at the James Brown Arena in Augusta, GA. The reason for this, was, because Richards, on his own. Without his BWO buddies or the Flock, he was never that entertaining, with his limited wrestling abilities. Second off, Dupree hasn't been seen in, nearly a year, before this. So, nobody knew or care. This brings us to the opening match. The tag team match between 'the Hardy Boyz' (Matt & Jeff) Vs 'MNM' (Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury with Melina) was a little too slow for my taste. It didn't held my interest. Their rematch at WWE 'Armageddon' (2006) was a little more memorable with their infamous face buster ladder match. This night, contest, could had, been better. The next match between Balls Mahoney vs. Matt Striker was equally as boring. Not only, was both men, limited in what they could do, in the ring, but the stipulation really didn't help, make the match, exciting, as both wrestlers, never once try to break those rules. Plus, Striker's tights were too tight. It was very distracting. Nevertheless, it wasn't the worst match on the card. Nor was, Elijah Burke & Sylvester Terkay VS. F.B.I. (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke with Trinity). It was just a squash match with a monster, who couldn't wrestle. Only good thing to come out of this contest, was seeing Trinity with her lovely red dress. Sadly, the selling of monstrosity & awful outdate, semi offensive racist foreign gimmick would continue, with the next match, between Tommy Dreamer and Daivari, as well. The match was forgettable. Great Khali's presence didn't really add much. The mix tag match between Mike Knox & Kelly Kelly vs. Kevin Thorn & Ariel was next. It was the worst. Since, the match was mostly fill with heels, than babyfaces. The fans were not really, into this match, as nobody in this contest, had any skills in the ring. Even the women being extremely hot, gave, this match little to cheer, about. It was awful. That's brings us to the main event, the Extreme Elimination Chamber for the ECW Championship between the champion, Big Show & his challengers: Rob Van Dam & CM Punk & Test & Hardcore Holly & Bobby Lashley. Without spoiling too much the match, Sabu was originally supposed to be part of this, but he was written off, viva la 'injury', off-camera, earlier the night, effectively showing how, untrustworthy WWE think of the ECW Originals, after the RVD drug possession arrest scandal, from June 6. Nevertheless, despite being a huge bully in real-life, I didn't mind, Holly in this match. I just wish, he didn't have to replace Sabu. That's all. If anything, Test should had been replace. That steroid junkie is very limited in the ring. Better yet, Big Show. He looks very unhealthy. He's really out of shape, here. Regardless, WWE misused the younger talent, big time, here, by barely using Punk & given, Lashley, too much, leeway, despite having a bland personality. Add the odd order of elimination, how little, the weapon were use, and the limiting sets of moves by the competitors & you got a really disappointing main event. It was so bad, that fans start chanting 'we want refunds'. I don't blame them. Overall: It was an atrocious show with little build up & way too many short matches. This event help killed ECW for a second time, & nearly destroy, Paul Heyman's WWE career. I really don't recommended watching it. It's really that bad. Watch original ECW, instead.
DJJOEINC ECW December to Dismember :2 years ago WWE had a good idea- a one night only PPV featuring the stars of the now defunct ECW in a special PPV event.Between the PPV buys and the sales of the DVD -WWE went ahead with a second PPV- which was fine- although it lacked the one night only luster of the first.Of course Vinny Mac felt the need to capture this buzz and manages to convince the sci-fi network to carry his retooled ECW brand.Things start to go sour- first Rob Van Dame the extremist that first mentioned the ECW One Night Stand concept and the most successful and over of the ECW champs and the ECW/WWE champ gets pulled over with pot(not a huge surprise for a grappler featured in High Times magazine).So WWE decides to strip him of the belt - and decide to import the Big Show to the ECW to be champ- this enrages the hardcore ECW fans-which leads to an infamous match in NYC - where the fans belittle the product during the main event of a live broadcast- chanting "change the channel" and "TNA" during the awkward main event of the ECW show.This all leads to this turd of a DVD- the second ECW brand PPV this year and the first utilizing the extremists of the minor league brand of the WWE corporation.Going into this PPV - only 2 matches were announced- a one night only tag team reunion between the Hardy Boys and MnM and the 6 man extreme elimination chamber match for the ECW strap.The opening tag-team match had some good spots and got the crowd into the event.Sadly things go from bad to worse- we are told that Sabu is injured and won't compete- which is fine - I guess- except he is featured in the cover art of the DVD.Either way after one match- there is a lot of time to fill-so we get a retread of what is on the ECW TV show- no special matches- just the roster full of folks that aren't charismatic or talented enough to be featured on Smackdown or Raw.After and hour plus of sub-par matches- it is time for the main event.The 6 man extreme elimination chamber- featuring crowd favorites RVD and CM Punk and Bobby Lashley and a heel contingent.Sure there are some nasty spots throughout the main event - but a match featuring a huge cage,weapons ,3 legit headliners and tons of spots- still manages to enrage the crowd so much that they are chanting "change the channel" and"TNA(a rival rasslin' league).The DVD does include extra interviews and a rematch between 2 of the wrestlers the following Tuesday.Not worth getting unless you are a collector or masochist. D- Jobber Joe -Roundtable Wrestling Radio
Joe 25 Sure, this may have had maybe two decent matches. The Hardys defeating MNM was cool, but it does NOT belong on an ECW ppv. The elimination chamber match had to have been better than that crappy one at Survivor Series '03.Sure, I think Ariel is ultra hot, but does she make me want to go out and actually buy this garbage? I think even if I got it for free, I'd give it away to someone else. The two ECW One Night Stand ppvs were awesome, with '05 being the better of the two, even though the DVD version is a total abomination.If you're a real fan of ECW, not this lame and tired WWECW garbage, then you'll avoid this like the plague.
Sam Kennerley This P.P.V Was absolutely Atrocious and pretty much showed the entire world just how Vinny Mc's vision of ECW is more twisted than a Kaledoscope.The opening Bout for the night was the highlight of the show and actually showed some promise. The newly re-united MNM - which actually has some roots in ECW (As Joey Mercury was part of a tag combo with Christian York during the Company's dying days) and The Hardy Boyz, who have recently been on a roll in the Tag Team division (A Move I'm completely Against as Jeff and Matt should remain as Singles competitors) A Solid Match but it lasted Far to long than any of the crowd were interested in. Some good Spots but nothing more than Mediocre.The Second match showed just how quickly and ill promoted the Card for the show was as it featured Matt Striker Vs Balls Mahoney - DUD , One of the worst bouts I've seen in a long time Kelly Kelly & Mike Knox Vs Ariel and Kevin Thorn - DUD - It became clear that Kelly can wrestle for S*** shes nothing more but (very good) eye candy Kellys breasts made this match good. Im still not big on Kevin thorn or Mike KnoxTommy Dreamer and Daviari in a Typrically WWE Match which Daviri wins but a pull of the tights school boy roll up - AWFUL Finally the last match came but earlier in the night Sabu had been taken out - this is the same man that ripped his arm open in a barbed wire match and taped his arm back together to continue the match, So ECW Fans who had paid there good money to watch the main event (which other than the Hardyz/MNM Match was the only match announced) were suddenly screwed out of a vital part of the main event.The replacement............ BOB Holly Not the SANDMAN, a man who is an ICON in ECW But bob holly...........A Man everyone got bored of about 7 years ago The Main event was particually bad which showed the WWE Bias booking as the only Two Real draws than anyone cared about were obliterated in under 15 Min's. C.M Punk - the hottest and arguably most talented on the Roster ATM and R.V.D - The only other ECW Original in the match gone. Test was my favourite to win this one but Bobby Lashley (who is impressive) won the ECW Championship......This man joined 2 weeks ago and is already the freaking champion Basically this PPV WAS AWFUL AWFUL And very reminiscent of WCW in its dying days when matches were thrown together to the delight of no one and usually with absolutely no Promotion. ECW Is definitely losing its way and Vince McMahon is literally crapping all over the ECW Legacy AVOID