WWE No Way Out 2007
WWE No Way Out 2007
| 18 February 2007 (USA)
WWE No Way Out 2007 Trailers

No Way Out (2007) was the ninth annual No Way Out PPV event. It took place on February 18, 2007 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California and was the final branded pay-per-view before the brand split ended. The main event was an interpromotional tag team match between Batista and The Undertaker (from SmackDown!) and John Cena and Shawn Michaels (from Raw). The main match on the undercard was an interpromotional Six-man tag team match between the team of Chris Benoit and The Hardys (Matt and Jeff) and the team of MNM (Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro) and Montel Vontavious Porter.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
jts0405 Match 1: Chris Benoit & The Hardys vs Montel Vontavious Porter & MNM - This match opens the show in a sort of good way. The Hardys vs MNM had been so overdone already, that you almost wanted the match to be over when the first bell rang. The match was alright, as I said earlier. In the end The Hardys & Benoit get the victory.Match 2: Cruiserweight Open for the Cruiserweight Championship - This could have easily been one of the best matches of the night, but they really didn't work with it that well. So many people were just ready to see Gregory Helms drop the damn belt. It looked like WWE was pushing Jimmy Wang Yang, as Yang scored what we thought was the final victory and won the title. Although Chavo Guerrero comes out as an unannounced participant and wins the title from Yang.Match 3: The Boogeyman & Little Boogeyman vs Finlay & Little Bastard (Hornswoggle) - A match that was meant to be played off as a comedic match. It truthfully was one of the worst matches of the night. Finlay is a talented guy, he shouldn't be reduced to horrid comedy attempt matches like this. In the end Finlay & Little Bastard get the win.Match 4: King Booker vs Kane - For what it was, it was a good match. Two top World Title Contenders on SmackDown going at it. Kane deserves a lot more than he gets with WWE. The match was overall very good and culminated this short feud in a good way. In the end Kane lands a chokeslam on Booker for the win, which I was surprised to see happen.Match 5: Paul London & Brian Kendrick (c) vs Deuce 'n Domino for the WWE Tag Team Championship - A poor match. London & Kendrick are a great team, but Deuce 'n Domino really was never worth anything during their time in WWE. Their gimmick grew old within one month of them being on SmackDown. In the end London & Kendrick retain to keep their long title reign going.Match 6: Bobby Lashley (c) vs Mr. Kennedy for the ECW Championship - A very bad match with absolutely nothing going for it. Kennedy is a pretty good performer, but Lashley had no chemistry with him. They were just lost throughout this entire match. In the end Lashley gets disqualified, but keeps the ECW title. It was really a match we all could have done without.Match 7: Batista & The Undertaker vs John Cena & Shawn Michaels - It was really the only match that saved this show. While some other matches were good, this was the best of them all. The four guys involved did some very fantastic stuff. Crowd was really behind the veterans, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. In the end Batista leaves Undertaker. Cena then hits Undertaker with an FU for the win.
kliko400 Watching this PPV, I had high expectations for it, since Smackdown is the best show in WWE, this is a very good PPV as it is the last one before Wrestlemania.FIRST MATCH-HARDY BOYS & CHRIS BENOIT VS. MVP & MNM W/ MELINA IN A 6 MAN TAG TEAM MATCH Good way to start the match. It started a bit slow at the start, but later the pace quickened & the match got more exciting & entertaining. Benoit rolls through & makes Joey Mercury tap out to get a victory for the Hardy Boys & himself. 6/10SECOND MATCH- GREGORY HELMS {CHAMPION} VS. SHANNON MOORE VS. FUNAKI VS. CHAVO GUERRERO VS. DAIVAIRI VS. SCOTTY 2 HOTTY VS. JAMIE NOBLE VS. JIMMY WANG YANG IN AN OPEN CRUISERWEIGHT INVITATIONAL MATCH FOR THE WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP I'm a very big fan of Cruiserweights, & I never get disappointed watching them, especially in this match here. Chavo Guerrero nails the Frog Splash on Jimmy Wang Yang to get the win & become the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion. 5/10THIRD MATCH- FINLAY & LITTLE BASTARD VS. BOOGEYMAN & LITTLE BOOGEYMAN This was not really a wrestling match, it was more like a comedy match, despite not being a clear wrestling contest, it still entertained me with the funny antics. Finlay nails the Little Boogeyman with the Shillaegh to get the win. Boogeyman does not deserve to be on a PPV, & does not deserve to be in WWE. 4/10FOURTH MATCH- KANE VS. KING BOOKER W/ SHARMELL This was a surprisingly good match, I thought it would be mediocre, but it turned out into a real competitive wrestling contest. Hats off to both men, pulling a very entertaining match. Kane wins after a Chokeslam on King Booker. 6/10FIFTH MATCH- PAUL London & BRIAN KENDRICK {CHAMPIONS} VS. DEUCE & DOMINO W/ CHERRY FOR THE WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Not really that much of a good match, Deuce & Domino need more training to wrestle, & London & Kendrick are the only ones keeping this match fast paced. London & Kendrick retain their titles, after Kendrick gets a roll-up on one of the guys for the win. 4/10SIXTH MATCH- BOBBY LASHLEY {CHAMPION} VS. MR. KENNEDY FOR THE ECW CHAMPIONSHIP Mr. Kennedy attacks Lashley from behind, before the match starts. It was an okay match, but not really good. Lashley & Kennedy have a bit of chemistry, but not enough to pull a great match. Kennedy wins by DQ, after Lashley nails him with a chair, then assaults him with the chair all the way to the entrance area. Lashley still retains his title. 4/10SEVENTH MATCH- JOHN CENA & SHAWN MICHAELS VS. BATISTA & UNDERTAKER This is probably the greatest tag team match that I have ever seen. Hats off to all of these men {yes even Batista} for pulling off as close as a 5 star main event classic. All 4 of these men played their parts in the match very well, as this was a very great & entertaining tag team match. Batista turns his back on Undertaker spine-busting him, then leaving the ring, which prompts Michaels to nail Sweet Chin Music, then Cena to nail an F-U for the hard fought victory. 7/10I don't know why everyone says that this PPV is not good enough, or it is boring, I just don't get it. It is a great PPV which Smackdown always delivers. A great PPV indeed.Overall I'll give it 8/10 & a B+
wrestlingsitewebmaster WWE No Way Out is a difficult PPV to some up. The cancellation of the fatal four way ladder match was a slap in the face to everyone who purchased the PPV. This was false advertising by WWE and I let them knew that by an e-mail sent to them by myself. WWE put Deuce and Domino in with Brian Kendrick and Paul London, which in a sense the fans didn't care about, their gimmick sucks. Vince McMahon apparently changed the match because he doesn't know whether The Hardyz and MNM should team up, but he still put them in the opener with Chris Benoit and MVP? Doesn't make sense to me.Mr Kennedy faced Bobby Lashley in a terrible match. Firstly Kennedy and Lashley have zero chemistry together and this showed.But the PPV does have a happy ending, the main event was a strong one which pitted HBK and John Cena against Batista and The Undertaker. This one ended when Batista turned on the Taker and Cena gave him an FU.Chris Benoit and The Hardyz downed MVP and MNM in a decent six man tag match.Chavo Guerrero pinned Jimmy Wang Yang in a gauntlet Cruiserweight match which also included Scotty 2 Hotty, Jamie Noble, Shannon Moore, Daivari and Funaki. This should have been better.Mr Kennedy beat ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley via DQ in a poor match.Paul London and Brian Kendrick beat Deuce and Domino to retain the World tag titles in a poor match.Finlay and Hornswoggle downed The Boogeyman and Little Boogeyman in a comedy match.Kane downed King Booker via a choke slam in a good match.John Cena and Shawn Michaels defeated The Undertaker and Batista in a very good main event.Overall Grade - C
nhassell14 no way out 2007 was a really bad and if it is the road to wrestlemania they choose the wrong road.Chris Benoit & the hardy boys def MVP & Minn: in my view this was the best match of the night some good wrestling here but not much. 7/10cruisweight championship open(which chavo Guerrero won): awful, no high flying at all, really quick and boring. 3/10little bastard & Finlay def little bogeyman & the bogeyman: this was more comedy than wrestling, some laughs. 5/10Kane def king booker: a decent effort by these two but they could do better. 6/10wwe tag team championship Paul London & Brian Kendrick def deuce & domino:another boring match,no high flying by the champs. 4/10ecw world title Mr Kennedy def bobby lashley (disquilification): in my mind the worst match of the night. truly awful.i thought ecw was no rules,i was wrong 2/10john cena & Shawn Michaels def Batista & the undertaker: an okay match but could have been a hell of a lot better. 6/10overall this was bulls*it id give it a 3/10