WCW Starrcade 1994
WCW Starrcade 1994
NR | 27 December 1994 (USA)
WCW Starrcade 1994 Trailers

Starrcade '94: Triple Threat took place on December 27, 1994 from the Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. The main event featured Hulk Hogan defending the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against The Butcher in a singles match. Other matches included Sting vs Avalanche, Kevin Sullivan vs Mr. T, Harlem Heat vs The Nasty Boys, Johnny B. Badd defending the WCW World Television Championship against Arn Anderson, Alex Wright vs Jean-Paul Levesque, and Jim Duggan defending the WCW United States Championship against Vader.

Manthast Absolutely amazing
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: Vader vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan, WCW US Heavyweight Championship. A pretty hard hitting match to start the show, also I think this is the first time this year that Johnny B. Badd hasn't started a PPV. I don't really mind Race interfering here, mostly because it's a title match. It's also interesting to wonder who the hell's gonna beat Vader for the belt now. Rating: 3.5/5 2nd Match: Alex Wright vs Jean-Paul Levesque. Oh my God, is that Triple H? It is, it is Triple H. This is actually a really good match for two guys that are greener than grass. Solid technical wrestling, some cool spots, and an interesting start for Hunter. I'm also interested in what else Wright's capable of, beings he never went to WWE. Rating: 4.5/5 3rd Match: Arn Anderson vs Johnny B. Badd, WCW World TV Championship. Another solid match, Arn was a much better choice compared to Honky Tonk Man. Then again, my shoe would be a better choice than Honky Tonk Man. Rating: 3.5/5 4th Match: The Nasty Boys vs Harlem Heat. You know I almost forgot Harlem Heat existed, they were only in one PPV match this year, and it was 11 months before this. Even though the match ends in a DQ, the ending is pretty freakin' funny. Rating: 3.5/5 5th Match: Mr. T vs Kevin Sullivan. So is Sullivan a bad wrestler, or is he just a better brawler? His No DQ matches earlier this year were really good, so maybe he's like Mick Foley in that he excels in brawls. At least the match is short, that's the main reason it's watchable. Rating: 3/5 6th Match: Sting vs Avalanche. Again, even though it ends in a DQ, the match is really good up to that point. Sting takes a beating and then some, but he also gets enough offense in to justify the match's length. Rating: 3.5/5 7th Match: Hulk Hogan vs The Butcher, WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Oh, so Butcher is just Brutus Beefcake with a different name, that makes more sense. The match is your usual Hogan match, Hogan comes back in the end to win despite all the odds. I can understand why people hate these types of matches, but I still like 'em. They're not the best matches, but they're entertaining. Rating: 4/5 Final Rating: 7 out of 10. A solid end to 1994 for WCW. So, now that I've watched every PPV from 1994, I'm gonna try and make lists for the best and worst PPVs. I'll try and put those up in the next few days, as well as lists for the best and worst matches.
amanwhorocks Yipi, Santa Claus is with us, and National anthem either!!! I'm so glad and happy. Best beginning, and I wanna see Hulk roll over every single wrestler... OK, enough We see clip of Wrestler of the 1994 year Hulk Hogan? OK...enough 1. U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: Vader Vs. Champ-Hacksaw "Insult" Duggan - Duggan dominated all the time. Really? Did that Vader deserve? He looked really weak, but I'm glad he at least won. Match with Duggan, I really can't give more than 5/10 2. YESSS! Jean Paul Levesque Vs. Alex Wright - Wright defeated Triple H in a decent match 6.5/10 3. WCW TV Title Match: Arn "Goof" Anderson Vs. Champ-Johnny B.Badd - 5.5/10 4. Harlem Heat Vs. Nasty Boys - Normal match, Sherri did a job. 6/10 5. Kevin Sullivan Vs. Mr. T - WTF?? Mr.T? Hmm, but if somebody like Sullivan can wrestle in 1994, then why not Mr. T BTW. That was TERRIBLE!!! Only punches and screw-job in the end. 2/10 6. Avalanche Vs. Sting - OK, Kevin Sullivan screwed another match (that was already weak), idiot. 5.5/10 7. WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Butcher aka 10 Gimmicks all bad Vs. Champ-Hulk Hogan - For WCW this match was failure, Stupid Leslie wasn't Ric Flair and people didn't care for this boring all-life mid-carder retard. Match was (like usual with these two) awful. Invincible old Hulk of course won. Macho Man came after match to felate Hogan. 4/10
Big Movie Fan In my opinion late 1993 up to mid 1996 was an uneventful time for World Championship Wrestling. It's main stars such as Hulk Hogan and Sting were undoubtedly popular but the actual wrestling action was very sub-standard. In fact, the actual television shows themselves such as WCW Saturday Night and WCW Worldwide were often better than the PPV events themselves.There was nothing memorable about this event apart from maybe Mr T of The A-Team battling the maniacal Kevin Sullivan and Hacksaw Jim Duggan facing Big Van Vader. The rest of the card was unmemorable with nothing particularly exciting.The main event pitted Hulk Hogan against his old friend The Butcher. I was always a big fan of Hulk Hogan but the Butcher was not a main event type of wrestler and this made the main event quite unexceptional. I suppose fans did enjoy it because Hogan got revenge on a friend turned enemy but it was not what you'd call a great main event.
Anthony Hutchinson (GC-9) This was an average card with few matches of note. Particularly bad is the main event with the aging Hulk Hogan squaring off against the Butcher. The highlight of the card is the ONLY singles wrestling match ever for Mr. T. Mr. T battles Kevin Sullivan, it may not be a battle for the ages, but at least it is a good battle for the 5 or so minutes it is on the screen. Although he's tied up by his own sweatshirt for most of the match, as always Mr. T is fun to watch. If only you could say that about the rest of this tape.