WCW Slamboree 1995
WCW Slamboree 1995
NR | 21 May 1995 (USA)
WCW Slamboree 1995 Trailers

Join the stars of yesterday and today as they gather in Florida for Slamboree '95: A Legends Reunion. The Mega Powers of Hulk Hogan & "The Macho Man" Randy Savage battle Ric Flair & Big Van Vader. Sting faces Big Bubba Rogers in a Lights Out Match. The Great Muta defends the IWGP Heavyweight Championship against "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff!

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: The Nasty Boys vs Harlem Heat, WCW World Tag Team Championships. So for some reason this is a handicap match for the first half. Not sure why, but it turns into a regular tag match after that. The Nasty Boys win, which is a feel good ending, and the match had a good pace to it. A decent start. Rating: 3/5 2nd Match: Kevin Sullivan vs Brutus Beefcake. Not much to say about this match, it's short, but it's better than some of Sullivan's other matches. It's watchable, that's about it. Rating: 2.5/5 3rd Match: Wahoo McDaniel vs Dick Murdoch. So this is a legend's match, complete with black-and-white filter. It's a bit distracting, but I appreciate the respect for people who paved the way for the wrestlers of today. It's worth at least one watch. Rating: 3/5 4th Match: The Great Muta vs Paul Orndorff, IWGP Heavyweight Championship. The best match so far, not as good as Muta's match against Austin from the previous year, but still good technical wrestling match. I'm not sure why Orndorff was chosen for this, but it was a good match-up. Rating: 4/5 5th Match: Arn Anderson vs Alex Wright, WCW World TV Championship. Another solid match for me. Wright has some good moves, and even though he loses, he showed a lot of potential. I don't think he ever made it big, but you can see glimmers of stardom from him here. Also, Anderson DDTs him to hell for the finish, I thought that was pretty sick. Rating: 4/5 6th Match: Meng vs Hawk. A nothing match that ends in a double count-out. Awesome. At least the match is 5 minutes long, but I was lookin' forward to seein' my first Road Warrior match, and this wasn't a good example. Rating: 1.5/5 7th: "Totally Not Big Bossman" vs Sting, "Lights Out" match. Basically a No DQ match. Sting of course has the crowd worshiping him the whole match, and it's not completely one-sided. Pretty good for being 10 minutes. Rating: 3.5/5 8th Match: Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage vs Ric Flair and Vader. Talk about a star-studded main event. Sure Hogan and Savage win, but I liked just how chaotic the match was. Also, the beatdown of Savage's dad after the fight was pretty low, even for Flair and Vader. Rating: 3.5/5 Final Rating: 6 out of 10. It took WCW a couple of tries, but this is the best PPV of 1995 so far. The long interview segments are still there from last year, but there are still some good matches. Not a great show, but decent enough.
callanvass (05.21.95)Live from St. Petersburg, FLAttendance: 7,000Your hosts are Eric Bischoff & Bobby HeenanTag Team ChampionshipHarlem Heat (C) (W/Sister Sherri) Vs The Nasty BoysJerry Saggs comes out by himself without Brian Knobbs. Knobbs is nowhere to be found. That makes this a 2 on 1 handicapped match. Knobbs ends up showing up near the end of the match with a bunch of bandage around his ribs. Despite all that, The Nasty Boys win the titles. This wasn't as bad as I expected, but that's not saying much. It's never fully explained why Brian Knobbs is injured either. Sherri took a couple of NASTY bumps in this match, though. My hat goes off to her.*1/2The Man With No Name Vs Kevin SullivanThe Man With No Name is The Butcher. (Brutus Beefcake, The Zodiac, The Booty Man, The Disciple, etc) He turned face briefly here before becoming The Zodiac. Sullivan wins with a double foot stomp. This match was absolutely terrible! There was no heat behind it what so ever and the crowd couldn't care less. 3/4*"The Master" (King Curtis) tells Kevin Sullivan to come to him. He also says something about Hulk Hogan. It was hard to understand him, to be honest. Anyway, Kevin Sullivan runs away into the crowd. I'm pretty sure this helped kickstart the awful Dungeon of Doom. Legends MatchDick Murdoch Vs Wahoo McDanielMcDaniel wins with a chop to the throat. I liked how they made this match in black and white to give it a retro feel. But with all due respect to both guys, this was painful to watch. Both had trouble moving at this juncture and the match moved VERY slowly. The crowd got somewhat restless too.*IWGP ChampionshipThe Great Muta (C) Vs "Mr. Wonderful" Paul OndorffMuta wins with a moonsault from the top. Boy, was this dull and LONG. This match had way too many chinlocks, facelocks, and rest holds in general. There were brief moments of excitement, but they were few and far in between.*1/4Television ChampionshipArn Anderson (C) Vs Alex WrightAnderson wins with a DDT. I'm not surprised these two had a decent match. Anderson is the consummate professional. He can make anybody look like a million bucks and that's exactly what he did with Wright here.**1/2Meng (W/Col. Robert Parker) Vs Roadwarrior HawkThe match ends in a double countout. I'm super glad this was short! It would have been a complete disaster if this match went 10 minutes or so. Anytime a "bonus" match is randomly added on a PPV without notice, it usually means bad things3/4*Terry Funk, Antonio Inoki, Dusty Rhodes, Gordon Solie and Big John Studd are inducted into the WCW Hall of Fame. Lights Out MatchBig Bubba Rogers Vs StingThis is basically anything goes. Sting wins by submission with the Scorpion Deathlock. This was extremely tame for a No Holds Barred match. The only thing that slightly resembled a hardcore match, was a table. Believe me, you're not missing anything.*1/2Ric Flair & Vader (W/Arn Anderson) Vs Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage (W/Jimmy Hart & The Renegade)Hogan and Savage win after Hogan pins Flair with the legdrop. After the match, Savage gets assaulted by Flair and Vader. Angelo Poffo comes in from the crowd and tries to help his son, but he gets decked by Flair. To make matters worse, Flair applies the Figure Four to Poffo. Savage calls for an ambulance as the show goes off the air. This felt like a main event that would air on Nitro. It didn't feel special what so ever and really lacked the oomph that a main event should. The angle with Savage's dad would lead to a grudge match between Flair and Savage at The Great American Bash. **1/4This PPV is pretty bad! When the highest rating a match gets is **1/2, you're in trouble. I like how WCW wanted to honor the legends, but giving them matches wasn't exactly necessary. As I said in the review, the main event felt like a glorified Nitro main event. Unless you're a die-hard WCW fan that needs to watch everything they do, I would pass on this.
amanwhorocks 1. WCW Tag Title Match: Jerry Sags Vs. Champs-Harlem Heat - Usual match with handicap for the first 12 minute, then Knobs approached and Nasty Boys defeated Harlem. 6/10 2. Kevin Sullivan Vs. The name with no name but with 1000 gimmicks (Idiot Beefcake) - Superboring match in which is totally unimportant who won. 2/10 3. Dick Murdoch Vs. Wahoo Mcdaniel - That's why I don't like first 3 Slamborees, because of Legends. Old-school wrestling¨s boring me to tears. Maybe I'm ignorant, but honest. 3/10 4. IWJP Title Match: Champ- The Great Muta Vs. Paul Orndorff - Some boring chants. Large amount of basic submission holds. 5.5/10 5. WCW TV Title Match: Alex Wright Vs. Champ-Arn Anderson with his Best Theme and his TM Pampers Trunks - I must admit that this match was solid even on Arn, which I don't like. Anderson retains. 6/10 6. Meng Vs. Hawk - Double count-out. Blah. 5/10 7. Big "Stiffa" Rogers Vs. Sting - This fat as* can't make match watchable. Poor sting. 5/10 8. Ric Flair/Vader Vs. Hulk Hogan/Macho Man - Hogan sucks, savage at least let Vader did moonsault. Flair and Vader jobbed again for immortal Hulk, I¨m starting to hate 1995 WCW PPVs. It sucks more than previous or later stuff... 4/10