Woman on Top
Woman on Top
R | 22 September 2000 (USA)
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Set to the intoxicating rhythms of Brazil, "Woman on Top" is a spicy, sexy comedy about the magic of food, love and music. Meet Isabella, a sultry enchantress born with the special gift of melting the palates and hearts of men everywhere. When she decides to break free from her rocky marriage and the stifling kitchen of her husband's restaurant in Brazil, she spirits off to San Francisco in pursuit of her dreams of a real culinary career.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
SnoopyStyle In Brazil, Isabella (Penélope Cruz) suffered from motion sickness all her life. The sea goddess Yemanja compensated her with a passion for cooking. She falls for Toninho Oliveira and they get married. She dutifully worked in his restaurant despite the many admirers trying to lure her away. She finds staying in control by being on top would keep the motion sickness away. She catches Toninho with another woman and run off to San Francisco. She stays with her friend Monica Jones (Harold Perrineau) and TV producer Cliff Lloyd (Mark Feuerstein) falls head over heels for her. Her cooking literally knocks him off his feet. Her cooking show starts taking off and then Toninho shows up.Cruz is incredibly lovely. She is luminescent. Neither guy measures up. Toninho is a womanizing Latino stereotype. Feuerstein is not a good leading man. Cliff has a bit of weasel and he's not worthy of her. The ending is horrible. Cruz simply glows and her character deserves better.
Desertman84 When I saw Woman On Top,I was expecting a foreign movie that would be somewhat be considered an independent film by Hollywood standards.I was wrong.What I saw was an entertaining movie that featured Penelope Cruz in her pre-Hollywood stardom.Penelope Cruz played Isabella,who happens to be a great cook.She was definitely responsible for making her husband's restaurant a great success. During her sexual encounters with her husband,she must be on top to control her motion sickness.This makes her husband,Toninho lead to insecurities and causes him to cheat on her.Heart-broken, she leaves for San Francisco and lives together with her childhood friend, Monica, a cross-dresser. She then makes an offering to Yemanja, the goddess of the sea. Yemanja responds by allowing Isabella no longer love. This makes Toninho heads to Frisco to win her back only to find her in a popular TV show and being courted by the TV producer.This film is clichéd and predictable from beginning to end.But Cruz brought a lot of excitement and entertainment with her portrayal as Isabella.The cinematography should be commendable especially with the scenes in both Brazil and San Francisco. It may not be the greatest of films but nevertheless,it can bring a lot of entertainment to viewers watching this film.
lastliberal Who could ever get tired of Penélope Cruz? No matter what she does, she is fantastic. Seeing her in this early film before she went all Hollywood, is pure pleasure.She has the energy, the charm, the passion that is Penélope Cruz, and she makes eating seem like the most fantastic thing on Earth.She splits from her husband (Murilo Benício) and heads to San Francisco to take up residence with her best friend Monica (Harold Perrineau). She gets a TV gig after being seen by a producer (Mark Feuerstein).Now, her husband has found her and works to get her back. Of course, the producer is also after her, and Monica is working both men to improve them and make them worthy.With a stirring soundtrack featuring the music of Toquinho, Paulinho Mosca, Xavier Cugat and His Orchestra, and more.
ccthemovieman-1 This started off very well....really well...and slowly got stupid, very stupid. The film is a fantastic vehicle, however, for Penelope Cruz to show us her beauty. The two men chasing her are all right, neither one particularly annoying.The annoying part isn't the actors, it's the script. In this story, you can pray - and get a positive response - to the "sea goddess" - while other ridiculous curses and superstitions abound. Also, a lead character in here - portrayed as perfectly normal - is a transvestite. Despite these strange doings, the film has charm and beautiful, bold colors to it. If only the story wasn't so stupid.