Wolf Town
Wolf Town
R | 09 July 2011 (USA)
Wolf Town Trailers

Kyle, a shy college student finds himself and three of his friends trapped in an old western ghost town by a pack of ferocious wolves and has to overcome his personal fears to confront the wolves and lead his friends to safety.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Platypuschow Wolf Town is another one of those films that I spotted on Youtube and decided (Against my better judgement) to give a chance due to the impressive cover art.I had no idea what to expect and just assumed it would be another low budget horror mess so was pleasantly surprised by the quality.For a start the film looks great, the budget limitations are blatant but they get around that using solid camera work which disguises it brilliantly.The story is about a small town in the ol'wild west that discovers gold but mere months later they are all gone and it's become a ghost town. Cut forward to modern day and four 20 somethings visit and discover the horrifying secret behind the towns fate.This story was solid and the execution was highly original. The characters are hit and miss and are the biggest weakness by far, our "Hero" is a whiney little unlikeable idiot that it's very hard to get behind.If you can get past that we have a competently made, genuinely interesting horror/thriller that is well worth anyone's time.The Good: Looks great Fantastic story Budget limitations are very well hidden The Bad: Some weak characters Rushed ending Things I Learnt From This Movie: Wolves are just dogs Wolves know how to disable carsI really want to visit a ghost town suddenly Sounds influence peoples dreams, my other half had a nightmare about wolves attacking the house due to sleeping while I had the film on!
GL84 Hoping to use a spur-of-the-moment camping trip to win his dream-girl, a couple of friends tag along and stumble upon an abandoned mining town that serves as the home to a pack of vicious, killer wolves, forcing them to fight off the creatures to get away alive.This was a somewhat decent effort here that does have some rather enjoyable aspects. One of the few good parts to this one is the creepy ghost-town setting in here that gives this one some great elements due to that as the film gets quite a lot of work with the setting of the film. There's some good use of the familiar image here with the long dirt roads, dusty trails and wooden storefronts that evokes so many classic westerns which makes for the great reversal being in such territory while giving this one some rather nicely-designed setting here. There's a lot of time on the action here, especially in the second half where the group is trapped in the saloon and really feeling as though there's little hope of getting out as the relentless attacks to get past their lines make for quite a fun time with all these exciting scenes all packed together into an incredibly frantic pace. The other impressive part here is the rather clever twist to make the creatures plain old wolves, which was pretty unique as the early set-ups here pointed directly at werewolves being involved so that change-up comes off rather nicely. While it's not a terrible film, there's some problems with this one. One of the biggest problems here is the fact that the film really can't do anything with the wolves to showcase their killing skills, relying on the concept of the numerous numbers within the pack constantly around them instead to generate the fear, which drastically reduces their fearfulness. There's so few attacks here as the vast majority of its running time is spent on their relationship troubles and exploration of the town that it feels pretty dragged out in spaces and moves along at such lame paces and because there's not a lot that can be done here that this leaves so much of the film devoid of wolf attacks. Also problematic for this section is that there's such a small body count of potential victims there's hardly a chance for this to succeed because of the lowered chance of getting anything to happen to this small group. The other real flaw to this one is in fact the change-over of the creatures from werewolves to plain wolves that really comes off as quite a shock with the new creatures here being quite a cheat from what's to be expected that it becomes a rather irritating point. This is what's really holding this one down though the other problems are just as big.Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and violence-against-animals.
BA_Harrison During the gold rush, the prospecting town of Paradise is attacked by a pack of wolves, the animals wiping out all of the inhabitants, who are unable to save themselves despite being armed to the teeth with rifles and dynamite. Cut to the present day, and a group of college friends travel to the ghost town as part of a history project; lo and behold, the wolves still run the place, and are mightily upset by the intrusion.Yes, Wolf Town really is as dreadful as it sounds: its hairy killers are not only able to dodge bullets and avoid detection for a century and a half, but they also have enough intelligence to sabotage a car by ripping out its wiring and steal their victim's provisions. Clever wolfies! Meanwhile, the youngsters who stray onto the wolfs' territory display next to no common sense (they're certainly less switched on than the wolves), failing to adequately arm themselves against the snarling beasts and repeatedly risking life and limb to go it alone (one character makes a daring bid to retrieve the dynamite and comes back with just one stick!).In addition to an iffy script, the film also suffers from uninspired direction from John Rebel (the man behind the equally dire 2010 killer-animal movie Bear), who achieves zero tension or sense of horror, and poor editing that makes it looks as if there are only two wolves for most of the running time (only towards the end do we see as many as five on the screen at the same time). Amazingly, the acting is more than passable for such nonsense, but with such awful material, the cast can do nothing to prevent this film from being one hell of a mess.
rikverwaest Okay, recession hit everyone hard. So I'm not gonna blame the makers of "Wolf Town" for charging me 8 € for a movie that was produced for half that money. I can get past the fact that the entire "Wolf Town" was populated by a meager three wolves who kill by gnawing at life-sized dolls. Neither shall I complain that the special effects look like they were shoplifted from the local funstore (check out the red blubber that was plopped on Rob to pass for intestines). I'm not even gonna rant about the fact that they couldn't even be bothered to remove the wreckage of modern tractors from the scenery of a "ghost town from the 1800's". All those things require money, and it's blatantly clear that this cheap flick was made on a shoe-string budget.But there can be no excuse whatsoever for the extremely bland and dumb story. Creativity and imagination are free. A decent filmmaker can make a great movie on a nickel and dime. "Blair Witch Project", anyone? But no-one involved in the production "Wolf Town" shows a glimpse of such talent. Therefore this is doomed to be a poor man's movie with a poor man's script. There are plot holes the size of Europe. So we're supposed to believe the wolves managed to sabotage a car, steal their cellphones and catch up with the idea of dynamite? The director stops quite short of crediting them with setting up the town's website to lure edible tourists. Even more irritating is the utter standstill that the story creeps in after fifteen minutes. The main characters run from one deserted house to the other, where they start to bicker at each other. After a while the wolves are fed up with their nagging and jump through a window. That's the sign for our jolly bunch to run casually to another house. That process is actually repeated six to seven times, I kid you not. To top it off the end leaves us with a wacky eco-message when the wimpy kid starts to understand the "motive" of the wolves, who just want the strangers to leave their cozy town. Wolf-children of the Corn, ay? A final warning: those like me who love a good killer animal-flick and let themselves be fooled by the cover will find themselves howling at the moon in utter frustration.