R | 22 June 1999 (USA)
Witchouse Trailers

On Mayday 1998 in the town of Dunwich, Massachusetts, Elizabeth gathers together a group of specially selected friends for a rather odd party. It turns out that she is the descendent of a malevolent witch named Lilith who was burned at the stake precisely three hundred years ago. Now Elizabeth hopes to resurrect her dreadful ancestor and has a specific (and murderous) need for the guests she has chosen

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
manchester_england2004 WITCHOUSE is a typical witch-seeks-revenge movie from Full Moon Pictures.In this effort, an descendant of the witch in question invites the descendants of those who killed her to a party, where she intends to kill them off.As anyone who has seen Full Moon movies knows, they are very much hit-and-miss. They have produced some real low-budget gems such as DEATHBED, BLEED and CASTLE FREAK. But there are also lesser works such as PUPPETMASTER or SKINNED ALIVE in their portfolio.WITCHOUSE is one of the worst offerings I have seen from them. It is said to be a rip-off of NIGHT OF THE DEMONS. I have seen that movie myself. It is not much better but the comparisons are not far wrong.Believe it or not, I actually saw the second sequel to WITCHOUSE, WITCHOUSE 3: DEMON FIRE beforehand. The sequel, whilst far from being great, is much better than the plodding waste of time that the original comprises of.The individual scenes along with the dialogue are actually not that bad. It is the execution, particularly the acting, that is the major problem.The worst actress of the lot is Ashley McKinney. Elizabeth should have been creepy and sinister. But Miss McKinney's portrayal was lifeless. The séance scene where Elizabeth tells the "guests" about Lilith just seemed to go on and on. She uttered every line in a very monotonous manner, without emotion or energy.The villainess of the piece - Lilith - as depicted here is one of the most laughable creations I have seen. She is much more menacing in DEMON FIRE, where she has a COMPLETELY different appearance and is played by a different actress.The protagonists are dull, uninteresting teenagers who are clearly played by actors well into their 20s. Brad and Maria are a sex-craved couple who do nothing but that. Scott was the "nerd" who did not seem the least bit scared of anything. Tony was an absolute moron. Janet was an annoying tomboy. Jack was an unlikely hero. And Jennifer was just plain dull.The direction is flat and the special effects are lousy. I know this is a mega low-budget movie. But this is no excuse. DEMON FIRE does better on a budget that is stated on this site to be just $26,000. The latter movie includes a strobe lighting effect that is very effective.The background music should have been ominous but instead just added to the dreary tone of the camera-work.Oh, and if you're looking for nudity, you're certainly in the wrong place!Overall, WITCHOUSE is an incredibly dull witch-seeks-revenge movie. I would advise people to skip this one. I don't know what WITCHOUSE 2 is like but WITCHOUSE 3: DEMON FIRE is certainly a better movie than the original. I would recommend the latter movie to fans of Full Moon or straight-to-DVD horror movies. I would advise others to check out a British movie called TERROR, directed by Norman J. Warren. This creepy, atmospheric and suspenseful movie demonstrates how a witch-seeking-revenge movie should be done!
silver_solitaire The make-up is bad, the special effects are bad, the acting is bad, the story is... nothing new, really. Seven teenagers get stuck in an old mansion and suddenly find themselves facing a nightmare in the form of a random witch who just so happens to be the ancestor of one of the teens. Gothic teen realizes her 300 year old pledge for revenge, usual horror plot ensues.This story makes no sense whatsoever. It's not even funny to watch, it's just painfully bad. Don't waste your time. Watch the news instead, that's scarier!
Rubbed Raw Probably the worst Full Moon Video I have ever seen. The acting, direction, and writing were all weak. The film only clocked in at 65 minutes, which in principal offends me, but in this case it was a blessing not to have to sit through another 25 minutes. Can it be true that they made a sequel to this disaster? Something tells me I won't be renting it.
motter1036 One of the few Full Moon videos that fails in all areas.Most of their movies have interesting characters good atmoshere, some blood &gore a bit of sex and nudity etc. Witchouse first off looks like a set, not a real place, the characters aren't fleshed out and the scares are no where to be found.The gore is very mild and dosn't come close to looking real. The only interesting scenes are a couple of what looks a view into hell they are weird.