Winter in Wartime
Winter in Wartime
R | 31 December 2008 (USA)
Winter in Wartime Trailers

During World War II in the freezing winter of 1944-45 the western Netherlands are in the grip of a famine. Many people move east to provide for their families. Fourteen year old Michiel can't wait to join the Dutch resistance, to the dismay of his father, who, as mayor, works to prevent escalations in the village.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Memorergi good film but with many flaws
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
bandito wow, that's a 9+ one, story, acting, cinematography , directing, a+. Also, not a bad movie for subtitle reading as the dialogues are kept minimal. whatever genre you like, it is a good movie. Like a user described about 2nd world war in Deutschland, The Occupation was a lot smoother in some aspects then France regarding the nationals, and it bring a different flavor to war movies. It is a very emotional movies . Very recommended. ----- now I just red the negatives reviews, and I agree about the discrepancies in the plots and some situations. I guess I like emotional bs exaggeration and easily disregard illogical things. I will not name them, no need of negative spoilers. like Forest Gump, just let the movie take you for a nice ride.
jc-osms Weak title for a strong second world war-time drama set in a small Dutch town occupied by the German Army in early 1945. The plot centres on a young teenage boy, just on the cusp of manhood, whose curiosity and growing wish to contribute to the war effort begins to lead him into trouble, especially as his father is the conciliatory town mayor. When a young British fighter-pilot's plane comes down just outside the town and he has to kill an investigating enemy soldier on patrol, young Theo determines to track him down and lead him to safety.Realistically shot in the grey, cold winter time, the story probably includes a bit too much clichéd action which makes the twists in the tale somewhat predictable when they come. In no particular order these involve the boy's relationship with a newly-arrived uncle sympathetic to the Dutch Resistance movement, his nurse sister's burgeoning relationship with the baby-faced young Brit and his tricky relationship with his father in whom he is disappointed at his apparent cooperation with the Germans. The movie also inserts a number of nail-biting moments of near-discovery, treachery and last-minute attempted rescues, possibly too many for the story to bear in its running-time and still seem true-to-life. There's a mild rites-of-passage undertow to events as the young boy's sexual desires awaken, courtesy of a handy peephole in his upstairs room when his family put in a young girl and her family, a set of pornographic playing cards and finally, mist blatantly, when his sister gets together with the pilot.The final scene of heroic escape is again a bit too exaggerated for my taste as is the boy's overcoming his natural aversion to guns until provoked too far, but for all my caveats, it's a fast-moving, exciting and gripping story, very well-acted by most of the leads, only the young British actor playing the pilot seems too lightweight in his portrayal.I see this movie won several awards in its native Holland and I can understand why. It's a good movie which might have worked a bit better for me with a few less climactic scenes which tend to overpower the narrative and seem like an unnecessary concession to Hollywood action movie conventions.
jandesimpson What to do during a week of long evenings when my DVD player was on the blink? Fortunately a judicious bit of web surfing provided quite a rewarding answer - a channel offering free viewing of several hundred films. Many looked pretty dire so I whittled it down to the "World Cinema" genre. What rapture! De Sica's "Shoeshine", which I had not seen since I was a teenager, was there. For a second choice I thought I would try something completely unknown. I suppose it was the title "Winter in Wartime" that made this my next selection. It just sounded so evocative and atmospheric. As far as expectations of time and place were concerned the film certainly did not disappoint. The Netherlands under German occupation during the last winter of the second world war was deep in snow. We were viewing icy landscapes full of danger and unease through the eyes of a young teenage boy who was about to have his natural instincts of right and wrong severely tested by being in that place and time. Perhaps what I most liked about the film was that, is spite of being so realistic in its depiction of a particularly ugly period of history, it had those very elements of a good "Boys' Own" yarn that reminded me of stories I had not read for years - youngster and shot-down British airman playing a sort of scouts' "wide game" with the Nazis in frozen woodlands. Towards the end it became a real page turner. And then just when you thought you knew how it would all turn out, there was a real volte-face when a supposed goodie turned out to be the arch baddie of the piece. Never mind that the film often strained credulity, particularly when the airman with such a gammy leg performed acts of gymnastic dexterity. It was all such fun, except that it wasn't really. How could it when we had just witnessed an act of Nazi reprisal of such savage barbarity? Those old "Boys' Own" yarns were never as hard edged as this, making for a mixture of genres that instilled a real sense of unease.
Red-125 The Dutch film "Oorlogswinter" was shown in the United States with the title "Winter in Wartime" (2008). It was co-written and directed by Martin Koolhoven.The movie stars Martijn Lakemeier as Michiel, a teenager whose father is the mayor of the town in which the family lives. World War II is coming to an end, but the Germans are still firmly in control of the area. Martin's father is not truly a collaborator with the Germans, but he has established cordial relations with them in order to spare the town and its inhabitants from destruction. Michiel's uncle, Oom Ben, is in the Dutch resistance.The plot moves forward rapidly after Michiel discovers a wounded British airman, Jack (Jamie Campbell Bower). Michiel is caught up in a swirl of hazardous, terrifying incidents. "Oorlogswinter" is a coming-of-age film, but it's also much more. Director Koolhoven has captured the bleakness of the Dutch winter landscape, and the attempt by Michiel's family to maintain a semblance of normality in the face of ever-present danger.The German soldiers aren't presented as unremittingly evil, nor are the Dutch citizens presented as noble in every respect. Nonetheless, good and evil clearly exist in the world and in this film. Who chooses good, and who chooses evil, is at the heart of the movie."Winter in Wartime" is an outstanding film. I believe it is underrated with an IMDb rating of 7.1. I suggest you seek it out and watch it. If it's not commercially released in your area, it will work well on DVD.