Johnny Mad Dog
Johnny Mad Dog
| 20 May 2008 (USA)
Johnny Mad Dog Trailers

A cast of unknown performers are used in this drama about child soldiers fighting a war in an unnamed African country.

RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Leofwine_draca This is a well-made movie, to be sure, with particularly good cinematography that takes you right into the heart of a war zone and never breaks away from it for a second. But it's also an utterly depressing viewing experience, and I hated almost every second of watching it. I wonder if the director would have done better by presenting this as a documentary explaining some of the background of the conflict.JOHNNY MAD DOG follows a group of child soldiers, led by the titular character, as they wreak havoc in Liberia. They're part of a rebel uprising whose goal is to overthrow the president and all those who side with him, and what follows is 90 minutes of rape, cold-blooded murder, and general mayhem.The film is devastating and headache-inducing. There are no glimmers of hope here, no comedy, just unending bleakness. 90% of the dialogue is shouted at the top of the voice and the violence goes on forever, forcing the viewer to become part of the depravity. Needless to say, none of the characters are sympathetic and I spent most of the time hoping for it to end.
freeride_1973 If you're looking for a political view point on child soldiers and ongoing conflicts in Africa this isn't the film you're looking for.This is a human film with human nuances. For some it will appear as a senseless violent romp.I saw children losing their innocence through situations they had no control over. Forced to shoot family members to save their lives initiated them into the unit. With persistent brain washing and promises of magic charms to protect them and a financial future they did their duty as they were taught. They were the true believers of the cause and embarked upon a barbaric journey wrestling with guilt and childish thoughts.Mad Dog betrayed by his superiors and his naive of the view future shattered tried to deny and justify his past actions in the refugee camp. His clumsy attempt at trying to woo the girl failed, essentially causing the caring angel to violence and the final loss of her innocence.
bigboiajayi As some of the previous reviews have reflected, this movie is confusing in the fact that the PLOT and COUNTRY and Purpose are not easily recognized. Some may call this pointless and the other spectrum may call this raw; but the truth is that this movie is all of the above. It does not outline it's plot as ludicrously as 'Step Brothers' or as reflective (aka thought provoking as City of God) it is what a a true journalistic amateur (aka 'raw') would have documented if he was watching some children in a street gang in an unamed African country. This movie was shot in Liberia, but as a historian and patriarch of Nigeria; I have heard similar type stories. Not ALL movies are made to make you feel good. Some (thank the Lord) are just that..........movies. THINK for yourself.
beregic the other reviewer bellow sums everything up pretty much as i would do overall. i just have to add that i like this much more then "city of God" mostly because there is no over-the-top acting here and this is much more expressive from a realistic point of view. also the 2 or 3 war scenes are also very raw with realistic common sense military tactics.but the strength of this movie comes from its subject matter and from ALL the actors. watching this one realizes that there is no need for drama classes to become an "actor" if you were able to "play" the designed "role" beforehand...hands down to ALL the actors here(both girls and boys). the dramatization and the conclusion also stands out as well as all those little details abundant in many scenes.the dialogues are very raw and used in good realistic warning to the viewer: the language spoken is an English African dialect, so you might have a need for a subtitled version. subtitles are already available for it on the net.