Danger Zone
Danger Zone
R | 02 August 1996 (USA)
Danger Zone Trailers

Rick Morgan, an American engineer who runs a mine in East Africa, is approached one day by his friend Jim Scott, who needs someplace to store canisters of toxic waste. Unfortunately, a spill occurs a short time later, resulting in deaths and Morgan having to leave the country. A year later, he is approached by a government agent looking for a missing supply of potentially hazardous poison, which in truth hides something even more valuable.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
dbborroughs Robert Downey Jr arrives at Billy Zane?s camp in Africa wanting to dump some toxic waste. Zane refuses, more so when the army arrives and begins to shoot up the place, killing Downey in the process. Zane escapes, fleeing to New York where he is talked into returning by Ron Silver who tells him there is more afoot then meets the eye. B level action adventure results. Pay check movie for the cast (some of which looks drunk or stoned) is an okay time killer for the rest of us. Entertaining and worth a bucket of popcorn when you?re in an undemanding mood, this is the sort of B movie that would have played in grindhouses a couple of decades ago. Zane is good as the hero, even if he looks a bit bored. Downey?s role, though figured prominently in the cover art is rather small, which only goes to show that even in a down phase, once you?re a name you still can attract people. I liked it, but I wish I had seen it on cable on a rainy afternoon instead of watching it VCD late on a Sunday night where the break in the film made me have to choose to continue (I did switch discs). Worth a look if you stumble on it and want undemanding action.
deftdelivery *SPOILERS*Going into this movie, I expected nothing more than your typical, tried and true Hollywood thriller in the made for TV format. But after drinking 8 or 9 beers and paying mostly attention to a game of poker, I can safely say that this movie blew my expectations away. The battle scenes between Mr. Billy Zane and the Mr. Asian guy, I've suddenly gained a desire to meet both Mr. Zane and the Korean and have them teach me the ways of the samurai. The script in this made for TV movie was breathtaking; by taking the time to ensure that Billy Zane kept his hat on after diving out of a flaming train at the end of the film, Danger Zone maintained the trust and believability the average negro film maker would come to appreciate.On a side note, the sexual undertones between Billy Zane and Robert Downey Jr. kept the energy up throughout the course of the piece. By just watching their eyes, and the way they closely looked up and down their manly chests, the viewer felt either sudden impulses to find a male specimen and make sudden, passionate love to him, or find an equally appealing man to masturbate to. I chose Paul Walker.If you could just give this film a chance, you will find that most other films in this genre (beastiality porn) fall entirely short of your expectations. I am shocked that this didn't win an academy award for best adult to horse interaction film featuring a negro back in 1997. It was fascinating enough that they even allowed the colored man to act in this film. I am still amazed by the poor decisions of these so-called expert movie reviewers.I give it 15/10. Kisses.
whpratt1 Decided to view this film and had no idea if I was going to enjoy watching this story from beginning to end. The photography is fantastic and Robert Downey,Jr., (Jim Scott), "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang",'05, did an outstanding supporting role and was a so called friend of Billy Zane, (Rick Morgan), "The Last Drop",'05 but had a bad habit of getting him in all kinds of unpredictable situations. Billy Zane is a very hard drinking character who lives and breaths JACK DANIELS beverage for breakfast, noon and supper and also in between. Billy meets up with Lisa Collins, (Dr. Kim Woods),"Fix",'97, who starts out her relationship with Billy as only a professional doctor who looks for chemical energy readings. There is a scene where Kim Woods takes off her jeans because of an injury and poor Billy has to come to her aid. There is also another scene where Kim Woods is being attacked by a real evil guy and poor Billy again finds her in her bra, waiting for his assistance. This is rather comical at times and the acting is rather hot and cold, some action. and so much drinking, you begin to get Thirsty !
sainsburyj Billy Zane delivers a thrilling, entertaining and well watchable action movie. If this film had a bigger budget and wasn't a TV movie it would be up in the biggest earners of all time. Even though it is a TV movie it is quality to the last frame. It has a believable plot, lead actor (Zane) and supporting actors especially Robert Downey Jr. Without giving too much away, during the film there are some killer punch-ups. The best grapple is on top of a train going along a mountain with there being no doubt that Billy Zane isn't involved - Vic Armstrong eat your heart out! Watch this if you want to see some well choreographed fight scenes and realistic shoot outs. Billy Zane needs to do more action films with all of the aforementioned selling points to keep his Action Hero title