Window Theory
Window Theory
R | 01 January 2005 (USA)
Window Theory Trailers

An aimless playboy returns to his hometown for his best friend's wedding, only to find that the bride is his high school sweetheart.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Richard_vmt This is about a playboy type whose ego gets in the way when he discovers his best friend is marrying his former high school girlfriend. The entire story falls flat for anyone who went beyond high school because it is all about the inviolability of those allegiances and the heroes they raised. I found it impossible to like him. He resorts to his fists twice in the film simply because someone disagrees with him. All characters in this film including the women systematically include "fucking" in every sentence. Take away the nice homes and the trendy night spots, the recent showers and good grooming, and wouldn't you have a bunch of coughing, spitting, farting, possibly pimple-y-faced losers? The film did convey a sense of bravado, which is always a pleasure, but the excessive loyalty seemed servile. What was supposed to be a comedy turned into a long groaning attempt to overcome a mole hill in the road of social development. All through the film I diligently tried unsuccessfully to find it amusing on the basis of its description as a romantic comedy, but only in the final moments did it occur to me the film makers might have been trying for social realism, eg., Saturday Night and Sunday Morning or Alfie. To paraphrase the words of Lloyd Bentsen: 'Mr. Putschoegl, you are no Tony Richardson.'
homeoh9 I actually really enjoyed this film, it was a lot deeper than people gave it credit for. It seemed very true to life to me. Friends, girls, the way everyone talked very realistic. Everyone should also keep in mind that this was low budget, it looked absolutely amazing what a great looking film. They obviously know how to make films. They have more to do and I think people who do look deeper are going to enjoy it and see that it is deeper. Ethan I thought was great a joker, who did care just trying to grow up, and people do FAR worse things than him, he just missed his friends, only an idiot would give this movie a 1. It is not going to win an Oscar but who cares. I would even like to see a sequel see what happened to the characters.
Geeseherder After reading the L.A. Times review by Carina whatshername that roasted this thing as sophomoric and ham-handed, I thought I'd give it a try, as she is usually off the mark with her pretentious, Went-To-Film-School-And-Wish-I-Were-A-Director self important ranting. Well, for once she was right. Film school cinematography at best due to uneven lighting and plenty of soft focus that wasn't intentional. Ham-handed the acting truly was. The lead character, Ethan, was an awful stereotype of the prom king who comes home from L.A. for a visit, yet who hasn't grown up. Plus, his falling in and out of a classic Canadian accent, which was a signal of sorts as to why films made in Canada are often so bad, was the least of his acting inabilities. His ex-girlfriend, who is marrying his ex-best friend, was another exercise in casting a beautiful person who has the emotional range of a turtle. The other characters ran the bad movie gamut from stereotypical to annoying. The brainy sidekick who is under his parents thumb in going to med school who needs to break free. The nerd who was strangely played as gay yet pined after girls (who would have been much better played as gay, but then Ethan's pseudo-macho party-boy character would have had to beat him up). The ex-best friend who gets the girl is a joke as well. The attempt here is to portray him as a corporate sellout by having his boss (played one-dimensionally by Paul Johansson of One Tree Hill) show up in town to do some kind of special project with him. He and Ethan don't seem to have ever really liked each other, and you don't really care anyway because both characters are so shallow and annoying you are just hoping for the comet to hit them all and improve the movie. Whoever wrote this at least has the comfort of knowing they can only get better from here talent-wise. As for the ending you ask, well there isn't one. Somewhere in the middle of this disaster, Ethan and the ex-girl of course sleep together, which leads us to believe that they will have an end-of-the-film declaration of love for each other at the wedding. Nope. There is no wedding because there is no end to the film. We just get a shot of the three immature boys walking down the street after a night of drinking. It was an attempt at a deep and meaningful denouement that would reflect a triumph of film-making. You can only imagine how badly it failed.
webbsoner1 easily the worst movie of the year. as this brainless swingers ripoff lard of a movie tries to invade your theaters(no distributor yet)stay clear from this as it will rob u of 90 minutes u will never get back not even that hot chick jennifer odell can even warrant a rental. shows you that you do not need talent,skill,vision,creativity, in this case much of anything to make a film. JUsst money! people! stay clear of this like the plague. the plot is beyond TV standard with no true moments,fake poignancy stupid boring characters no sense as to why this movie was made.c'mon why is this drivel being made. we need real art to be continued to be made. this will make you want to watch swingers a 100 times to forget this thing ever existed.