Wild Country
Wild Country
| 01 April 2006 (USA)
Wild Country Trailers

Kelly and Lee find an abandoned baby in an old castle and have to fight a wolflike beast that has been killing their hiking friends, one by one.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
red_robin19 OK. I'm going to be a little bias here as Samantha Shields is actually a good friend of mine and i act with her quite often, but nonetheless i actually did enjoy the film! OK, so i've seen scarier horror's in my time and ...maybe i laughed a little at the special effects on this one, but with such a low budget they done OK.As for the acting, well...iv'e only ever acted with Sami on stage before and so it's all been a little over the top as stage performances usually are, so to see Sami being so natural was amazing! the girl definitely has a natural talent for natural acting! She definitely has a bright future ahead of her! take me with you Sami!!
Chris I am slightly biased in non-favor of this movie having actually seen it. Though it shows potential to have something vaguely resembling a plot, in the end, the viewer is left wondering whether or not the movie has actually started. Time was not an issue for lacking plot. Running at only 72 minutes, there was more than enough time to actually explain SOMETHING. Please explain something. That is why you make movies. The main character, Kelly Ann, could have been played by anyone with a Scotish accent and legs capable of running through random fields in Scotland for extended periods of time. Lee could be played by any semi- to moderately-attractive young male with a Scotish accent as well. Only running in his case was not a requirement. Much of this movie took place during the day time, which made the "wolf" one of the greatest comedic characters I have ever witnessed. And when I say "wolf" what I am trying to say is a half-boar, half mad cow fetus half-breed of UK craziness. (See 'Isolation' for reference and if you want to see a decent horror film from the UK.)
joan-114 I am slightly biased in favour of this film, since part of it was shot at my farm. Having seen "Wild Country" from its very rough stage through to the final screening, I am very impressed, especially with the special effects, which were extremely well done, and with the quality portrayals by Martin Compston, Samantha Shields, Peter Capaldi and Karen Fraser. Even knowing the plot, I still held my breath at some scenes. The young actors put on very polished performances and Craig Strachan was a considerate but professional producer for such a cast. Scottish films are few and far between and this is a must see for Scots horror fans.
jamie-500 I think Wild Country is a good film. It has something for everybody, it's comical in places, scary in others, it also has a touch of social realism and a little bit of a romantic story underlying. If you appreciate hard working film makers you will appreciate this. The acting is natural and very convincing. I like the way it's lit, it makes it more scary for it to be that dark because that is how dark it is in Scotland at night in the winter.It's how realistic they made it that works for me, the actors act the way any normal teenager would act when faced with a beast in the out in the middle of nowhere. it's shot documentary style, with a "blair witch" feel at places.I think the film makers did a good job and i hope the film does well so that more Scottish films can be made!!!