Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself
Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself
| 08 November 2002 (USA)
Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself Trailers

The strange comedy film of two close brothers; one, Wilbur, who wants to kill himself, and the other, Harbour, who tries to prevent this. When their father dies leaving them his bookstore they meet a woman who makes their lives a bit better yet with a bit more trouble as well.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Jackson Booth-Millard I think it being four stars, having one or two good people and the title was what persuaded me to try this film. Basically good-hearted Harbour North (Adrian Rawlins) has spent years trying to look after his motherless, recently now fatherless, and suicidal young brother Wilbur (Jamie Sives). They are inseparable and inherit their father's second-hand bookshop, and one day cleaning lady Alice (Shirley Henderson) with her daughter Mary (Lisa McKinlay) enters the shop and their lives. She helps them by selling the books patients have left behind as the hospital she works at. Harbour falls in love with Alice, and Wilbur with Mary, and soon enough all four of them are entwined, Wilbur has found a good reason to keep living, while Harbour is coming to terms with the fact he is slowly dying of an incurable condition. Also starring Casino Royale's Mads Mikkelsen as Dr. Horst, Julia Davis as Moira and Susan Vidler as Sophie. Apparently this was meant to be a black comedy, well it was certainly quite dark viewing, but I didn't find myself laughing a lot, but I guess it is worth seeing, at least once. Good!
josiejump Just watched this film for the first time this evening mainly because the brilliant Julia Davis was listed as being in the film. It took about 20 minutes for me to get into the general idea of the characters but after that I was lost in the world of the unfortunate situation the brothers had found themselves in.An amazing film. A real weepy. Shirley Henderson played a blinder. Can't say I was surprised after seeing her in Dirty, Filthy Love but I never recognise her name as an actress. I will do from now on.The only thing I wasn't sure about (ironically) was Julia Davis pretending to be Scottish. Her desperate character still comes across but the accent is a little dodgy to say the least.
Henry Fields "Wilbur wants to kill himself" is a (so)moving parable about how easy is to let yourself die when everything seems meaningless and how hard is to live when a disease is mining you. Wilbur looks like a nice guy, the kind of man women like, he's good-looking, he has a brother who loves him... it doesn't seem like his existence is that miserable. Nevertheless he wants to leave this world, that's one of men's last rights so he'll try to kill himself in any possible way. On the contrary, his brother Harbour is full of life, he's an enthusiastic person, he's in love and he's just get married... how ironic, he has an incurable cancer, but that won't stop him from clinging to life till the last consequences. Scherfig has moved away from the stupid DOGMA corset, and creates a perfect balance between the smile and the crying, tenderness and misanthropy, between life and death. She reduces the roughness of the hardest moments with a sarcastic turn or relying on the darkest sense of humor (that's always the best antidote against tragedy). Step by step she shows Wilbur the right way (and to all of us). No moral judgments, no dogmatism... there's no need to. Wilbur is a celebration of life, but is also a show of respect for those who don't wanna live anymore. Eventually it is a celebration of the best cinema: the one that makes you feel better. *My rate: 8.5/10
film_ophile i think sense of humor is just SUCH an individual thing. perhaps the more subtle the comedic approach, the more difficult to identify and align with. I myself found this film totally engaging, amusing and lovely. i did not know, at the time of viewing, that the director had made 3 or 4 other of my favorite films, On Our Own and Italian for Beginners being the most recent. The story itself is small but it's the screenplay and that quirky funny pervading sense of humor, that IS the film. two handsome, intelligent,gentle, interesting brothers have a deep love for each other. one is the older and responsible one, who runs the inherited family used book shop. the younger one makes a career out of trying to kill himself. a sweet sad woman- with- daughter comes into their lives and the shag rug becomes a tapestry. all the acting is spot-on. the TERRIFIC screenwriters (the director being one of the two)had me caring about all of the characters. the silences, as much as the dialogue, are perfectly carried off and i really didn't feel there was a false out-of-place moment in the entire film. i saw the film last night (thank heavens for good public-library film-buyers)and the characters are in my mind today.i've a delighted smile on my face. a big 10 for me.