Wife vs. Secretary
Wife vs. Secretary
NR | 28 February 1936 (USA)
Wife vs. Secretary Trailers

Linda, the wife of a publishing executive, suspects that her husband Van’s relationship with his attractive secretary Whitey is more than professional.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
firefoxpies-139-635676 Originally a story by naughty Anita Loos, published in Cosmopolitan magazine, where she scandalized the 'old guard' by revealing the cutting-edge, cool, hip practice of wives palling around and spending recreational time with their husbands! Previously, men hung out chewing cigars and slurping brandy with other men for recreation, and didn't make a habit many times of sharing a bed, or even a room with the wife. Watching the opening of the film carefully, you will notice Van and Linda don't share a bedroom; their rooms adjoin, and he has his own bathroom. As they come out of their respective rooms in the morning and embrace, they share an intimate aside about "last night", revealing how he didn't want to leave her bedroom, and she replying that she hadn't asked him to leave. At breakfast they compete with tales of their intimate fly fishing vacation they have just returned from, another novelty in that the wife is fly fishing, and knows her way around a lure. Their conversation is intimate and witty. He pranks her with the novel presentation of an anniversary gift, followed by engulfing kisses and more intimate patter. Even the help gets in on the fun, noting that Mr. Stanhope had not yet touched his trout. The modern woman in her modern marriage, an enviable marriage to a loving, devoted, demonstrative hunk of a rich husband who only has eyes for her! Kind of a fairy tale for the modern woman of the times, still attractive today. Many intimate, sexy moments between Gable and Loy; a smooth, enjoyable story.
mark.waltz O.K., is it even thinkable that wealthy business man Clark Gable would think of having an affair with secretary Jean Harlow when he's married to none other than Myrna Loy? Well, he'd probably think about it, but other than checking her out now and then, the odds are he'd remain faithful. But thanks to his mother (May Robson), Loy thinks hanky panky is possible, and everybody in her social group views Harlow with suspicion, albeit gleefully as if they want to see something happen to break up this happy home. James Stewart is around as Harlow's brooding man who spends more time waiting for her in a car than doing anything really to keep the home fires burning. Sound a bit like "The Women" with a few men around? Harlow is as far from Joan Crawford's Crystal Allen as can be, and other than the dark hair, Loy has nothing in common with the oh-so-sweet butter wouldn't melt in her mouth Norma Shearer. With the exception of the well-meaning but buttinsky mother-in-law, the major leads are all nice people. Snobbish socialites played by Cora Witherspoon and Gloria Holden(back from the dead after playing the lead in the same year's "Dracula's Daughter") add to Robson's paranoiac demand that Loy have Harlow fired. There's never anything to indicate a possible interest other than mutual admiration, that is until one drunken evening in Cuba, and then, it's a major misunderstanding.If there is a real point to this movie, it is the warning of suspicion and gossip, and as a result, there's no real tension. If it wasn't for the three major stars and the typical MGM gloss, this would rank lesser in my ratings.
rthawk111 An unexpected stellar cast with Gable, Loy, Harlow and a novice Jimmy Stewart in a supporting role as Harlow's boyfriend. Gable plays the successful, dynamic magazine mogul. Loy plays his adoring and beautiful wife. Loy is a lovely understated version of herself from the "Thin Man" genre and Gable does a good job of being so involved in business that he's clueless as to what's going on around him. Harlow's the one to watch though. She plays completely counter to type -- a smart, crackerjack right-hand woman to her boss, Gable. As 'Whitey,' she never overplays her hand and even when revealing her true emotions keeps a straight face and instead let's us sense her internal conflict and struggle. One of her best acting jobs and a great job of directing by Clarence Brown. Wife vs. Secretary is more true to human foibles and emotions than most Hollywood fictions.Though the rest do an admirable job, it's Harlow who steals the show.
kenjha The title suggests a comedy, but it's more like a fluffy drama about a woman who starts to become jealous when her husband lavishes too much attention on his secretary. It's fairly well done, but perhaps it would have worked better as a comedy. The cast is stellar. Gable is charming in typical role of the virile male who makes the ladies swoon. Loy is wonderful as the loving wife, a role she played often. Harlow is effectively subdued as the devoted secretary. Stewart, in only his fifth film, shows the screen persona that would soon carry him to super stardom. Unfortunately, all this star power is undermined by the mediocre script.