NR | 08 September 1933 (USA)
Penthouse Trailers

Gertie Waxted knows how notorious gangster Jim Crelliman runs his rackets, because she's long been under the hoodlum's thumb. She's secretly helping lawyer Jackson Durant in a snoop job aimed at pinning a murder on the thug. Her life will be in peril when that secret gets out.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
gridoon2018 "Penthouse" has the makings of a good mystery, but they decide to tell you whodunit rather quickly. That leaves mainly the romance between Warner Baxter and Myrna Loy, and he is a little too old for her (the film's only pre-code element is Loy's disappointment that Baxter won't sleep with her on the first night they meet!). As an aristocratic racketeer, ex-wrestler Nat Pendleton gives probably the most enjoyable performance, but his character stretches credibility in the extremes he goes to keep Baxter safe. It's an OK film, but nothing really special. **1/2 out of 4.
jacobs-greenwood An essential comedy mystery drama from director W.S. Van Dyke, this film features a screenplay by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett.Warner Baxter is a wealthy man about town who is also a successful lawyer. One that has just helped secure an innocent verdict for a known criminal, played by Nat Pendleton. Pendleton is so thankful, he offers Baxter a bonus and a place in his organization. Baxter declines because, although he knew Pendleton to be innocent of that particular crime, he doesn't want to be associated with him. Pendleton assigns two of his thugs to protect Baxter anyway, knowing rival crime bosses will be none too happy with Baxter for his help in getting Pendleton "off".Baxter's well to do firm, as well as his girlfriend Sue (Martha Sleeper), is unhappy with his association with Pendleton; both dump him. Sue favors Tom Siddall (Philip Holmes) who had been keeping her company while Baxter was working the trial. As an associate and friend of Baxter's, Siddall is reluctant to pursue Sue until Baxter says it's O.K. (which he does). He then must break his relationship to Mimi Montagne (Mae Clarke), a spoiled socialite who doesn't want to let him go. Mimi runs back to her boyfriend before Siddall, Jim Crelliman (Henry Gordon), a gang leader in his own right. Crelliman enacts revenge by inviting Siddall to his place to have Mimi tell him off permanently. He suggests she does it on the balcony. Seconds later, a shot is heard and, rushing to the balcony, the party sees Mimi dead with Siddall holding the gun.Sue rushes to Baxter to enlist his help in clearing Siddall, which he agrees to do (especially after he receives a phone call threatening him to stay away from defending Siddall). When Baxter asks Pendleton for help in getting his rival Crelliman, he introduces him to Gertie Waxted, played by Myrna Loy. Gertie was good friends with Mimi and lived in her same apartment building, which is owned by Crelliman as well as being the site of Mimi's murder. Baxter soon realizes that Loy knows things which can help convict Crelliman and decides to protect her, letting her stay in his apartment. His manservant Layton, humorously played by Charles Butterworth, is told to keep Loy there.From there, the plot continues with somewhat predictable results. However, there are some pre-code situations and innuendo throughout which are marvelous ... and Pendleton nearly steals the picture.This film was later remade as Society Lawyer (1939).
user-12235 Typical, crude, 1930's gangster fare. One would think that everyone on the planet spoke in that illiterate, Chicago/Branx gutter staccato; this movie offers the same inane and offensive cant.The storyline? The same pap you've heard and seen a hundred times in the '30s and, sadly, in another few hundred 'noir' films of the '40s.Myrnay Loy is her adorable (though ill-fitted here) confident self before the camera, even though she is playing the five dollar floosie; the rest of the C cast are led by an over-the-hill Warner Baxter, a B-movie slug; going back to 1914.Beginning way back then in the infancy of cinema, the Chaldeans despised language skill and the masses sufficiently to pander this garbage to them.But, then again, you deserve it, don't you? It gets well deserved one star.
st-shot Myrna Loy had had appeared in over 70 films when she she was featured in Penthouse for WS "Hurry Up" Van Dyke who would go on to direct her in the highly successful Thin Man series. Its easy to see why. She's not to far from Nora Charles in this murder mystery that has her romanced by sleuth lawyer Warner Baxter who mirrors Nick Charles and his gravitation to nostagie de la boule in this warm up to her pairing with William Powell. Also on board are a garden variety of Runyonesque mugs, thugs and flatfoots that would also permeate the series.On its own its a typical Van Dyke quickly paced tongue in cheek crime film that on many levels holds its own with the series since it cannot help but beg comparison. In doing so this lightly entertaining piece lacks the presence and chemistry of the dynamite pairing of Loy and Powell. Baxter is adequate but lacks Powell's energy, vitality and comedic abilities and while this may be an unfair way to judge it there is no ignoring in hindsight the vastly improved similar work that unintentionally obstructs my view of this Penthouse.