Finders Keepers, Lovers Weepers
Finders Keepers, Lovers Weepers
| 08 May 1968 (USA)
Finders Keepers, Lovers Weepers Trailers

Paul, the owner of a topless go-go bar on the Sunset Strip, isn't having a good day. His girlfriend, unbeknownst to him, is planning to rob his club, and his wife is having an affair with the hunky bartender.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Michael_Elliott Finder Keeps, Lovers Weepers! (1968) *** (out of 4) Fast, cheap, fun and beautiful breasted film from Russ Meyer about (does it really matter?) a horny bar owner who finds out his wife is cheating on him white he's place is getting robbed. This was my first true Meyer "B" film and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised to see how much I enjoyed it. I always questioned how much talent the guy had but this thing was certainly well made considering the budget and the director kept things moving very fast and most importantly, kept it fun. Anne Chapman stars.
Jackson Booth-Millard I guess the only reason I forced myself to watch this film from cult sex director Russ Meyer was because it is on the same DVD as Pandora Peaks, and I didn't want to miss a film that I may like, too bad I didn't. I am not at all interested in the story or plot, although if I was paying more attention, and not fallen asleep near the end I may have liked the part involving planned robbery and an affair. Starring Anne Chapman as Kelly, Paul Lockwood as Paul, Gordon Westcourt as Ray, Duncan McLeod as Cal, Robert Rudelson as Feeney, Lavelle Roby as Claire, Jan Sinclair as Christiana, Joey DuPrez as Joy and Nick Wolcuff as Nick. The critics gave this the appropriate amount of stars out of five, two (one would have been better) because it is not as saucy or fun as the others I've seen, and not even the nudity or sexual content of this film rescue it, and the dialogue is diabolical. Absolutely awful, not even worth it for a couple of tits and bums. Poor!
ozzfan2 This film tends to touch base on issues in several other of his films. In "Vixen," the issue was marital bliss and touched on the concept of partner swapping. A similar notion is touched on in "Finders Keepers" in marital fidelity, and promoting the concept that "no one goes unpunished." Whether Meyer could be perceived as a fidelity or conservative living advocate, who knows. After all, the man was known for being critical of anti-Vietnam protesters (Meyer had proudly served as a wars footage cameraman in WWII). But it contains the nudity and light humor of his other flicks. It's not one of his more known films, but is worth checking out even if only once. The movie actually has a good plot to it, with senses of drama and a sense of urgency that keeps the pace going from start to finish.
funkyfry Meyer extravaganza with all the big breasts and relatively graphic violence you expect from the king of adult drive-in fare, but less of the corrosive wit that his best films exhibit. I could barely even remember the story a few days after I saw it.
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