R | 29 October 2004 (USA)
2046 Trailers

Women enter and exit a science fiction author's life over the course of a few years after the author loses the woman he considers his one true love.

Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
saraccan For some reason I thought this would be a sci-fi film with some romance sprinkles on it but it was the complete opposite. It was cool the way it takes you along different relationships of our main character. He's not very likeable but not dislikeable either. There wasn't a clear connection between how it started and what it told throughout the movie which was a bit confusing to me. It's about a writer and his relationships with a bunch of women.
Jithin K Mohan "In the Mood for Love" showcased a hopeless love story, that which is lost even before its inception. "2046" portrays the hopeless attempts to overcome the repression of emotions by the repression of identity. Chow's idealized love for Su, which he lost, lead him into a state in which he can't stay true to his emotions. So he moves on without looking back only to look back at those who reminds him of his lost love, which ultimately leads to the realization that he needs to let go of the past. Chow's thoughts are further explored in the sci-fi world of his novel "2046". As each of the characters in his life is portrayed as a character in the novel, his real emotions towards them are exposed, as the writing progresses, even to him.Yearning for love is a basic human emotion that has always been a consistent theme in Wong films. Even when doing action/biography films like "The Grandmaster", the film ends up more or less about love. "2046" portrays the chaos of lost souls who are looking for love from all the wrong places and their suffering when they can't let go of the love they found or get hold of. Like every Wong film, "2046" is also at its best when the visual and musical motifs lead the viewers to feel what the characters are going through.Read full review at www.asianfilmvault.com/2017/07/2046-2004-by- wong-kar-wai.html
hoytyhoyty You reach a certain point in your life - that is, your movie-watching life - where you can pick the winners and turkeys pretty much straight off the bat. I don't need to watch 2 hours of video colour-splat anymore to know I've been had: When something doesn't manage to engage you by almost the half-hour mark, and alllll you've seen is incomprehensible messy and disjoint attempts at being 'deep', you know. You just know.From reading the reviews here now, it looks like I was spot-on.This film belongs in the throwout-bin with Mr.Nobody, another film which is guilty of being the same species of epic waste of everyone's time. Actually - there is a possible use for these idiot creations: installation art in the background at galleries! Just turn the sound down and there you are.How DO these films get made?Is it a matter of all the grants-money people getting sucked into the same dinner-hall cocaine-mist as the makers and the whole shebang all joining in worshiping one another with cries of "Oh darling you are so talented!"?
Patrick Marques When I saw this movie some years ago, I was thinking during the film that it was the story of my life at the time. Not of my entire life but my love life only. Such as Chow Mo-wan, several women were filling my love life in those days: a woman that was my lost love, a beautiful girl with who I was spending some good time and that was just a toy for me (and she wanted something more serious with me) and a another woman that I liked but that was not interested in me.This movie is superb, the soundtrack is addicting. One of the best films ever made.