R | 17 January 1998 (USA)
Wicked Trailers

A cul-de-sac in an oppressive suburb becomes a literal dead end for wife and mother Karen Christianson when she is brutally murdered in her own home. In the wake of the event, Karen's teenage daughter Ellie begins to exhibit bizarre behaviors as she slowly acquires her mother's demeanor and mannerisms. Meanwhile, Karen's husband Ben nurtures a less-than-innocent interest in the family's sultry live-in nanny, Lena.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Killa42 Rented Wicked because I was curious about Julia Stiles' first leading role and expected this to suck. Look at the plot, which basically says, "Ellie, 14-yr old (in real life 17-yr old Stiles) tries to take her murdered mother's role. It sounded to me as though some script writer took a psychological term "Electra Complex" and warped it to a sexual context. Yet the Phallic stage ends at around six, and it is defined as envy of the male genitals, not as a sexual desire for one's father. Jung updated the study, but really psychology theory is as unfair to women in many ways including this example. Despite that, Eric Weiss decided to create his own psychiatry. Still, Stiles does well in her role and believable. However, the character Lena (Louise Myrback) outshines young Stiles in both her role as the new alpha woman and in her acting ability. I enjoyed it when Lena put the child in her place and told her that she looked so cute in dress up and then rubbed off blush because Ellie wasn't old enough to know how to do it right. Kids need to be put in their place and told they are just kids. That character was awesome and bold -- made the film worth seeing for me.
whpratt1 Found this film very interesting and enjoyed the great acting of Julia Stiles, (Ellie Christianson), "Mona Lisa Smile", who adored her father and never seemed to get along with her mom. However, both parents had other interests outside of the marriage and the story has many unconventional situations created between a daughter and her father. Ellie could identify certain marks on her father's butt that proved very damaging to any adult talking to her. Ellie had a neighbor who lived next door, who was in the process of having a divorce, and had the hots for her every movement and enjoyed driving golf balls into their windows. Things portrayed in this film have happened in real life, ever since man and woman were created and they will continue to be just plain WITCHED !
emdoub 7 out of 10 for the performances - while the characters were often cardboard cutouts, the actors and director *sold* those characters pretty well.I've seen other reviewers comment that the ending was unbelievable - I suggest that they re-watch the movie and look again. Obvious misdirection toward Ms. Stiles' character make the plot twist work, quite wickedly.(Here's the spoiler, for those who don't want to sit through this twice - Julia Stiles' character is not innocent of anything but matricide, but she didn't do that.) Some interesting characterizations, some new twists on the Electra plot, some great camera-work, and a topic that's not often seen on film - a daughter's heavy fixation on her father as a love interest. Not a film to write home about, but an enjoyable and surprising 90 minutes.
Jay hall Wicked is a extremely bizzare film, there is such a varied mix of ideas that it is very hard to keep track of the story, the ideas are good ones there's a bit of who dunnit, murder, intrigue, sex, deception, being physcotic, dealing with you dad getting a new girlfriend and much more but Wicked just cant seem to link them altogether to make a good strong cohirent plot. The main story is after a women has a huge row with her daughter she is murdered in a very brutal manner, the police are trying to track down the killer but are having very little luck. All the way through the film the tension is very high and the atmosphere is very good, there a immense who dunnit as the writers throw in suspects left, right and centre. There is also a very intriguing plot twist when the daughter becomes ever obsessed with her dad. The gorey scenes are also very brutal for a 15 certificate. Julia Stiles puts in a good performance as a character who through the course of the film you see slowly going over the edge, the rest of the cast are very good to its just a shame that the poor writing let them down. Most of the film is quite good, going along at a good pace and adding more and more plot twists, but the ending is just the most ludicrous thing I have ever seen, you never really find out who killed the mum and its just a excuse for the to be a total blood bath, where people get there heads smashed in, their feet cut and a hole blasted through their heart.