White Wall
White Wall
NR | 25 May 2010 (USA)
White Wall Trailers

In the near future, everything has changed. Basic human rights have become the rarest of luxuries. No one knows when this started but everyone knows how. The VXII, the deadliest virus ever created, spread like wildfire and decimated the majority of the world's population. The non-infected survivors now cling to life in four quarantined cities behind a wall. Shawn Kors and his brother, Jude, survived the VXII only to grow up in a squalid internment camp for orphaned children. Under the care of the militia, they were pitted against other children in backwoods death matches. Shawn, Jude, and the few who escaped became notorious for their incredible fighting skills. They have since parted ways. Shawn now makes a comfortable living as a janitor at the local medic station. He spends his days dreaming of curing the VXII. When Shawn discovers the discarded body of a fellow internment camp friend, he is forced out of hiding and pulled into a rabbit hole of conspiracy and violence.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
jatran I happen to stumble across this movie completely by accident hoping that once in a while an unknown film can be surprisingly good. This definitely wasn't the one. Actually, it is now officially the worst movie I've ever seen, beating the Legend of Chun Li.White Wall is plagued by clichés such as a virus wiping out the Earth, the forced "love story," and pretty much every character's personality. The story seems to have been written by a middle schooler. Apparently Shawn was able to run experiments on the virus from a closet as a janitor after being a gang-member.The acting in this movie is probably the worst thing about it. If the director was serious enough about the movie he would have let someone else be the lead character unless he was trying to cut costs or something. He shows maybe 2 different facial expressions the whole movie and tries to sport a messenger bag while attempting to portray a bad-ass. He wasn't the only one that did poorly but definitely took up the most screen time Costumes were way off. What's with all the fedoras and the poncho guy? Was this "our" 20th century? There's no imagination here.You could say "they were limited by costs or inexperience" but I don't think that's a real excuse. Look at what the Blair Witch or paranormal activity did with only a camcorder and a cast that equally looks like plain college kids.I did find a few positive aspects to White Wall which might have been the musical score and some of the cinematography that no doubt made the low budget action scenes look at least a little intense.In the end, I was only motivated to rate this movie because of the fake ratings boosting it.
thefreestylefreak When you think of "great" post apocalyptic films some titles that come to mind include "The Road", "Dune", "Pitch Black", the "Road Warrior" series, and of course "Planet of the Apes". I don't know where some people get off claiming this is the "Godfather of Action films" or the "greatest" post-apocalyptic film ever made. I can only formulate they had some sort of connection with the film, whether it be they were part of the cast, crew, production, or distribution of this film. I believe these people giving rave reviews of this film are frankly, well, smoking something funny and have really, REALLY, low standards for films. The film looks like it's been filmed outside of New Mexico or something. It's supposed to be a post apocalyptic background, but to me, it looks like some sort of south American city. A little grungy in places, but I don't see rats, people starving for food, etc etc. On the contrary, all the actors seem to be wearing clothes that looked like they were sporting Levi denim. The city has it's own well kept hospital, the streets have lighting, and a couple of the characters sport plate fulls of food on their kitchen table that would make many of us look poor. What's with the fancy shiny looking MG 2 door sporty car?? The acting is awful and stiff and rigid. The storyline is too slow. And there were quite a few times I could catch the camera trying to focus in and out of what is going on in the scene. Don't kid yourself, this movie is bad, really bad. Actions scenes?? Hardly, even those are bad. Almost laughable. This isn't even a "B" movie. More like an "F" movie for F as in "Fail". I don't recommend anyone going out of their way to rent or purchase this film. In fact, I don't know where you'd really do both. I was given a copy of this film, and after 2 minutes of popping it into the DVD player I knew this was going to be really bad. After giving it a chance 30 minutes in, I decided I had better things to do with my life then spend the next hour watching this disaster!!
mechanicaldust2 This gritty, low budget film offers a unique and honest perspective on the underworld of a post-apocalyptic street life in the near future, with an almost tragic, Shakepearian, bent. The look, the feel and style of the culture and the almost real-time street life in these cities is truly unmatched by any film before or since. Perhaps through genius, inspiration, maybe just plain luck, or all three, the producers and director hit the nail right on the head. Starring an excellent, intelligent cast of professionals, the film has an honesty and gritty reality that belies its budgetary constraints. Filmed largely without the permission of authorities and unions, in winter and often after dark, it has a cinema vérité feel throughout. And the score! Composed and performed by Marc Collin, it is as close to an utter classic as has ever been offered. Without a doubt it stands alone. If one takes the inherent flaws to this type of production; i.e. the rough editing, slightly uneven performances and almost clandestine feel, and places these in proper perspective, it is sure to delight all but the most hardened and jaded enthusiasts of film. Notable: This film set a NEW STYLE for action films, and PA culture raising the bar. It has no current rivals in that accomplishment. Only when this film is "remade", will we appreciate the originality and artistic endeavors of this ambitious film. You will see what style counts for. This film is the real deal. I spent money I didn't have to get this Bluray. Go buy it, trust me.
redeemerE James Boss, an unknown director knows what he wants to do and how to do it so well that even though White Wall is his first project, he does a brilliant job. White Wall is an action, drama, fantasy with a story taking place in a post-apocalyptic world. A virus, VXII decimates the human kind and there are few people left on earth. These people live in a place surrounded by a white wall and the remaining people rot in corruption, violence and betrayal; it is every man for himself. To survive in this world, the main character Shawn Kors (James Boss) has to be the same way but he is sick of this life and he finds a way to escape that place. Determined to find a cure for the virus VXII, he hits the road. With his ambition to find a cure for the virus, he gains respect of people he meets and he finds the love of his life: Elsa Lei, a medic. Unfortunately there are terrorist groups in this area as well and there is a war between the military and these groups threatening to draw Shawn back in to the city behind the White Wall leaving the hope to find the cure, behind. The cinematography, the sets, the scenes, the choreography are all wonderful. The martial arts providing a huge amount of action is thrilling and the story is engaging. This young director really knows how to create an impressive action sci-fi with post-apocalyptic elements, with chaos and questions. The music choices are well put and also thrilling, the crew had apparently thought all this project in details. The actors seem very comfortable and natural, there is not a thing sizzling, everything flows naturally. The fans of the genre must be looking forward to this movie. It will be worth waiting.