Welcome to Willits
Welcome to Willits
| 11 November 2016 (USA)
Welcome to Willits Trailers

Deep in the Northern California woods, in the heart of the notorious Emerald Triangle, lies a remote cabin. The residents struggle to fight off the repeated attacks and abductions by mysterious creatures that have plagued them for years. When a local pot farmer is caught up with a wayward group of campers the situation quickly escalates into total carnage.

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I must admit that I had expected quite something else from this movie.I was under the impression that this movie was about aliens on Earth to stalk and prey upon humans. So I was surprised to find out that it was in fact about drug induced hallucinations about aliens.Now, with that being said, don't get me wrong. Because this is not a bad movie, I just feel that it was very far from what I had expected and been lead to believe.The acting in "Welcome to Willits" was quite good for the most parts. And I do always enjoy watching new faces and talents on the screen, and I can't really claim to be overly familiar with the cast in this movie.The special effects in the movie were actually quite good and really helped the movie along quite a long way.An enjoyable movie for what it was, for sure, but hardly the type of movie that you will watch more than once.
mherrin-43253 Welcome to Willits: Directed by Trevor Ryan and written by Tim RyanI knew it was too good to be true. I watched three movies recently and this one was the third I watched but the second I'm reviewing. The reason for this is simple, I want to get this madness off of my chest. I watched two good movies and then this one came along and threw me for a loop like a close call car accident. This movie is called Welcome to Willits. It takes place in Willits, California. I imagine the director is from this region. The town really plays no part in the story.Having this take place in this particular town set in the Emerald Triangle( huge area of marijuana farms) doesn't play into the story much. This movie is about a crazy man who thinks that aliens are invading and trying to abduct him and perform terrifying and painful experiments on him. Kids on a camping trip looking to score. It sounds like an interesting idea for a horror film.Well Netflix told me that this was a comedy. They lied. This is a weird movie. It starts out with this fake cop show starring Dolph Lundgren for no particular reason. The aliens thing along with the crazy man wearing a tinfoil hat might have been somewhat funny in the writing process but in the movie itself, it really doesn't register that way. They might want to rejigger their algorithm. This movie feels really long and it takes more than half its running time to get to the meat of the story. It is all set up. It forces us to spend a bunch of time with stock characters and following this dull and overused plotline. It's a boring mess of a movie. I want to call a moratorium on kids going into the woods to party and finding something evil hunting them movies. It's enough. We need to a break from this overdone story. I'm going to file it with zombie films. I give this movie an F.
The Couchpotatoes Well, just finished watching Welcome To Willits, and the least I can say is that it was an experience. Unfortunately it was not a good one. I wonder if they did it on purpose to make it that bad. That might be a possiblity when I think back about it. There are so much things that are wrong with this movie that it becomes funny. In the days were you can find marihuana like almost anywhere they managed to have the worst imitation fake marihuana ever shown on a filmset. They really didn't know any dopehead to just borrow his weed for a second? I think for that alone they should get a prize. The alien costumes were actually the only things that were okay. The acting was seriously bad, aspecially from Sabina Gadecki as Peggy. That was just unreal how bad it was. I think she might really have been on drugs in this movie. The story is what it is, not the worst but due to all the bad ingredients it's just a terrible movie.
poet1025-1 Welcome to Willits isn't a perfect film, but most of its flaws come from clear budgetary constraints. The film itself is at times laugh out loud funny and can also be tense and very frightening. While it won't win any awards I found it to be one of the more entertaining horror films I've seen so far this year. If you like insane horror comedies like Tucker and Dale vs Evil or even stuff like Edgar Wright's Cornetto Trilogy give this one a look. It plays very much like a low budget version of those films.
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