The Wind
The Wind
| 17 November 1986 (USA)
The Wind Trailers

Mystery writer Sian Anderson leaves her boyfriend John for three weeks of intense writing in the isolated Greek town of Monemvassia. Upon her arrival in the ancient, deserted, walled-in fortress, she is met by Elias Appleby, the round eccentric landlord who guides her through mysterious underground passageways to the house where she will work. He warns her to stay inside at night because of the killer winds that arrive after dark.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Console best movie i've ever seen.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Coventry I assume Greek people have a thing for wind… The popular Greek singer Demis Roussos dedicated a worldwide hit to the weather phenomenon entitled "My Friend the Wind" and the Greek writer/director Nico Mastorakis even revolved a full-length thriller on plain ordinary wind. Mastorakis is known by avid cult/horror fanatics because he made "Island of Death" in 1977, which is one of the most notorious and universally banned movies ever. Not because it's the bloodiest or most disturbing film, but mainly because it's full of perversion and depraved imaginations, like someone doing very anti-catholic things with a baby goat. In the mid-80's, Mastorakis emigrated to the United States and directed a handful of less controversial and semi-successful thrillers, like "Blind Date", "The Zero Boys" and the utterly bonkers "Nightmare at Noon". "The Wind" is a rapidly in-between made straight-to-video effort in which Mastorakis takes his protagonists back to his beloved home country Greece for a very conventional and unsurprising, but nevertheless entertaining cat-and-mouse thriller. Meg Foster, with eyes so crystal blue they glow in the dark, stars as the pseudo-eccentric mystery writer Sian Anderson who travels to a remote and extremely isolated Greek coastal town to work on a new novel in solitude. The town is practically abandoned due to the season and there's a constant heavy and ominous wind blowing from the sea. Sian witnesses how the mentally unstable handyman Phil murders her landlord Elias Appleby and buries his corpse in the garden. From then onwards, she finds herself stalked and threatened by the crazed psychopath but there's nowhere or no one to run to. As said, "The Wind" is a very prototypic and forgettable thriller, but it contains a few noteworthy suspense sequences and more than adequate performances from an terrific cast. Meg Foster is amiable as the damsel in distress and Wing Hauser gloriously goes over-the-top again as the sneering psychopath. The supportive cast is impressive as well with names such as David McCallum, Steve Railsbeck and even classic actor Robert Morley. Even though Hauser's character commits his murders with a sharp and over-sized sickle, fans of gory horror flicks might be disappointed as there's very little bloodshed. The pacing of the film is very uneven and the climax sequence is incredibly stupid, yet still I can't bring myself to rate "The Wind" negatively as I wasn't bored for a minute.
Vomitron_G Starring Meg Foster, Wings Hauser and Steve Railsback, this probably already is enough reason for people to check out "The Wind". It was for me. Writer Sian Anderson (Foster) retreats to an isolated village on a small Greek island to work on her new novel. The island thrives on tourism and it's off-season, meaning all the inhabitants have left to earn a living elsewhere, leaving Sian pretty much in solitude. But there's still Phill (Wings Hauser), helping hand of the landlord and staying on the island to support Sian in her needs. However, Phill turns out to be an utterly demented psychopath, out to stalk & kill Sian. Or, is he, really? Because Sian is a writer with a vivid imagination. And then there's the fierce ocean wind..., which can be both an enemy as well as an ally. The whole film basically is a cat-&-mouse game between Hauser & Foster, first inside the houses and near the end the wonderfully eerie island setting is put to good use. Sadly, the whole notion of 'is it real or just playing inside Sian's head' isn't played out solidly enough. "The Wind" is a bit of a slow mover, but in the end not a bad effort. And Hauser yet again portrays a delicious psychopath. An extra point for director Nico Mastorakis maintaining a consistent tone & atmosphere throughout the whole film (the lighting, dust blowers and architecture worked wonders on some occasions).
brandonsites1981 Suspenseful, atmospheric thriller finds Meg Foster as a novelist who is stalked by Wings Hauser in a small, deserted foreign village during he middle of a really bad wind storm. Takes it time getting started, but worth the wait. The last third is especially exciting. Meg Foster is solid as usual, though Hauser goes over the top. Rated R; Violence and Profanity.
WritnGuy-2 I rented this a while ago, and despite being a bit cheesy, it's still a good movie that goes for a different style. It's actually quite entertaining.Sian Anderson (Meg Foster) goes on a trip to Greece (I think, I can't remember) to work on her next book. She shacks up in an isolated castle, which is pretty creepy. Then Phil (Wings Hauser) begins showing up, and becomes more and more ominous. That night, he shows up once again, and Sian realizes he's a killer. The bulk of the movie is the constant cat and mouse game they play in the castle, all leading up to a pretty scary ending.As I said, I rented this a while ago, and I really can't remember much. I don't even know if I liked it. But whenever I think back, it seems like it was a good movie. I don't know...check it out. It's different. And the fact that it's all just one unrelenting fight between the two characters is pretty interesting, and keeps a good pace. And as I said, the ending is pretty creepy, if I can remember. If you can get a hold of this, rent it or buy it.