Virginia's Run
Virginia's Run
| 03 March 2002 (USA)
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A teenage girl, trying to come to terms with the death of her mother in a horse-riding accident, nurtures the foal of her mother's horse.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
broken_wing116 this is like my most favorite movie in the whole world. i love and ride horses. it's such a heart felt movie. i love how it shows some drama and yet it is still a fun movie that you never get tired of. i think Lindze Letherman is such a great actress and she kinda reminds me a lot of myself. shes really headstrong and won't take no for an answer. anyways if you have not sen this movie before go and rent it or something. it's worth watching! you see a lot of horses running and galloping, which is what i love. this is one of those movies, that no matter how many times you've watched it you wanna watch it over again and again. its exciting and full of horses!
Amy Adler Virginia lives with her father and older sister in Maine, where her father is lobsterman. Her mother died recently in a horse riding accident, it seems. Father sold the horse to a neighbor and has forbidden Virginia to ride. This is a harsh sentence for Virginia, as horses are part of her heart and soul. Twister, the sold horse, dies giving birth to a beautiful foal which Virginia names Stormy. In secret, she begins to ride Stormy and continue on her way to becoming an expert horsewoman. A snooty neighbor boy named Darrow does two reprehensible things toward Virginia's family. First, he nearly kills her sister in a reckless driving adventure. And, second, he convinces his father to sell Stormy. Virginia is heartbroken until her father convinces her to work at a nearby horse farm. What will it take for Virginia and, indeed, all of her family to heal from their loss? This is a lovely film for anyone who loves horses or animals. Stormy is indeed a beauty and Virginia is a teenager with spunk and savvy. All of the actors give nice turns in their respective roles. The scenery is also quite beautiful and there is a bit of a romance, too. If you know of someone who worships horses and dreams of owning a horse, this movie will send them into raptures. All others will sit down and enjoy a nice, family-friendly movie with character.
qhapp1 Wow, that was absolutely terrible. My neighbor lent it to me to watch and told me it was great, but she's clueless when it comes to horses, obviously. I loved how at the beginning of the movie, the pregnant mare is just standing outside. In the rain; a thunderstorm actually. Like anyone with a mare even remotely close to foaling would leave her outside. How stupid. And then she just died for no apparent reason. It sounds terrible, but I totally cracked up.And then I never really got the point of the sister/boyfriend subplot. It was really dumb and predictable.Next point of stupidity: The girl was riding the two-year-old horse at a dead gallop over terrible-looking terrain at night. By the time that horse is 7 or 8, his knees will be so ruined that he won't be capable of cantering with a rider on his back!And the horse was different in almost every scene. He'd change from flea-bitten gray to dapple gray; he'd change from a Quarter Horse to a Thoroughbred; his face markings would change from a blaze to a snip; it was so obvious! Anyway, that's an hour and a half of my life that I'll never have back. If you haven't seen it yet: don't! I am a horse person; I have 2 horses of my own, so naturally I'm very critical of horse movies. But that was the worst I've seen since Black Beauty.
David Matthews O.K. you can see the plot twists coming a mile way but the film ends up being a pleasant experience and a notch better than the usual 'girl and her horse movie' mainly because of the superior production. There is some beautiful Nova Scotia scenery and many shots of galloping horses to delight the horse lovers.The acting is generally good although Gabriel Byrne's mind seems elsewhere and he tends to mumble his lines and that, with his Irish accent makes him difficult to understand sometimes. The two young girls playing his daughters however bear the brunt of the film and they are both excellent and pretty. There is sentiment in the movie but it never gets maudlin. The scene where the girls reminisce about their dead mother is genuinely moving.The lengthy final endurance horse race is well done and the suspense is maintained until the end as the bad guys (more jerks than anything else)try their skullduggery to stop Virginia from race. The kids will love it when one of them gets his comeuppance in that old cliche - the horse trough.There in nothing scary for the kids and when the film is over you are left with a nice warm feeling, which is the way this type of film should leave you.