Violent Shit III: Infantry of Doom
Violent Shit III: Infantry of Doom
| 21 March 1999 (USA)
Violent Shit III: Infantry of Doom Trailers

Karl Jr. continues his killing spree on a remote island with the help of his father and their army of metal masked mercenaries known as the Infantry of Doom. A band of castaways are turned loose in the wilderness and hunted down, where they must fight to survive. They have moon's phase time to make across the island safely.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
TheRetardedVacuum I saw this movie under the title Zombie Doom, I would imagine that the only differences between that version and the original version entitled VS3 Infantry of Doom is that it is dubbed instead of subtitled.This movie has it all, gore, action, ninjas (one of them even has a flying guillotine), hilarious dubbing, even more hilarious and usually nonsensical dialog, the director as a masked killer in a diaper, gore, gore and more gore!!! This isn't what you'd call a "good movie", but there is a lot of fun to be had.For instance, the comical dubbing I mentioned earlier, yeah it really is hilarious. So is the dialog, especially from the character mark, or as I like to call him "the philosopher", spouting such thought provoking lines as:"Trouble is this starts to make us puke at each other, I make them wanna puke, they make me puke and so on""You reach a point, where you just puke at each other. I'll kill 'em all"Watch the movie and you'll understand. As you can already tell this guy seems to be awfully fond of puke.Now for the most important part, the gore. It's there, and it's amazing. Highlights include faces and stomachs being pulled apart with hooks, Karl Jr.'s minions showing one unlucky guy what a "pain in the *ss" he is (emphasis on "pain in the *ss"), a guy who gets sliced clean in half with a machete and then gets his head cut in half as well, a guy who kicks right through a ninja, a guy getting experimented on by having all of his innards pulled out of his body, and much, much more.Several more things of interest include the Black Demons...err... Ninjas...err...Demons, unexplained zombies, the tiny robot killer, not to mention a scene where two characters hide in the bushes from a minion looking to steal his jacket and rather than sneaking up on him, one casually walks out and says "hey retard, I want your jacket", the scene where Karl the Butcher Jr. gives a speech about "friendship" and "peace", and a decapitated head squirting out blood (with the hose visible).All these things make the movie a comical and worthwhile watch, I have never seen any of the other Violent Sh*t movies, but it's not essential to enjoy this movie."The world is full of puke and sh*t, and now a horde of tin masked *ssholes are puked in our faces filled with sh*t" - Mark
slvrfox2k I cannot believe how bad this piece of garbage is! I want my $3.99 back! Words defy description of this poorly made piece of crap! The dubbing in no way shape or form aligns with the actor's mouths. The movie looks like it was filmed with a 1970's vintage camcorder. I have shot better movies with my cell phone camera. The gore is laughable due to the silly unbelievable plot. The acting is what one would expect if you called all your friends over on a Saturday afternoon and proceeded to get completely ripped, then tried to put on a play in your garage. Don't get me wrong...I wasn't expecting O'Neil and I love Zombie movies, but the production values are so low in this film as to make it unwatchable. Avoid!
quincy-wofford No one can say with absolute certainty why the powers that be gave man the ability to think creatively, and that reason was probably not Zombie Doom. While the movie generally is enjoyed by those who watch it, artistic genius is not among the reasons for its success. Written and filmed in 2003 by an under funded German film crew, Zombie Doom pushes the limits of human tolerance for scenes depicting disembowelment, decapitation, and ninjas.The film begins innocently with three friends casually sailing on a nameless sea, where they happen across a nameless island, the serenity, however, wouldn't last long. About 5 minutes and 163 curse words later, the crew is ambushed by a horde of sword carrying tribesmen whose trademark is a cardboard mask covered in aluminum foil. Their leader is known simple as, "The Meister" (The Meister deviates from the cardboard mask tradition and opts for a more stylish horned paint can with holes for the eyes). The Meister leads his horde of men in a quest to…kill people who arrive on the island? Unfortunately the Meister is a mysterious man, so mysterious in fact that he wouldn't even tell the writer of this masterpiece what his goals were. After another 30 minutes the plot not only seamlessly integrates three ninjas who literally descend from trees, but also eliminates the original main characters from the film. The movie carries on with zombies popping up every now and then, only long enough to have their faces literally punched in by the three ninjas. As Zombie Doom came to a close the Meister fell victim to an unknown disease and is succeeded by a lesser minion with an obtusely hairy gut accented by his rather dashing rabbit skin loin cloth (note sarcasm). The new Meister attempts to thwart the enemy ninjas, but is overtaken by the ninja's acquisition of a bazooka.
eer85 Compared to the previous videos by Schnaas, this one is a some sort of a kolossal. There is also some film footage: unfortunately, it's just Super8 and the results are quiet poor, especially in dark scenes. I think this is the only feature where I prefer video than film stock! Schnaas's style has grown a little and, thanks to digital equipment, the editing is much better than his previous movies, even though still far from perfect. The storyline is weak and quiet messed up: you simply follow different characters, while never understanding who is the main one, in different gory situations. The special effects have improved too, even though many of them are still quiet cheesy (the backbone out of the anus for example) especially because of the way they're directed and cut. This time a major inspiration are Hong-Kong films: the action sequences ain't that bad despite their poor nature. If you don't get it seriously, it can be funny to watch.