Varsity Blood
Varsity Blood
NR | 19 August 2014 (USA)
Varsity Blood Trailers

Jocks and cheerleaders head out to a remote farmhouse for a raucous Halloween party, but someone dressed as their school mascot intends to slaughter them all.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
gweez-37769 I have to say I actually like this film. The setup of the story is solid. I really dug the characters in this film the writer I thought did a really good job in character development don't get me wrong there is some really bad acting in this film at times and the kill scenes in this film are poorly executed but there is also some really good acting in this as well. My favorite part of the movie is when the main characters are partying at this abandon farmhouse and they find out that a killer is on the property and they are trapped there. They are in the farmhouse trying to decide their next move or fall prey to the killer. I loved what the writer also director did with this part of the movie you get a great feel for these characters some will surprise you and some is obvious but a real cool scene nevertheless. I recommend this film especially to all slasher film fans at least give it a shot.
ohara55 Wow. The expression "so good it's bad" is overused, but in Varsity Blood's case it's absolutely apropos. I was enthralled. With porn level acting, 25 to 30 year-olds playing teens, chunks of inane exposition dialog, this flick has enough cheese to keep a contingent of Frenchmen content for generations to come. I especially appreciated the waterboy character charging around with a rifle which he knows is not loaded and then the end face-off between the killer and our heroine where she waves a handgun as if it's a knife and the killer reacts as if it's one also. The movie moves along at a good pace, the limited and brief gore is decent and I liked the killer's mascot mask.
Bloodmarsh Krackoon It's hard to think of a way to describe how completely awful 'Varsity Blood' is. It's one of those films that still hasn't gotten over the popularity of 'Troll 2,' and instead of attempting to make a watchable horror film, they think of ways to make you shut the damn thing off. Okay, we get it, 'Troll 2' was so awful that you have to enjoy it - and believe it or not, I own the DVD, but enough is enough. No film will ever be able to match the 'so bad, it's good' cult following that 'Troll 2' has, so just move on and try making a watchable film.The acting is so bad in 'Varsity Blood,' that when you believe you found the worst actor on the planet, a new character comes into the picture and you go back to thinking it can't get any worse - but somehow it goes on throughout the film. The killers costume is dreadful, and because of the body size of the killer, you won't have any trouble figuring out the 'twist.' And when the killer does make his final appearance, you'll finally be able to solve the puzzle of who the worst actor in the film truly is.Random Ramblings of a Madman: No one should ever see this film.
lewis-sands The team is ready, and the girls are all in, time to have a party! Right? Besides, Halloween always makes it better! Right? All the makin's of a great ol' horror flick! RIGHT? Well..I would have enjoyed saying YES! but I can't. I just can't! Difficult movie to review. Why? Because the whole thing was a poor excuse for a horror, and a movie.(moho) maybe if the timing had been better? Or maybe if the actors meshed a little better? Or maybe if the story had...AWW! I can't, i just Can't!! Sorry folks but this movie was, to me, about as good as this review...I would give you more but i believe everyone is entitled to their own opin-viewing. Enjoy your time at the movies, i did!